;license:MIT ;(c) 2019-2022 by qkumba/Frank M. !cpu 6502 !to "build/PRELAUNCH.INDEXED/SKYFOX",plain *=$106 !source "src/prelaunch/common.a" jmp + callback2 jsr $BC03 lda #$85 ldx #$A5 cmp $7FB5 bne plane stx $7FB5 ; patch - don't increase damage stx $9327 ; patch - don't decrease fuel plane cmp $9BC7 bne nopatch stx $156A ; patch - don't decrease fuel stx $9281 ; patch - don't decrease fuel stx $9BC7 ; patch - don't increase damage callback1 sec sbc #8 cmp #2 nopatch lda #0 rts + +ENABLE_ACCEL inc $80 ; requires a non-zero value for the RNG lda #$60 sta $7E3A jsr $4635 ldx #$82 ; READ_ROM_NO_WRITE stx $101 ldx #$A6 stx $104 ldx #$FA stx $105 ; update TR hook to reboot sta $5FFC sty $5FFD ; moved to LC $FFFC/D lda #$4C sta $6872 lda # $1C0 { !error "code is too large, ends at ", * }