;license:MIT ;(c) 2020, 2022 by qkumba !cpu 6502 !to "build/PRELAUNCH/BERZAP.MB",plain *=$200 !source "src/constants.a" ; no code in these !source "src/macros.a" +GET_MOCKINGBOARD_SLOT_AND_MACHINE_STATUS and #CHEATS_ENABLED beq ++ php lda #$ad ldy $3d94 cpy #$ce bne + sta $3d94 ; patch - don't decrease lives sta $6573 ; patch - don't increase lives sta $76b9 ; patch - don't increase lives + ldy $684e cpy #$ee bne + sta $684e ; patch - don't increase lives sta $735f ; patch - don't increase lives + ldy $6a70 cpy #$ee bne + sta $6a70 ; patch - don't increase lives sta $72d7 ; patch - don't increase lives + plp ++ bcc skipmb lda #$0C sta $978D cpx #$C4 beq skipslot txa ldx $3FCD ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne ++ ldy #0 - ldx $3FCD,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $3FCD,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + iny bne - ++ ldx $9743 ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne ++ - ldx $9743,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $9743,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + ldx $988D,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $988D,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + ldx $ACE0,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $ACE0,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + iny bne - sta $9A63 sta $9A6B sta $AB1D ++ ldx $89D5 ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne skipslot ldy #0 - ldx $89D5,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $89D5,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + ldx $9464,Y ;find #$C4s cpx #$C4 bne + sta $9464,Y ;Replace #$C4 with detected slot + iny bne - skipslot jsr setopt skipmb jmp ($b599) setopt lda $65AB cmp #3 bne ++ ldy #0 sty $382 ; joystick ldx #2 iny ; Sound/Speech I +READ_RAM2_NO_WRITE bit MockingboardStuff bmi + ; SC-01 ldx #0 dey ; Sound II bvc + ; no speech ldx #4 ldy #2 ; Mockingboard "C" + stx $380 sty $381 lda #$0D sta $FF lda #$30 sta $385 lda #$2C sta skipslot +READ_ROM_NO_WRITE ++ rts