;license:MIT ;(c) 2019 by 4am ; !cpu 6502 !to "build/FX/SOFT.L",plain *=$6000 y = $fc row = $fd col = $fe counter = $ff !source "src/fx/macros.a" lda #(40+7-1) ; columns + blocks per row - 1 sta counter lda #39 sta col ColLoop lda #23 sta row RowLoop ; [speedopt] calculate HGR base addresses once per row lda row asl asl asl +HGR_CALC ldy col +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block2 ; [speedopt] HGRBlockCopyWithMask but hardcoded for this block's masks ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks1 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - ; [speedopt] reset HGR base addresses instead of recalculating them from scratch +RESET_HGR_CALC @block2 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block3 ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks2 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - +RESET_HGR_CALC @block3 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block4 ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks3 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - +RESET_HGR_CALC @block4 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block5 ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks4 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - +RESET_HGR_CALC @block5 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block6 ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks5 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - +RESET_HGR_CALC @block6 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @block7 ldx #7 clc - +COPY_BIT $3c, $26, copymasks6 +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - +RESET_HGR_CALC @block7 iny +IS_Y_OFFSCREEN bcs @nextrow ; [speedopt] HGRBlockCopy but inlined ldx #7 clc - lda ($3c),y sta ($26),y +HGR_INC_WITHIN_BLOCK dex bpl - ; don't need RESET_HGR_CALC here because we're done with this row @nextrow dec row +LBPL RowLoop lda $c000 bmi @exit dec col dec counter +LBNE ColLoop @exit rts copymasks1 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10001000 !byte %10001000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 copymasks2 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10010100 !byte %10001000 !byte %10001000 !byte %10010100 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 copymasks3 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 !byte %10011100 !byte %10011100 !byte %10011100 !byte %10011100 !byte %10000000 !byte %10000000 copymasks4 !byte %10000000 !byte %10101010 !byte %10011100 !byte %10111110 !byte %10011100 !byte %10011100 !byte %10101010 !byte %10000000 copymasks5 !byte %10000000 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %10000000 copymasks6 !byte %11010101 !byte %10111110 !byte %11111111 !byte %10111110 !byte %11111111 !byte %10111110 !byte %10111110 !byte %11010101 !source "src/wait.a" !source "src/fx/fx.hgr.common.a" !source "src/fx/hw.vbl.a"