build improvements (no binary changes)

This commit is contained in:
4am 2024-06-10 19:45:17 -04:00
parent c95ddcae8b
commit 7016bf19bb
3 changed files with 112 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ index: preconditions md asmfx asmprelaunch asmdemo compress extract
# in the form of OKVS data structures, plus game counts in the form of source files
[ -f build/index ] || $(PARALLEL) ::: \
'(grep "^00" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count00.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG /dev/null > build/SEARCH00.IDX)' \
'(grep "^0" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count01.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG build/DHGR.TITLES.LOG > build/SEARCH01.IDX)' \
'(grep "^.0" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count10.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG /dev/null > build/SEARCH10.IDX)' \
'(bin/ src/index/count11.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG build/DHGR.TITLES.LOG < build/GAMES.CONF > build/SEARCH11.IDX)'
'(grep "^00" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count00.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG "" > build/SEARCH00.IDX)' \
'(grep "^0" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count01.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG build/DHGR.TITLES.LOG > build/SEARCH01.IDX)' \
'(grep "^.0" < build/GAMES.CONF | bin/ src/index/count10.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG "" > build/SEARCH10.IDX)' \
'(bin/ src/index/count11.a build/HGR.TITLES.LOG build/DHGR.TITLES.LOG < build/GAMES.CONF > build/SEARCH11.IDX)'
# add IDX files to the combined index file and generate
# the index records that callers use to reference them

bin/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# parameters
# stdin - input containing list of game metadata, filename, display name (e.g. GAMES.CONF or some subset of it)
# stdout - binary OKVS data structure
# 1 - output filename for game count in assembler code format
# 2 - input filename of HGR titles, offsets, and sizes
# 3 - input filename of DHGR titles, offsets, and sizes
import argparse
import pprint
import struct
import sys
gSearchIndex = 0x6000 # must match gSearchIndex in src/constants.a
# indexes into |flags| as string
iDHGRTitle = 2
iCheatCategory = 3
iSingleLoad = 4
# maps of flag raw string value -> value in final flags byte
kHasDHGRTitle = {'0': 0, '1': 128}
kSingleLoad = {'0': 0, '1': 64}
def parse_log_file(filename):
rv = {}
if filename:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = [x.strip().split(',') for x in f.readlines()]
for title, offset, size in lines:
rv[title] = (int(offset), int(size))
return rv
def build(records, args):
# records is [(flags, key, value), (flags, key, value) ...]
hgr_cache = parse_log_file(args.input_hgr_log_file)
dhgr_cache = parse_log_file(args.input_dhgr_log_file)
cache_ptr = {'0': hgr_cache, '1': dhgr_cache}
record_count = len(records)
# generate source file with game count
with open(args.output_game_count_file, 'w') as file_handle:
; Game count
; This file is automatically generated
!word {record_count:>8}
# yield OKVS record count (2 bytes, unsigned int, little-endian)
yield struct.pack('<H', record_count)
# yield OKVS lookup table address (2 bytes, unsigned int, little-endian)
# lookup table is stored after all record data, so first calculate total record size
# record_count * (length-prefixed key + length-prefixed value + 8 other bytes)
# then lookup table address is that + gSearchIndex + 4 bytes for the OKVS header
total_record_size = len("".join([x for xs in records for x in xs[1:]])) + 10*record_count
yield struct.pack('<H', total_record_size + gSearchIndex + 4)
rec_key_address = gSearchIndex + 5
key_addresses = []
for flags, key, value in records:
rec_length = len(key) + len(value) + 10
rec_key_address += rec_length
# yield record length (1 byte)
yield struct.pack('B', rec_length)
# yield key (Pascal-style string)
yield struct.pack(f'{len(key)+1}p', key.encode('ascii'))
# yield value (Pascal-style string)
yield struct.pack(f'{len(value)+1}p', value.encode('ascii'))
yield struct.pack('B', 1)
# yield flags
has_dhgr_title = dhgr_cache and flags[iDHGRTitle] or '0'
yield struct.pack('B', kHasDHGRTitle[has_dhgr_title] + \
kSingleLoad[flags[iSingleLoad]] + \
rec_offset, rec_size = cache_ptr[has_dhgr_title][key]
# yield record offset (3 bytes, big-endian, unsigned long)
yield struct.pack('>L', rec_offset)[1:]
# yield record size (2 bytes, little-endian, unsigned short)
yield struct.pack('<H', rec_size)
# yield lookup table
yield struct.pack(f'<{record_count}H', *key_addresses)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Build indexed OKVS structure for search cache")
args = parser.parse_args()
records = [x.strip() for x in sys.stdin.readlines()]
records = [x.replace('=',',').split(',')
for x in records
if x and x[0] not in ('#', '[')]
for b in build(records, args):

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# parameters
# stdin - input containing list of game metadata, filename, display name (e.g. GAMES.CONF or some subset of it)
# stdout - binary OKVS data structure
# 1 - output filename for game count in assembler code format
# 2 - input filename of HGR titles, offsets, and sizes
# 3 - input filename of DHGR titles, offsets, and sizes
# make temp file with just the key/value pairs (strip blank lines, comments, eof marker)
tr -d "\r" | awk '!/^$|^#/' > "$records"
# read logs of offsets & sizes for HGR and DHGR titles
# that were generated by an earlier script
hgrlog=$(< "$2")
dhgrlog=$(< "$3")
# generate source file with game count
(echo ";"
echo "; Game count"
echo ";"
echo "; This file is automatically generated"
echo ";"
echo "!word $(wc -l < "$records")") > "$1"
# make temp assembly source file that represents the binary OKVS data structure
(echo '*=$6000'
echo "!le16 $(wc -l <"$records")" # OKVS header
echo "!word KeyLookup"
while IFS="=" read -r key value; do
if [ -z "$dhgrlog" ]; then
dhgr=$(echo "$key" | cut -c3) # 'has DHGR title screen' flag (0 or 1)
cheat=$(echo "$key" | cut -c4) # 'cheat category' (0..7)
single=$(echo "$key" | cut -c5) # 'single-load' flag (0 or 1)
key=$(echo "$key" | cut -d"," -f2)
if [ "$dhgr" -eq "0" ]; then
offset=$(echo "$offset" | awk -F, '/^'"$key"',/ { print $2 }')
size=$(echo "$size" | awk -F, '/^'"$key"',/ { print $3 }')
echo "!byte ${#key}+${#value}+10" # OKVS record length
echo "Key${count}"
echo "!byte ${#key}" # OKVS key length
echo "!text \"$key\"" # OKVS key (filename)
echo "!byte ${#value}" # OKVS value length
echo "!text \"$value\"" # OKVS value (display name)
echo "!byte 1"
echo "!byte $((dhgr*128))+$((single*64))+$cheat"
echo "!be24 $offset"
echo "!le16 $size"
done < "$records"
echo "KeyLookup"
for i in $(seq $count); do
echo "!word Key$i"
) > "$source"
# assemble temp source file into binary OKVS data structure, then output that
acme -o "$out" "$source"
cat "$out"
# clean up
rm "$out"
rm "$source"
rm "$records"