
145 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-09-23 17:12:49 +00:00
;(c) 2021 by 4am
!cpu 6502
2021-09-23 17:12:49 +00:00
hgrhi = $BE01 ; [$C0 bytes] HGR base addresses
hgrlo = $BD01 ; [$C0 bytes] HGR base addresses
src = $F0
dst = $F2
row1 = $F4
row2 = $F5
mask1 = $F6
mask2 = $F7
!source "src/fx/macros.a"
!source "src/constants.a"
lda #$00
sta row1
lda #$C0
sta row2
lda #4
sta mask1
ldy #13
sty mask2
- lda copymasks_even2, y
eor #$7F
sta copymasks_even1, y
lda copymasks_odd2, y
eor #$7F
sta copymasks_odd1, y
bpl -
ldx row1
lda hgrlo, x
sta src
sta dst
lda hgrhi, x
sta dst+1
eor #$60
sta src+1
ldx mask1
ldy #39
- lda (src), y
eor (dst), y ; merge source and destination bits
and copymasks_odd1, x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest
eor (dst), y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact
sta (dst), y ; write the result
lda (src), y
eor (dst), y ; merge source and destination bits
and copymasks_even1, x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest
eor (dst), y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact
sta (dst), y ; write the result
bpl -
ldx row2
lda hgrlo-1, x ; row2 is off-by-1 so we can use a BEQ to terminate
sta src
sta dst
lda hgrhi-1, x
sta dst+1
eor #$60
sta src+1
ldx mask2
ldy #39
- lda (src), y
eor (dst), y ; merge source and destination bits
and copymasks_odd2, x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest
eor (dst), y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact
sta (dst), y ; write the result
lda (src), y
eor (dst), y ; merge source and destination bits
and copymasks_even2, x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest
eor (dst), y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact
sta (dst), y ; write the result
bpl -
inc mask1
lda mask1
cmp #14
bne +
lda #0
sta mask1
dec mask2
bpl +
lda #13
sta mask2
bit $C000
bmi Exit
inc row1
dec row2
+LBNE RowLoop
Exit rts
!byte %10000000
!byte %11100000
!byte %11111000
!byte %11111100
!byte %11111100
!byte %11111110
!byte %11111110
!byte %11111110
!byte %11111110
!byte %11111100
!byte %11111100
!byte %11111000
!byte %11100000
!byte %10000000
!byte %10000000
!byte %10000011
!byte %10001111
!byte %10011111
!byte %10011111
!byte %10111111
!byte %10111111
!byte %10111111
!byte %10111111
!byte %10011111
!byte %10011111
!byte %10001111
!byte %10000011
!byte %10000000