!ifndef _FX_MACROS_ { !source "src/macros.a" ; .hgrlo, .hgr1hi will each be filled with $C0 bytes ; based on routine by John Brooks ; posted on comp.sys.apple2 on 2018-07-11 ; https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.sys.apple2/v2HOfHOmeNQ/zD76fJg_BAAJ !macro BUILD_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES .hgrlo, .hgr1hi { ; preserves Y ldx #0 +BUILD_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES_X_IS_ALREADY_0 .hgrlo, .hgr1hi } ; use this macro instead if you know X is already 0 on entry, to save 2 bytes !macro BUILD_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES_X_IS_ALREADY_0 .hgrlo, .hgr1hi { ; preserves Y - txa and #$F8 bpl + ora #5 + asl bpl + ora #5 + asl asl sta .hgrlo,x txa and #7 rol asl .hgrlo,x rol ora #$20 sta .hgr1hi,x inx cpx #$C0 bne - } ; .hgrlomirror, .hgr1himirror will each be filled with $C0 bytes !macro BUILD_HGR_MIRROR_LOOKUP_TABLES .hgrlomirror, .hgr1himirror { ldx #$C0 ldy #0 - tya and #$F8 bpl + ora #5 + asl bpl + ora #5 + asl asl sta .hgrlomirror-1,x tya and #7 rol asl .hgrlomirror-1,x rol ora #$20 sta .hgr1himirror-1,x iny dex bne - } !macro HGR_CALC { ; in: A = HGR row (0x00..0xBF) ; out: A/X clobbered ; Y preserved ; ($26) points to first byte of given HGR row on hi-res page 1 ; ($3C) points to same byte on hi-res page 2 ; based on 'Woz Recodes Hi-Res Address Calculations' ; Apple Assembly Line vol. 7 issue 3 (December 1986) ; http://www.txbobsc.com/aal/1986/aal8612.html#a9 asl tax and #$F0 bpl @calc1 ora #$05 @calc1 bcc @calc2 ora #$0A @calc2 asl asl sta $26 txa and #$0E adc #$10 asl $26 rol sta $27 eor #$60 sta $3d lda $26 sta $3c } !macro HGR_ROW_CALC { asl asl asl +HGR_CALC } ; /!\ C must be clear before using this macro !macro HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK { lda $27 adc #$04 sta $27 eor #$60 sta $3d } !macro RESET_HGR_CALC { lda $27 sec sbc #$20 sta $27 eor #$60 sta $3d } !macro COPY_BIT .src1, .dest1, .copymasks { lda (.src1),y eor (.dest1),y ; merge source and destination bits and .copymasks,x ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest eor (.dest1),y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact sta (.dest1),y ; write the result } !macro COPY_BIT_ZP .src1, .dest1, .zpcopymask { lda (.src1),y eor (.dest1),y ; merge source and destination bits and <.zpcopymask ; isolate the bits to replace, zero the rest eor (.dest1),y ; unmerge source and destination bits, leaves 'to keep' destination bits intact sta (.dest1),y ; write the result } !macro SWITCH_TO_MASKS .copy { lda #<.copy sta CopyMaskAddr lda #>.copy sta CopyMaskAddr+1 } ; must set N flag based on Y immediately before using these macros ; e.g. LDY, INY, DEY, TYA !macro IS_Y_OFFSCREEN { bpl + sec bcs ++ + cpy #40 ++ } !macro BRANCH_IF_Y_IS_OFFSCREEN .target { cpy #40 bcs .target } !macro LONG_BRANCH_IF_Y_IS_OFFSCREEN .target { cpy #40 bcc + jmp .target + } _FX_MACROS_=* }