some comments

This commit is contained in:
4am 2021-10-08 12:20:42 -04:00
parent 5c5638e727
commit 1d3f612c79
3 changed files with 39 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,28 @@
# create or truncate merged-effects file
:>| "$3"
# make temp file with list of effect names
grep -v "^$" < "$1" | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^\[" > "$records"
# make temp assembly source file that represents the binary OKVS data structure
(echo "*=0"
echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records"), 0"
(echo "*=0" # dummy program counter for assembler
echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records"), 0" # OKVS header
while read -r key; do
echo "!byte ${#key}+5"
echo "!byte ${#key}"
echo "!text \"$key\""
echo "!be24 $(wc -c <"$3")"
cat "build/FX/$key" >> "$3"
echo "!byte ${#key}+5" # OKVS record length
echo "!byte ${#key}" # OKVS key length
echo "!text \"$key\"" # OKVS key (effect name)
echo "!be24 $(wc -c <"$3")" # offset into merged-effects file
cat "build/FX/$key" >> "$3" # add effect code into merged-effects file
# (all effects were previously assembled)
done < "$records") > "$source"
# assemble temp source file to create binary OKVS data structure
acme -o "$2" "$source"
# clean up
rm "$source"
rm "$records"

View File

@ -2,19 +2,21 @@
# run from project root directory
:>| "$1"
# make in-memory array of game filenames
games=$(grep "," res/GAMES.CONF | grep -v "^#" | cut -d"," -f2 | cut -d"=" -f1 | sort)
# first help text is the 'TODO' placeholder screen
for c in {A..Z}; do
echo "group$c"
echo "group$c" # group games by first letter
for game in $(echo "$games" | grep "^$c"); do
echo "!byte ${#game}"
echo "!text \"$game\""
echo "!byte ${#game}" # key length
echo "!text \"$game\"" # key (game filename)
if [ -f "res/GAMEHELP/$game" ]; then
echo "!be24 $(wc -c <"$1")"
echo "!be24 $(wc -c <"$1")" # value (3-byte big-endian offset into merged help file)
cat res/GAMEHELP/"$game" >> "$1"
echo "!be24 0"
echo "!be24 0" # if game has no help, reuse placeholder at offset 0
done > "$2"

View File

@ -2,18 +2,25 @@
# run from project root directory
# make temp file with just the key/value pairs (strip blank lines, comments, eof marker)
grep -v "^$" < "$1" | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^\[" > "$records"
# make temp assembly source file that represents the binary OKVS data structure
(echo "*=0"
echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records"), 0"
(echo "*=0" # dummy program counter for assembler
echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records"), 0" # OKVS header
while IFS="=" read -r key value; do
echo "!byte ${#key}+${#value}+3"
echo "!byte ${#key}"
echo "!text \"$key\""
echo "!byte ${#value}"
echo "!text \"$value\""
echo "!byte ${#key}+${#value}+3" # OKVS record length
echo "!byte ${#key}" # OKVS key length
echo "!text \"$key\"" # OKVS key
echo "!byte ${#value}" # OKVS value length
echo "!text \"$value\"" # OKVS value
done < "$records") > "$source"
# assemble temp source file to create binary OKVS data structure
acme -o "$2" "$source"
# clean up
rm "$source"
rm "$records"