;license:MIT ;(c) 2019-2020 by 4am ; copymasks = $0200 ; $100 bytes but sparse, index is 0..7 but in high 3 bits, so $00, $20, $40... tmplo = $0300 ; $C0 bytes extra_cols = $02F8 ; $08 bytes tmphi = $BF40 ; $C0 bytes hgrlo3a = $BC00 ; $80 bytes hgrlo3b = $BC80 ; $80 bytes hgrlo3c = $BD00 ; $80 bytes hgrhi3a = $BD80 ; $80 bytes hgrhi3b = $BE00 ; $80 bytes hgrhi3c = $BE80 ; $80 bytes Coordinates3Bit= $6B00 ; pixel data is $5001 bytes ($5000 on disk + 1 byte as EOF marker) ; and for optimization we only support loading external files page-aligned ; and $BC00+ is used by the 3bit macros for data tables ; so we load at $6B00 and waste $FF bytes at $BB01+ but it's okay !source "src/fx/macros.a" !macro BUILD_EXTRA_COLS { ; build lookup table to get $20+y for y in $00..$07 ldx #$07 ldy #$27 - tya sta extra_cols-$20, y dey dex bpl - } !macro BUILD_SPARSE_BITMASKS_3BIT { ; build sparse lookup tables for bitmasks lda #%10000011 sta copymasks lda #%10001100 sta copymasks+$20 lda #%10110000 sta copymasks+$40 lda #%11000000 sta copymasks+$60 lda #%10000001 sta copymasks+$80 lda #%10000110 sta copymasks+$A0 lda #%10011000 sta copymasks+$C0 lda #%11100000 sta copymasks+$E0 } !macro BUILD_3BIT_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES { +BUILD_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES tmplo, tmphi ldx #$BF ldy #$3F - lda tmplo, x sta hgrlo3c, y sta hgrlo3c+$40, y lda tmphi, x sta hgrhi3c, y sta hgrhi3c+$40, y dex lda tmplo, x sta hgrlo3b, y sta hgrlo3b+$40, y lda tmphi, x sta hgrhi3b, y sta hgrhi3b+$40, y dex lda tmplo, x sta hgrlo3a, y sta hgrlo3a+$40, y lda tmphi, x sta hgrhi3a, y sta hgrhi3a+$40, y dex dey bpl - } !macro ROW_X_TO_3BIT_BASE_ADDRESSES { ; X = $00..$3F, mapping to row 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, ... 189 lda hgrlo3a, x sta Coordinates3Bit sta $f1 lda #<(Coordinates3Bit + $5000 - 2) sta $f2 lda #>(Coordinates3Bit + $5000 - 2) sta $f3 ldx #$28 ; #$50/2 clc !byte $24 - sec -- lda ($f0), y pha lda ($f2), y sta ($f0), y pla sta ($f2), y iny bcc - ldy #0 !byte $24 - clc inc $f0 bne + inc $f1 dex beq ++ + lda $f2 bne + dec $f3 + dec $f2 bcs - bcc -- ; always branches ++ } !macro FX_RIPPLE_3BIT { ldx #$1B - lda ripplezp, x sta $e0, x dex bpl - --- ldx #$0c -- ldy $ee, x lda $ef, x jsr aslmod sty $ee, x sta $ef, x sty $ec clc adc #>Coordinates3Bit sta $ed ldy #0 !byte $24 - sec lda ($ec), y pha lda $de, x sta ($ec), y pla sta $de, x inx iny bcc - dex dex dex dex bne -- dec $ee bne --- dec $ef bpl --- bmi ++ ; always branches aslmod jsr + + cmp #$28 bcc + iny + pha tya asl tay pla rol cmp #$50 bcc + sbc #$50 + rts ripplezp !byte $1F,$F3,$20,$F3,$20,$14,$20,$D3 !byte $1E,$F3,$1F,$54,$00,$00,$AA,$06 !byte $02,$00,$04,$00,$06,$00,$0C,$00 !byte $16,$00,$1A,$00 ++ } !macro FX_PRECOMPUTED_3BIT .coords { +BUILD_3BIT_HGR_LOOKUP_TABLES +BUILD_EXTRA_COLS +BUILD_SPARSE_BITMASKS_3BIT ldx #(end-start-1) ; copy InputLoop code to zero page - lda start, x sta $0, x dex bpl - jmp InputLoop start !pseudopc 0 { Exit3Bit rts InputLoop ldy #0 input=*+1 lda .coords, y bmi Exit3Bit ; if high bit is 1 then we're done cmp #$40 php tax +ROW_X_TO_3BIT_BASE_ADDRESSES inc