#1 title screen / high scores screen
$61F6 is after key is pressed
$6201 is after button is pressed

#2 demo player playing real levels
$6056 starts attract mode (after title screen has been shown long enough)
$69B8 checks for key (or button)
$69CD is after key/button is detected [9 bytes available]
$61F3 is after demo player has died, high score screen has been shown, jumps back to $6008 to display title screen again [3 bytes available]

$61FB: F0 -> 24 to ignore <Ctrl-E> (would otherwise enter editor)
$61FD: F0 -> 24 to ignore <RETURN> (would otherwise show high scores)
$6201: A2008696E886 -> AD88C06CFCFF to exit after user presses any key
$69CD: 46AC46 -> 4C0162 to exit after user presses button
$61F4: 0860 -> 0162 to exit after demo player dies