
66 lines
1.6 KiB

;(c) 2020 by qkumba/Frank M./Tom Greene
!cpu 6502
!to "build/PRELAUNCH/SMURFEN",plain
!source "src/prelaunch/common.a"
lda #$60
sta $A0B
jsr $800 ; find and load "DOS"
lda #<callback
sta $B748
lda #>callback
sta $B749
jmp $B700
lda #0
sta $9E52
lda #1
sta $9E53
lda #$00 ; intercept BRUN command before
sta $A395 ; it jumps to the loaded file
lda #$03
sta $A396
ldx #patchend-patch
- lda patch,x ; The game code has a stack leak and will
sta $0300,x ; clobber all of page 1 after repeated plays
dex ; so move the patch code to page 3
bpl -
jmp $9B00
!word $0302
lda $AA76 ; check second character of filename
cmp #$D7 ; = W, filename = @WOLF
bne +
ldx #$01 ; Patch it to return to TR
stx $1EFA ; instead of exiting to BASIC
beq +
ldx #$03
stx $4048 ; start with 3 grenades
ldx #$2C
stx $14AD ; don't decrement bullets
stx $1999 ; or grenades
+ jmp ($AA72) ; finally jump to the loaded file
!if * > $1C0 {
!error "code is too large, ends at ", *