;license:MIT ;(c) 2018 by 4am ; ; Functions to launch games and self-running demos ; ; Public functions ; - PlayGameFromSearch ; - PlayGameFromAttract ; ; Public variables ; - SelectedIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gGamesStore of currently selected game in search mode ; - gCurrentAttractIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gAttractModeStore of current Mega-Attract Module ; - gCurrentlyVisibleSlideshowIndex ; [byte] numeric index in gSlideshowStore of currently visible slideshow picture ; (only valid during slideshows, not updated once a key is pressed) PlayGameFromSearch jsr okvs_nth !word gGamesListStore SelectedIndex !byte $FD ; SMC jmp Go PlayGameFromAttract +LDADDR kAttractModeConfFile jsr SetPath jsr LoadFile ; load attract-mode configuration file at $8000 jsr ParseKeyValueList ; parse attract-mode configuration into OKVS data structure at $6000 !word gAttractModeStore !word ldrlo2 ; (ldrlo2) points to last load address, so $8000 !byte 0 jsr okvs_nth ; get filename of current attract-mode module !word gAttractModeStore gCurrentAttractIndex !byte $FD ; set in AttractMode +STAY @key jsr okvs_get !word gAttractModeStore @key !word $FDFD ; SMC +STAY PTR ldy #1 lda (PTR),y and #$0F bne @playFromSlideshow ; we reached here by pressing during a self-running demo, ; which means that @key points to the filename of the game we want to play +LDAY @key jmp Go @playFromSlideshow ; we reached here by pressing during a slideshow ; gSlideshowStore is still in memory, and gCurrentlyVisibleSlideshowIndex ; is the index into gSlideshowStore of the picture that is being displayed jsr okvs_nth !word gSlideshowStore gCurrentlyVisibleSlideshowIndex !byte $FD ; set in HGRTitleCallback, HGRActionCallback, DHGRTitleCallback +STAY @sskey +STAY @sskey2 jsr okvs_get !word gGamesListStore @sskey !word $FDFD ; SMC bcs + +LDAY @sskey jmp Go + ; if the key is not found, try getting the value of the current record ; from gSlideshowStore and using that instead ; (some games have multiple action screenshots, value points to the key in gGamesListStore) jsr okvs_get !word gSlideshowStore @sskey2 !word $FDFD ; SMC bcc Go rts Go +STAY PTR bit $C010 ; forget the key that was pressed ldx #1 sec !byte $2c -- pha clc php ldy #0 lda (PTR), y tay iny sty @runlength+1 ldy #0 lda #'X' sta ProDOS_prefix+1 lda #'/' - inx sta ProDOS_prefix, x iny lda (PTR), y @runlength cpy #$D1 ; SMC bne - txa plp bcs -- stx ProDOS_prefix +LDADDR ProDOS_prefix jsr SetPath jsr LoadFile pla sta ProDOS_prefix copy_prelaunch +READ_RAM2_WRITE_RAM2 ldx #1 - lda $100,x sta $DF00,x ; backup stack inx bne - tsx ; backup stack pointer stx $DF00 lda #$38 ; 'sec' opcode sta RestoreStackNextTime ; tell |Reenter| to restore stack ldx #(End_Prelaunch-Prelaunch-1) - lda Prelaunch,x ; copy pre-launch code to main memory sta $100,x dex bpl - ldx #(end_promote-promote-1) - lda promote,x ; copy ProDOS shim to main memory sta $bf00,x dex bpl - jmp $106 ; jump to pre-launch code ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Prelaunch ; code to set up machine for running a self-running, self-terminating game demo ; DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY ; must be run from main memory ; contains multiple entry points ; ; in: none ; out: exits via JMP (ldrlo2), which is expected to exit via JMP |Prelaunch| ; (not here, but wherever it was copied to in main memory) or by ; manually enabling LC RAM then JMP |Reenter| ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prelaunch ; this runs from main memory ; entry point used by some self-running demos lda $C088 jmp Reenter ; entry point to launch game +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE lda ldrlo2 ; set up game entry point in stack page ldy ldrhi2 ; (last load address - 1) sec sbc #$01 bcs + dey + +STAY $1FE ldx #0 ; wipe zero page txa - sta $00,x inx bne - lda #$65 ; initialize random seed (some games like Pooyan sta $4E ; require these to be non-zero) lda #$02 sta $4F jsr $FE89 ; initialize machine like a cold boot (many jsr $FE93 ; games assume a 'clean slate' and rely on jsr $FE84 ; zero page values set by these ROM routines, sta $C000 ; e.g. Wavy Navy just prints out text via $FDED sta $C002 ; and expects it to work) sta $C004 sta $C00C sta $C00E jsr $FB2F jsr $FC58 ldx #$FD ; jump to game entry point via stack pop txs rts End_Prelaunch