support MicroDrive

This commit is contained in:
Peter Ferrie 2019-09-29 08:08:57 -07:00
parent 7f8001d3f5
commit f33ba08c7c
6 changed files with 49 additions and 219 deletions

View File

@ -1,73 +1 @@
# Revision 3 / unreleased
## Enhancements & bug fixes
- Cheat system (press Ctrl-C in search or browse mode to toggle)
- 42 games offer cheats
- Fixed corrupted graphics in Asteroid Blaster
- Fixed corrupted graphics in Sneakers game, demo, and screenshots, and now we are entirely done with this I promise
- Added missing levels in Out Of This World
- Removed latent copy protection in Sea Dragon (sneaky sneaky)
- Prevent flashes of other game screenshots while loading the game you actually want
- Fixed freeze on startup with certain accelerators
- Fixed launching from partition 3 or 4
- Fixed crashes on II+
# Revision 2 / serial number 190914
## New games
- Asteroid Blaster
- Aztec
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
- Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
- Diamond Mine
- Free Fall
- Hyper Head-On
- Indiana Jones
- Out Of This World
- Sea Dragon
- Seafox
- Situation Critical
- Star Thief
- The Spy Strikes Back
## New demos
- Alien Munchies
- Alien Typhoon
- Axis Assassin
- Battlezone
- Beer Run
- Bellhop
- Brainteaser Blvd
- Cyclod
- Dig Dug
- Falcons
- Labyrinth
- Space Eggs
- Star Blazer
## Enhancements & bug fixes
- Pressing Space will now show a game's screenshots, as well as Tab
- Pressing right arrow will now progress through a slideshow without waiting
- Startup is noticeably faster
- Castle Wolfenstein has been upgraded to the 1984 re-release with updated graphics
- Mr. Do now shows its own in-game attract mode
- Mr. Do no longer crashes on level 8
- Prince of Persia no longer crashes on startup
- Zaxxon no longer crashes after a game ends
- Several games no longer crash on the //c
- Sneakers demo has corrected graphics
- Plasmania demo has corrected graphics
- Properly detect VidHD in slot 3
- Properly set alternate display mode on IIgs (fixes Centipede, Mr. Do)
- No longer crashes after loading a double hi-res screenshot from a SCSI hard drive
- Small high score files are saved (fixes Apple Cider Spider, Lancaster)
- Some double hi-res screenshots were being skipped even if the game was available
- Disk image is now exactly 32 MB
# Revision 1 / serial number 190720
Initial release
# Revision 3 / unreleased ## Enhancements & bug fixes - Cheat system (press Ctrl-C in search or browse mode to toggle) - 42 games offer cheats - Fixed corrupted graphics in Asteroid Blaster - Fixed corrupted graphics in Sneakers game, demo, and screenshots, and now we are entirely done with this I promise - Added missing levels in Out Of This World - Removed latent copy protection in Sea Dragon (sneaky sneaky) - Prevent flashes of other game screenshots while loading the game you actually want - Fixed freeze on startup with certain accelerators - Fixed launching from partition 3 or 4 - Fixed crashes on II+ - Fixed launching from MicroDrive and ProDOS 2.5 # Revision 2 / serial number 190914 ## New games - Asteroid Blaster - Aztec - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein - Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom - Diamond Mine - Free Fall - Hyper Head-On - Indiana Jones - Out Of This World - Sea Dragon - Seafox - Situation Critical - Star Thief - The Spy Strikes Back ## New demos - Alien Munchies - Alien Typhoon - Axis Assassin - Battlezone - Beer Run - Bellhop - Brainteaser Blvd - Cyclod - Dig Dug - Falcons - Labyrinth - Space Eggs - Star Blazer ## Enhancements & bug fixes - Pressing Space will now show a game's screenshots, as well as Tab - Pressing right arrow will now progress through a slideshow without waiting - Startup is noticeably faster - Castle Wolfenstein has been upgraded to the 1984 re-release with updated graphics - Mr. Do now shows its own in-game attract mode - Mr. Do no longer crashes on level 8 - Prince of Persia no longer crashes on startup - Zaxxon no longer crashes after a game ends - Several games no longer crash on the //c - Sneakers demo has corrected graphics - Plasmania demo has corrected graphics - Properly detect VidHD in slot 3 - Properly set alternate display mode on IIgs (fixes Centipede, Mr. Do) - No longer crashes after loading a double hi-res screenshot from a SCSI hard drive - Small high score files are saved (fixes Apple Cider Spider, Lancaster) - Some double hi-res screenshots were being skipped even if the game was available - Disk image is now exactly 32 MB # Revision 1 / serial number 190720 Initial release

View File

@ -15,19 +15,7 @@
jsr IsLowPartition ; check if running from partition 1-4 (required)
bcc +
ldy #@noHighPartlen
- lda @s_noHighPart,y
sta $6B1,y
bpl -
bmi @hang
@s_noHighPart !scrxor $80,"RUN FROM PARTITION 1-4"
+ jsr Has64K ; check for 64K (required)
jsr Has64K ; check for 64K (required)
bcc +
ldy #@no64Klen
@ -149,7 +137,6 @@ NotGS clc
!source "src/prorwts2.a"
; these routines will only be called once, from main memory, before relocating to language card
!source "src/hw.diskcheck.a"
!source "src/hw.vidhd.a"
!source "src/hw.memcheck.a"
!source "src/hw.joystick.a"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
; D000..E5F4 - persistent data structures (per-game cheat categories,
; gGlobalPrefsStore, gGamesListStore)
; ...unused...
; ECDC..FFF9 - main program code
; EC9F..FFF9 - main program code
; FFFA..FFFF - NMI, reset, IRQ vectors

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
; IsLowPartition
; Checks whether image was run from partition 1-4
; in: none
; out: C clear if partition is acceptable
; C set if partition is not acceptable
; all other flags and registers clobbered
DEVADR01HI = $bf11 ;ProDOS constant
DEVNUM = $bf30 ;ProDOS constant
sta x80_parms + 1
sta unit
and #$70
lda DEVADR01HI, y
cmp #$c8
bcc @GoodPartition
;find the SmartPort device
ldx #$c8
- dex
stx ldrhi
ldy #0
sty ldrlo
lda (ldrlo), y
cmp #$20
bne -
lda (ldrlo), y
bne -
lda (ldrlo), y
cmp #3
bne -
ldy #$ff
lda (ldrlo), y
beq -
sta ldrlo
;detect extended remapping
lda #<(readbuff + $200)
sta adrlo
lda #>(readbuff + $200)
sta adrhi
lda #2
sta x80_parms + 4
sta bloklo
lda #0
sta x80_parms + 5
sta blokhi
lda #cmdread
sta command
jsr @dispatch
jsr MLI
!byte $80
!word x80_parms
ldy #$0f
- lda readbuff + 4, y
cmp readbuff + $204, y
bne @BadPartition
bpl -
!byte $24
jmp (ldrlo)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
; A=0, X and Y preserved
; stack set to next instruction after parameters
packet = first_zp ;word
ipacket = first_zp ;word
buffer = first_zp+2 ;word
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ ProDOS_enter
jsr @fetchbyte
sta @request+1
jsr @fetchbyte
sta packet
sta ipacket
jsr @fetchbyte
sta packet+1
sta ipacket+1
lda @fetchaddr+2
lda @fetchaddr+1
@ -98,19 +98,19 @@ ProDOS_enter
ldy #2
jsr @setbuffer
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
ldy #$d1 ; SMC
jsr hddseekrd+2
bcc @jmp_zp2 ;always
lda packet+1
lda ipacket+1
lda packet
lda ipacket
ldx #namlo
jsr @setbuffer1
@ -120,25 +120,25 @@ ProDOS_enter
lda #$10
sta attribpatch
sta packet
sta ipacket
sta packet+1
sta ipacket+1
ldy #5
lda ldrlo2
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
lda ldrlo2+1
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
ldy #$13
lda (bloklo), y
lda (bloklo), y
ldy #9
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
jmp @restore_zp
@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ ProDOS_enter
ldx #0
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
sta @handle-1, x
jsr @patch_buffer
lda #1
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
lda #0
sta reqcmd
sta sizehi
@ -252,20 +252,20 @@ ProDOS_enter
jsr hddrdwrpart
ldy #6
lda sizelo2
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
lda sizehi2
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
jmp @restore_zp
ldy #2
lda bleftlo
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
lda blefthi
sta (packet), y
sta (ipacket), y
bcs @restore_zp ;always
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ ProDOS_enter
ldy #1
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
lda @handle-1, x
jsr @patch_buffer
@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ ProDOS_enter
ldy #1
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
sta $0,x
lda (packet), y
lda (ipacket), y
sta $1,x
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ SaveSmallFileInternal
sta ldrhi
lda #cmdwrite ; write (instead of read)
sta reqcmd
sta sizelo ; non-zero
sta sizehi ; 512 bytes
jmp hddopendir ; exit via ProRWTS2 (must re-open the file after query)

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ver_02 = 1
verbose_info = 0 ;set to 1 to enable display of memory usage
enable_floppy = 0 ;set to 1 to enable floppy drive support
poll_drive = 0 ;set to 1 to check if disk is in drive, recommended if allow_multi is enabled
allow_extend = 0 ;enable support for more than four partitions (note: it has overhead)
allow_extend = 1 ;enable support for more than two MicroDrive (or more than four CFFA) partitions
override_adr = 1 ;set to 1 to require an explicit load address
aligned_read = 0 ;set to 1 if all reads can be a multiple of block size
enable_readseq=0 ;set to 1 to enable reading multiple sequential times from the same file without seek
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ adjpath tya
bne readblock
;unit to slot for SmartPort interface
;unit to slot for ProDOS interface
+++ pla
@ -380,8 +380,19 @@ adjpath tya
ldx DEVADR01HI, y
!if (enable_floppy + allow_extend) > 0 {
cpx #$c8
bcc set_slot
!if enable_floppy = 1 {
ora #$c0
} else { ;enable_floppy = 0
;find SmartPort device for basic MicroDrive support
ldx #$c8
- dex
stx blokhi
@ -403,6 +414,8 @@ adjpath tya
ldy #$ff
lda (bloklo), y
beq -
} ;enable_floppy
} ;enable_floppy or allow_extend
set_slot stx slot + 2
!if allow_extend = 1 {
@ -419,7 +432,9 @@ slot ldx $cfff
} ;enable_floppy
stx unrentry2 + 1
!if allow_extend = 1 {
;use ProDOS entrypoint instead
bcc bankram
;use SmartPort entrypoint instead
@ -441,9 +456,9 @@ slot ldx $cfff
!byte $80
!word x80_parms
bcc + ;always
iterunit inc iterunit + 1
iterunit inc unrunit2
;enable use of ProDOS SmartPort entrypoint
;enable use of SmartPort entrypoint
lda #$2c
sta unrentry2
@ -2075,10 +2090,8 @@ hddnextent ldy #0
and #$0f
- cmp (namlo), y
beq hddfoundname
ora #$80
cmp (namlo), y
- eor (namlo), y
beq hddfoundname
;match failed, check if any directory entries remain
@ -2135,20 +2148,8 @@ hddfoundname iny
ldy reqcmd
cpy #cmdwrite ;control carry instead of zero
bne +
;round requested size up to nearest block if writing
lda sizelo
adc #$fe
lda sizehi
adc #1
and #$fe
sta sizehi
!if aligned_read = 0 {
stx sizelo
!if bounds_check = 1 {
} ;bounds_check
} ;aligned_read
} ;enable_write
@ -2851,7 +2852,7 @@ packet !byte 3
unrunit2 = unrelochdd + (* - reloc)
!byte 0
!word readbuff + $200
!word 2
!byte 2, 0, 0
} ;allow_extend
!if rwts_mode = 1 {