;license:MIT ;(c) 2018-2021 by 4am ; ; ProDOS - functions for constructing and passing around ProDOS pathnames ; ; Public functions ; - SetPath ; - AddToPath ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; SetPath/AddToPath ; append a length-prefixed string to gPathname ; SetPath will reset the path first ; ; in: A contains low byte of address of length-prefixed string to append ; Y contains high byte of address of length-prefixed string to append ; out: all registers and flags clobbered ; $02/$03 (PTR/PTR+1) clobbered ; gPathname updated with concatenated length-prefixed string ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SetPath kRootDirectory=*+1 ldx #0 stx gPathname ; execution falls through here !if RELBASE != $2000 { !ifdef PASS2 { } else { ;PASS2 !if * != iAddToPath { !error "iAddToPath=",*, ", fix constants.a, rebuild prelaunch" } } } AddToPath +ST16 PTR ldy #0 lda (PTR),y ; length of this segment beq @done tay iny sty @max ldx gPathname ; current pathname length ldy #$01 - lda (PTR),y sta gPathname+1,x inx iny @max = *+1 cpy #$D1 ; SMC bcc - stx gPathname @done rts kHGRTitleDirectory !byte 10 !raw "TITLE.HGR/" kDHGRTitleDirectory !byte 11 !raw "TITLE.DHGR/" kAnimatedTitleDirectory !byte 15 !raw "TITLE.ANIMATED/" kHGRActionIndexFile !byte 8 !raw "HGR" gHGRActionIndexNumber !raw "_" !raw ".IDX" kHGRActionDataFile !byte 7 !raw "HGR.ALL" kDHGRActionDirectory !byte 12 !raw "ACTION.DHGR/" kGRActionDirectory !byte 10 !raw "ACTION.GR/" kDemoDirectory !byte 5 !raw "DEMO/" kGameDirectory !byte 2 !raw "X/" kGameDirectoryLen = 3 ; we need this elsewhere kFXDirectory !byte 3 !raw "FX/" kPrelaunchIndexFile !byte 13 !raw "PRELAUNCH.IDX" kPrelaunchFulFile !byte 13 !raw "PRELAUNCH.ALL" kStandardPrelaunch !byte 8 !raw "STANDARD" kGlobalPrefsFilename !byte 10 !raw "PREFS.CONF" kAttractModeIndexFile !byte 11 !raw "ATTRACT.IDX" kMiniAttractIndexFile !byte 15 !raw "MINIATTRACT.IDX" kAttractModeFulFile !byte 15 !raw "MINIATTRACT.ALL" kAttractModeSlideshowIndexFile !byte 13 !raw "SLIDESHOW.IDX" kAttractModeSlideshowFulFile !byte 13 !raw "SLIDESHOW.ALL" kFXIndexFile !byte 6 !raw "FX.IDX" kFXFile !byte 6 !raw "FX.ALL" kDFXIndexFile !byte 7 !raw "DFX.IDX" kGameHelpIndexFile !byte 12 !raw "GAMEHELP.IDX" kGameHelpFile !byte 12 !raw "GAMEHELP.ALL" kSHRArtworkIndexFile !byte 11 !raw "ARTWORK.IDX" kSHRArtworkDataFile !byte 11 !raw "ARTWORK.ALL" kCreditsFile !byte 7 !raw "CREDITS" kHelpBackgroundFile !byte 4 !raw "HELP" kHelpTextFile !byte 8 !raw "HELPTEXT" kTitleFile !byte 5 !raw "TITLE" kCoverFile !byte 5 !raw "COVER" kCoverFadeFile !byte 9 !raw "COVERFADE" kGRFizzleFile !byte 9 !raw "GR.FIZZLE" kSFXFizzleFile !byte 10 !raw "SHR.FIZZLE" kDecrunchFile !byte 8 !raw "DECRUNCH" kJoystickFile !byte 8 !raw "JOYSTICK"