;license:MIT ;(c) 2019 by 4am !cpu 6502 !to "build/PRELAUNCH/TWERPS",plain *=$106 !source "src/prelaunch/common.a" +GET_MACHINE_STATUS and #CHEATS_ENABLED sta patch+1 ldx #(end_patch-patch-1) ; copy patch code to zero page (stack will be destroyed by the time we need to patch) - lda patch,x sta <($100-end_patch+patch),x dex bpl - lda #($100-end_patch+patch) sta $1DF6 lda #$00 sta $1DF7 jmp $1D97 ; decompress and show title patch lda #0 ; SMC beq + ; lives in $14FE lda #$AD sta $0640 ; patch - don't decrease lives sta $0774 ; patch - don't decrease lives sta $0F05 ; patch - don't decrease lives + jmp $0400 end_patch !if * > $1C0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }