;license:MIT ;(c) 2018-2021 by 4am & qkumba ; ; Parser for global preferences file ; ; Public functions ; - pref_get ; - pref_set ; - SaveSmallFile ; ; Public constants (all length-prefixed strings) ; - kNextAttract ; - kNextFX ; - kNextDFX ; - kCheat ; kGlobalPrefsBuffer = $BD00 ; [512 bytes] must be page-aligned ; valid pref keys kNextAttract +PSTRING "NEXTATTRACT" kNextFX +PSTRING "NEXTFX" kNextDFX +PSTRING "NEXTDFX" kNextSFX +PSTRING "NEXTSFX" kCheat +PSTRING "CHEAT" .kEquals !byte 1 !raw "=" .kLF !byte 1,$0A .kFluff1 !byte .kFluff2-*-1 !raw "# Total Replay preferences file",$0A !raw "# Do not edit by hand.",$0A !raw "# Or do. I'm a comment, not a cop.",$0A !byte $0A !raw "# value=module listed in ATTRACT.CONF",$0A .kFluff2 !byte .kFluff3-*-1 !byte $0A !raw "# value=effect listed in FX.CONF",$0A .kFluff3 !byte .kFluff4-*-1 !byte $0A !raw "# value=effect listed in DFX.CONF",$0A .kFluff4 !byte .kFluff5-*-1 !byte $0A !raw "# value=effect listed in SFX.CONF",$0A .kFluff5 !byte .kEOF-*-1 !byte $0A !raw "# value=0 or 1",$0A .kEOF !byte ._-*-1 !byte $0A !raw "[eof]",$0A ._ .addStringFromStore +ST16 .key jsr .addString +LDADDR .kEquals jsr .addString jsr okvs_get !word gGlobalPrefsStore .key !word $FDFD ; SMC jsr .addString +LDADDR .kLF ; execution falls through here .addString +ST16 $00 ldy #0 lda ($00),y beq PREFRTS tay clc adc $FE tax - lda ($00),y dey sta ($FE),y bne - stx $FE bcc PREFRTS inc $FF PREFRTS rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; pref_get ; get pref value by pref key, and optionally validate that the pref value ; exists as a key in another OKVS ; ; example usage: ; jsr pref_get ; !word kNextFX ; !word gFXStore ; ; See above for list of valid pref keys. ; ; The OKVS you pass in as the second parameter must have at least 1 record. ; This is not checked. ; ; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] address of length-prefixed pref key ; +3 [word] address of OKVS, or 0 ; gGlobalPrefsStore must be initialized (this is done in 4cade.init) ; out: A/Y = address of pref value ; $WINDEX = index of pref value in passed store ; PARAM clobbered ; PTR clobbered ; SRC clobbered ; SAVE clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pref_get +PARAMS_ON_STACK 4 jsr .set_store01 jsr okvs_get ; look up pref key in prefs store, sets PTR to value !word gGlobalPrefsStore .store0 !word $FDFD ; SMC bcs .useDefaultValue ; if pref key is not found, use default value ldx .store1+1 beq PREFRTS ; if no OKVS to validate against, we're done +ST16 + ldy #0 lda (PTR),y beq .useDefaultValue ; if pref value is empty, use default value jsr okvs_get ; check whether the pref value exists as a key in the passed-in store .store1 !word $FDFD ; SMC + !word $FDFD ; SMC bcc + ; found key, continue .useDefaultValue ; did not find key, use first key in passed store as a default value sta WINDEX sta WINDEX+1 + +LD16 .store1 jmp okvs_nth .set_store01 ldx #0 lda #.store1 - .store0 .set_store23 pha ldy #1 jsr + iny pla tax + lda (PARAM), y sta .store0, x iny lda (PARAM), y sta .store0 + 1, x rts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; pref_set ; set pref value by pref key, serialize prefs, and write them to disk ; ; in: stack contains 4 bytes of parameters: ; +1 [word] address of length-prefixed pref key ; +3 [word] address of length-prefixed pref value ; out: all registers and flags clobbered ; PARAM clobbered ; PTR clobbered ; SRC clobbered ; $FE/$FF clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pref_set +PARAMS_ON_STACK 4 ldx #.store2 - .store0 lda #.store3 - .store0 jsr .set_store23 jsr okvs_update ; save that in prefs store !word gGlobalPrefsStore .store2 !word $FDFD ; SMC .store3 !word $FDFD ; SMC +LDADDR kGlobalPrefsBuffer ; clear prefs buffer +ST16 $FE ldx #$02 ldy #$00 tya - sta ($FE),y iny bne - inc $FF dex bne - dec $FF dec $FF +LDADDR .kFluff1 ; serialize prefs into prefs buffer jsr .addString +LDADDR kNextAttract jsr .addStringFromStore +LDADDR .kFluff2 jsr .addString +LDADDR kNextFX jsr .addStringFromStore +LDADDR .kFluff3 jsr .addString +LDADDR kNextDFX jsr .addStringFromStore +LDADDR .kFluff4 jsr .addString +LDADDR kNextSFX jsr .addStringFromStore +LDADDR .kFluff5 jsr .addString +LDADDR kCheat jsr .addStringFromStore +LDADDR .kEOF jsr .addString +LDADDR kGlobalPrefsFilename ; write prefs buffer to file on disk jsr SetPath ; /!\ execution falls through here to glue.prorwts/SaveSmallFile ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SaveSmallFile ; Save a file into memory all at once, using ProRWTS2. ; /!\ Only first block (512 bytes) is written. Keep those files small. /!\ ; /!\ All 512 bytes are written to disk. Clear buffer before calling. /!\ ; /!\ Address is hardcoded to kGlobalPrefsBuffer /!\ ; ; supports paths, see note ; ; in: A/Y points to data buffer ; gPathname contains path+filename to write ; out: all flags clobbered ; all registers clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SaveSmallFile jsr SwitchToBank2 jsr SaveSmallFileInternal jmp SwitchToBank1