;license:MIT ;(c) 2019-2020 by Andrew Roughan, qkumba, 4am ; ; Mockingboard support functions ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GetMockingboardStuff ; detect Mockingboard card by searching for 6522 timers across all slots 7->1 ; access 6522 timers with deterministic cycle counts ; ; based on prior art in Mockingboard Developers Toolkit ; with optimisation from deater/french touch ; also takes into account FastChip //e clock difference ; ; in: A/Y contains address of callback to call if card was found ; (this will be called before the speech detection routine, and ; (zp$81 will contain the slot in form $Cx) ; /!\ ALL ACCELERATORS MUST BE OFF OR SET TO 1 MHZ ; out: if card was found, X = #$?n where n is the slot number of the card, otherwise #$00 ; and bit 6 = 0 if Mockingboard Sound I found ; or bit 6 = 1 if Mockingboard Sound II or "A" found ; and bit 7 = 1 if Mockingboard Sound/Speech I or "C" found ; flags clobbered ; zp $80-$82 clobbered ; A/Y clobbered ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetMockingboardStuff +ST16 @callback+1 lda #$00 sta $80 sta $82 ; type ldx #$C1 @slotLoop stx $81 ldy #$04 ; 6522 #1 $Cx04 jsr @timercheck beq @foundI @nextSlot inx cpx #$C8 bne @slotLoop ldx #$00 ; not found rts @foundI ; sound I or better jsr @callback ldy #$84 ; 6522 #2 $Cx84 jsr @timercheck beq @foundII ldy #$0c sty @mb_smc3 + 1 iny sty @mb_smc8 + 1 iny sty @mb_smc7 + 1 sty @mb_smc11 + 1 +HIDE_NEXT_2_BYTES @foundII ;stereo ror $82 lda $81 sta @mb_smc1 + 2 sta @mb_smc2 + 2 sta @mb_smc3 + 2 sta @mb_smc4 + 2 sta @mb_smc5 + 2 sta @mb_smc6 + 2 sta @mb_smc7 + 2 sta @mb_smc8 + 2 sta @mb_smc9 + 2 sta @mb_smc10 + 2 sta @mb_smc11 + 2 sta @mb_smc12 + 2 sta @mb_smc13 + 2 ; detect speech chip sei lda #<@mb_irq sta $3fe sta $fffe lda #>@mb_irq sta $3ff sta $ffff lda #0 @mb_smc1 sta $c403 @mb_smc2 sta $c402 lda #$0c @mb_smc3 sta $c48c lda #$80 @mb_smc4 sta $c443 lda #$c0 @mb_smc5 sta $c440 lda #$70 @mb_smc6 sta $c443 lda #$82 @mb_smc7 sta $c48e ldx #0 ldy #0 sec cli @wait_irq lda $80 bne @got_irq iny bne @wait_irq inx bne @wait_irq clc @got_irq sei ror $82 @onlyI lda $81 and #7 ora $82 tax lda #Ignore sta $ffff rts ; found @timercheck sec lda ($80),y ; read 6522 timer low byte sbc ($80),y ; second time cmp #5 ; looking for (-)8 cycles between reads beq + cmp #6 ; FastChip //e clock is different + rts @mb_irq lda #2 @mb_smc8 sta $c48d lda #0 @mb_smc9 sta $c440 lda #$70 @mb_smc10 sta $c443 sta $80 lda #2 @mb_smc11 sta $c48e lda #$ff @mb_smc12 sta $c403 lda #7 @mb_smc13 sta $c402 lda $45 rti @callback jmp $FDFD ; SMC