;license:MIT ;(c) 2020 by qkumba ; ; Identify platform and construct appropriate VBL routine romid = $FBB3 ; $38=][, $EA=][+, $06=//e compatible ROMID_IIECOMPAT = 6 romid_ec = $FBC0 ; $EA=//e original, $E0=//e enhanced, $E1=//e EDM, $00=//c romid_mac = $FBDD ROMID_IIECARD = 2 ; IIGS idroutine = $FE1F ; SEC, JSR $FE1F, BCS notgs BuildVBLFunction ; in: ROM must be banked in for reading ldx romid cpx #ROMID_IIECOMPAT bne @build_none ; not a //e lda romid_ec beq @build_iic ; //c family lda romid_mac cmp #ROMID_IIECARD beq @build_iiecard ; Mac Apple IIe card sec jsr idroutine ; check for IIgs bcs @NotGS lda #$30 sta patch_VBL_iigs1 lda #$10 sta patch_VBL_iigs2 @NotGS rts @build_iic sta patch_VBL_iic2+1 lda #$70 sta patch_VBL_iic1+1 lda #$10 sta patch_VBL_iic3 lda #iWaitForVBL sta WaitForVBL+2 lda #$4C sta UnwaitForVBL rts @build_iiecard lda $FBBE ; check IIe card software version because v2.2.2d1 is broken cmp #$03 ; $03 = v2.2.x bne @NotGS ; all other versions are ok ldy #$08 ; Found v2.2.x but don't know which one, so test if VBL works ldx #$00 - bit $C019 bmi @NotGS dex bne - dey ; keep checking for ~22,000 cycles (a little over 1/50 of a second) bne - ; if no VBL by then fall through to @build_none @build_none lda #$60 sta WaitForVBL rts