Beer Run lives in $621F $1E20: CE 1F 62 DEC $621F $6D5C: EE 1F 62 INC $621F $7354: EE 1F 62 INC $621F $7D5C: EE 1F 62 INC $621F Bouncing Kamungas lives in $0213 $69DC: CE 13 02 DEC $0213 $6C9A: EE 13 02 INC $0213 $6C9D: EE 13 02 INC $0213 Brainteaser Blvd lives in $74 $1338: C6 74 DEC $74 $10A8: E6 74 INC $74 Crazy Mazey lives in $0326 $0EC2: CE 26 03 DEC $0326 $1105: EE 26 03 INC $0326 Crossfire lives in $4C1F but copied from $4C16 $4785: E9 01 SBC #$01 -> E9 00 $4940: 69 00 ADC #$00 -> 24 00 $49AF: 69 01 ADC #$01 -> 69 00 $569A: 69 01 ADC #$01 -> 69 00 Defender lives in $9E $7579: C6 9E DEC $9E -> A5 9E $6567: E6 9E INC $9E -> A5 9E Diamond Mine lives in $B9 $1112: D6 B9 DEC $B9,X -> B5 B9 LDA $B9,X $0940: F6 B9 INC $B9,X -> B5 B9 LDA $B9,X (incomplete) Eggs-It lives in $7801 $962A: CE 01 78 -> AD Free Fall lives in $1532 $0E19: CE 32 15 -> AD 32 15 $19F2: CE 32 15 -> AD $0E69: EE 32 15 -> AD $7E11: EE 32 15 $BE11: EE 32 15 Gamma Goblins lives in $06FE $4EF3: CE FE 06 -> AD FE 06 $7F61: 69 02 -> 69 00 Genetic Drift lives in $10 $5846: 85 10 -> A5 10 Gold Rush lives in $0A33, capped at 9 $13EE: CE 33 0A -> AD 33 0A Gorgon lives in $70 $A5B0: C6 70 -> A5 70 Gremlins lives in $76 and $084A,X (0/1 for player 1/2) $54B2: C6 76 -> A5 76 $54B6: DE 4A 08 -> BD 4A 08 $5165: E6 76 -> A5 76 $5162: FE 4A 08 -> BD 4A 08 HERO lives in $28, capped at 6 bombs in $29 but the routine that gives you bonus points at the end of the level assumes that they decrement otherwise you get bonus points forever and never get to advance to the next level :( $6387: C6 28 -> A5 28 to never decrease lives $70BC: F0 33 -> 24 33 to allow planting bombs even if you don't have any Lancaster lives in $0ED7 $1661: CE D7 0E -> AD D7 0E $1476: EE D7 0E -> AD D7 0E Lazer Silk lives in $CE $7BA0: C6 CE -> A5 CE $806A: E6 CE -> A5 CE Up'n Down lives in $1B,X (X=0/1 for player 1/2) $0912: D6 1B -> B5 1B Hungry Boy lives in $B6 $70F4: C6 B6 -> A5 B6 Hyper Head On lives in $79 $04B0: C6 79 -> A5 79 $05FB: E6 79 -> A5 79 Sammy Lightfoot lives in $734E (player 1), $734F (player 2) $7B8B: CE 4E 73 -> AD 4E 73 $7B81: CE 4F 73 -> AD 4F 73 Serpentine lives in $D8 (capped at 3) $868F: C6 D8 -> A5 D8 Jumpman lives in $B7 $8FF3: C6 B7 -> A5 B7 $93B1: C6 B7 -> A5 B7 $A598: E6 B7 -> A5 B7 Kid Niki lives in $084A $BD34: CE 4A 08 -> AD 4A 08 Lady Tut lives in $07 $76AC: C6 07 -> A5 07 Pooyan lives in $0F82,X (X=0/1 for player 1/2) $7D7E: DE 82 0F -> BD 82 0F $7D9A: DE 82 0F -> BD 82 0F $758A: FE 82 0F -> BD 82 0F Twerps lives in $14FE $0640: CE FE 14 -> AD FE 14 $0774: CE FE 14 -> AD FE 14 $0F05: CE FE 14 -> AD FE 14 Spy's Demise lives in $17 $6D8A: C6 17 -> A5 17 $6DD0: E6 17 -> A5 17 Xevious lives in $602B $6414: CE 2B 60 -> AD 2B 60 $6A8C: EE 2B 60 -> AD 2B 60 $750D: EE 2B 60 -> AD 2B 60 $894F: EE 2B 60 -> AD 2B 60 Threshold lives in $778F $45B0: CE 8F 77 -> AD 8F 77 $7ECD: EE 8F 77 -> AD 8F 77 Tubeway ][ lives in $A3 $9083: C6 A3 -> A5 A3 $A1FA: E6 A3 -> A5 A3 $A735: E6 A3 -> A5 A3 Mr. Robot lives in $EF $777B: E9 01 -> E9 00 $78C4: 69 01 -> 69 00 Lode Runner lives in $98, capped at 255 $613F: C6 98 -> A5 98 Championship Lode runner lives in $7D, capped at 255 $61AB: C6 7D -> A5 7D $60DD: A9 05 -> A9 FF to start with 255 lives Spy Hunter reset vector to $100: $0D8E: E8 -> 00 $0D93: 0B -> 01