Detect broken VBL on Mac IIe card

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txgx42 2022-10-05 23:58:19 -04:00
parent f6a55dc181
commit d649597e2b

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BuildVBLFunction
beq @build_iic ; //c family
lda romid_mac
beq @build_none ; broken in some versions, disable
beq @build_iiecard ; Mac Apple IIe card
jsr idroutine ; check for IIgs
bcs @NotGS
@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ BuildVBLFunction
lda #$4C
sta UnwaitForVBL
lda $FBBE ; check IIe card software version because v2.2.2d1 is broken
cmp #$03 ; $03 = v2.2.x
bne @NotGS ; all other versions are ok
ldy #$08 ; Found v2.2.x but don't know which one, so test if VBL works
ldx #$00
- bit $C019
bmi @NotGS
bne -
dey ; keep checking for ~22,000 cycles (a little over 1/50 of a second)
bne - ; if no VBL by then fall through to @build_none
lda #$60
sta WaitForVBL