toggle both pages in search mode, update match highlighting even if screenshot doesn't change, support Esc to clear

This commit is contained in:
4am 2019-06-19 22:13:49 -04:00
parent 4803b46472
commit b0c585dc13

View File

@ -8,28 +8,28 @@
; indices into InputDispatchTable
kInputSearchKey= 0
kInputBackspace= 1
kInputEnter = 2
kInputSearch = 0
kInputClear = 1
kInputBack = 2
kInputLaunch = 3
!word OnSearchKey
!word OnBackspace
!word OnEnter
!word OnSearch
!word OnClear
!word OnBack
!word OnLaunch
jsr Home ; switches to text mode
jsr Home
lda #0
sta OffscreenPage
sta InputLength
jsr OnInputChanged
bit $C054 ; show it
jsr OnInputChanged ; draw default UI on HGR page 1
bit $C052
bit $C057
bit $C050
bit $C010
- lda $C000
@ -39,16 +39,20 @@ InputLoop
cmp #$7F ; delete key
bne +
- jsr ResetTextRank
ldx #kInputBackspace
- ldx #kInputBack
bne InputDispatch ; always branches
+ cmp #$08 ; left arrow = delete
beq -
cmp #$1B ; Esc clears the input buffer
bne +
ldx #kInputClear
bne InputDispatch ; always branches
cmp #$0D ; ENTER launches the current game (if any)
bne +
ldx #kInputEnter
ldx #kInputLaunch
bne InputDispatch ; always branches
cmp #$30 ; control keys and punctuation ignored
@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ InputLoop
jmp InputLoop ; and start over
ldx #kInputSearchKey
ldx #kInputSearch
; execution falls through here
pha ; save key pressed
@ -87,7 +91,16 @@ InputDispatch
@j jsr $FDFD ; SMC
jmp InputLoop
ldx InputLength
bne +
jsr SoftBell
+ ldx #0
stx InputLength
jmp OnInputChanged
ldx InputLength
bne +
jsr SoftBell
@ -95,11 +108,11 @@ OnBackspace
+ dec InputLength
jmp OnInputChanged
ldx InputLength
cpx #MaxInputLength
bne +
@ -114,7 +127,7 @@ OnInputChanged
bne @findMatchingTitle
; no input, reset params and UI
lda #$FF
sta SelectedIndex ; reset selected index
sta SelectedIndex ; no game selected
ldx #40 ; reset visible line
lda #0
- sta UILine1-1,x
@ -128,18 +141,19 @@ OnInputChanged
lda #$7F
sta UILine2+1
lda OffscreenPage
beq +
lda #$40
+ lda #$20
sta @coveraddress+1
jsr SetPath
jsr LoadFile ; load default background at $2000
lda #22 ; draw visible search bar
sta VTAB
clc ; on page 1
jsr Draw40Chars
jmp Draw40Chars
jsr LoadFileAt ; load default background
!word $FD00
jsr _DrawSearchBarOffscreen
jmp _ShowOtherPage
jsr ResetTextRank
@ -148,28 +162,47 @@ OnInputChanged
!word gGamesListStore ; and rank them for the best match
!word TextRankCallback ; to the current input buffer
lda MatchCount ; check match count
bne @yeschange
lda MatchCount ; any matches at all?
bne +
jsr SoftBell ; no matches for this input buffer, beep
dec InputLength ; and ignore the last key typed
lda BestMatchIndex
cmp SelectedIndex ; we found a 'new' best match but it's the
beq @nochange ; same as the current match, so we're done
; TODO re-highlight here
lda BestMatchIndex ; check if the new best match is the same
cmp SelectedIndex ; as the current best match
php ; (we'll use this later to skip reloading)
sta SelectedIndex ; we have a new best match, so load the
sta @index ; new title screenshot and display the
jsr okvs_nth ; new game title in the search bar
sta SelectedIndex
sta @index
jsr okvs_nth
!word gGamesListStore
@index !byte $FD
+STAY @key
; load game title page at $4000 (page 2, not currently visible)
+LOAD_FILE kHGRTitleDirectory, @key
bne +
lda OffscreenPage
eor #$01
sta OffscreenPage
jmp @skipload
lda OffscreenPage ; we have a new best match, so load the
beq + ; new title screenshot (offscreen)
lda #$40
+ lda #$20
sta @titleaddress+1
+LDADDR kHGRTitleDirectory
jsr SetPath
+LDADDR kPathSeparator
jsr AddToPath
+LDAY @key
jsr AddToPath
jsr LoadFileAt
!word $FD00
jsr okvs_get
!word gGamesListStore
@key !word $FDFD
@ -183,14 +216,14 @@ OnInputChanged
bcc +
lda #" "
+ lda (SRC),y
+ lda (SRC),y ; copy game title to search UI
sta UILine2,y
cpy #MaxInputLength+1
bcc -
ldx #40
lda #0
- sta UILine1-1,x
- sta UILine1-1,x ; reset search bar
bne -
@ -198,7 +231,7 @@ OnInputChanged
cmp InputBuffer,x
bne +
lda #$0B ; dot to highlight matched character
lda #$0B ; add dots to highlight matched characters
sta UILine1,y
cpx InputLength
@ -208,32 +241,29 @@ OnInputChanged
cpy #40
bne -
jsr _DrawSearchBarOffscreen; actually draw the search UI (offscreen)
jmp _ShowOtherPage ; now show everything at once
lda #22 ; draw search bar
lda #22 ; draw visible search bar
sta VTAB
sec ; on page 2, not currently visible
lda OffscreenPage
ror ; draw on offscreen page
jsr Draw40Chars
lda OffscreenPage
ror ; draw on offscreen page
jsr Draw40Chars
dec VTAB
jmp Draw40Chars
lda OffscreenPage
eor #$01
sta OffscreenPage
bne +
bit $C055 ; show page 2
ldx #$20 ; copy back to page 1
stx @b+2 ; TODO delete this and use LoadFileAt
lda #$40 ; to load title screenshots on different
sta @a+2 ; pages
ldy #0
@a lda $4000,y
@b sta $2000,y
bne @a
inc @a+2
inc @b+2
bne @a
bit $C054 ; show page 1
+ bit $C054 ; show page 1
@ -252,3 +282,9 @@ UILine2
!byte $7F
!text " "
!text "] 000 games"
!byte 1 ; 0 = currently showing HGR page 2
; (so offscreen is page 1 @ $2000)
; 1 = currently showing HGR page 1
; (so offscreen is page 2 @ $4000)