;license:MIT ;(c) 2020 by 4am & qkumba ; !source "src/fx/macros.a" InitOnce bit .Start lda #$4C sta InitOnce +LDADDR .FXCodeFile ldx #>FXCode jsr iLoadFXCODE ; initialize and copy stage drawing routines table into place ldx #0 txa - sta EndStagesHi, x inx bne - - lda StagesHi, x sta DHGR48StageDrawingRoutines, x inx bne - beq .Start ; always branches .FXCodeFile +PSTRING "DHGR48" .Start jsr FXCode ; vector to building phase ; to inititalize drawing routines and tables ; copy this effect's initial stages to zp ldx #47 - ldy BoxInitialStages, x sty DHGR48BoxStages, x dex bpl - jmp FXCode+3 ; exit via vector to drawing phase BoxInitialStages