;license:MIT ;(c) 2021 by qkumba/Frank M. !cpu 6502 !to "res/DEMO/SPACE.QUARKS",plain *=$B000 !source "src/constants.a" ; no code in these !source "src/macros.a" +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 jsr EnableAccelerator +LOAD_FILE_AT space_quarks, $00 lda #0 sta $40B4 ; (moved to $3F2) reset fix sta $40C0 ; (moved to $3FE) IRQ fix lda #1 sta $40B4+1 sta $40C0+1 lda #$A4 sta $40B4+2 lda #$4C sta $3EC9 jsr $3E65 ; decompress lda #$EA sta $1C38 sta $1C39 sta $1C3A sta $0D6F sta $0D70 sta $0D71 lda #$4C sta $1C3F sta $0D76 ldx #0 stx $1C40 stx $0D77 inx stx $1C41 stx $0D78 ldx #16 - lda patch, x sta $72BD, x dex bpl - jsr DisableAccelerator +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE jmp $20A space_quarks !byte 27 !text "X/SPACE.QUARKS/SPACE.QUARKS" patch !byte $F0,$08,$AD,$00,$C0,$10,$0D,$4C,$00,$01,$CE,$24,$02,$F0,$F8,$68,$68