//============================================================================ // // MiSTer hardware abstraction module // (c)2017,2018 Sorgelig // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // //============================================================================ module sys_top ( /////////// CLOCK ////////// input FPGA_CLK1_50, input FPGA_CLK2_50, input FPGA_CLK3_50, //////////// VGA /////////// output [5:0] VGA_R, output [5:0] VGA_G, output [5:0] VGA_B, inout VGA_HS, // VGA_HS is secondary SD card detect when VGA_EN = 1 (inactive) output VGA_VS, input VGA_EN, // active low /////////// AUDIO ////////// output AUDIO_L, output AUDIO_R, output AUDIO_SPDIF, //////////// HDMI ////////// output HDMI_I2C_SCL, inout HDMI_I2C_SDA, output HDMI_MCLK, output HDMI_SCLK, output HDMI_LRCLK, output HDMI_I2S, output HDMI_TX_CLK, output HDMI_TX_DE, output [23:0] HDMI_TX_D, output HDMI_TX_HS, output HDMI_TX_VS, input HDMI_TX_INT, //////////// SDR /////////// output [12:0] SDRAM_A, inout [15:0] SDRAM_DQ, output SDRAM_DQML, output SDRAM_DQMH, output SDRAM_nWE, output SDRAM_nCAS, output SDRAM_nRAS, output SDRAM_nCS, output [1:0] SDRAM_BA, output SDRAM_CLK, output SDRAM_CKE, //////////// I/O /////////// output LED_USER, output LED_HDD, output LED_POWER, input BTN_USER, input BTN_OSD, input BTN_RESET, //////////// SDIO /////////// inout [3:0] SDIO_DAT, inout SDIO_CMD, output SDIO_CLK, input SDIO_CD, ////////// MB KEY /////////// input [1:0] KEY, ////////// MB SWITCH //////// input [3:0] SW, ////////// MB LED /////////// output [7:0] LED ); assign SDIO_DAT[2:1] = 2'bZZ; ////////////////////////// LEDs /////////////////////////////////////// reg [7:0] led_overtake = 0; reg [7:0] led_state = 0; wire led_p = led_power[1] ? ~led_power[0] : 1'b0; wire led_d = led_disk[1] ? ~led_disk[0] : ~(led_disk[0] | gp_out[29]); wire led_u = ~led_user; assign LED_POWER = led_p ? 1'bZ : 1'b0; assign LED_HDD = led_d ? 1'bZ : 1'b0; assign LED_USER = led_u ? 1'bZ : 1'b0; //LEDs on main board assign LED = (led_overtake & led_state) | (~led_overtake & {3'b000, ~led_p, 1'b0, ~led_d, 1'b0, ~led_u}); ////////////////////////// Buttons /////////////////////////////////// reg btn_user, btn_osd; always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin integer div; reg [7:0] deb_user; reg [7:0] deb_osd; div <= div + 1'b1; if(div > 100000) div <= 0; if(!div) begin deb_user <= {deb_user[6:0], ~(BTN_USER & KEY[1])}; if(&deb_user) btn_user <= 1; if(!deb_user) btn_user <= 0; deb_osd <= {deb_osd[6:0], ~(BTN_OSD & KEY[0])}; if(&deb_osd) btn_osd <= 1; if(!deb_osd) btn_osd <= 0; end end reg btn_reset = 1; always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) btn_reset <= BTN_RESET; ///////////////////////// HPS I/O ///////////////////////////////////// // gp_in[31] = 0 - quick flag that FPGA is initialized (HPS reads 1 when FPGA is not in user mode) // used to avoid lockups while JTAG loading wire [31:0] gp_in = {1'b0, btn_user, btn_osd, 9'd0, io_ver, io_ack, io_wide, io_dout}; wire [31:0] gp_out; wire [1:0] io_ver = 1; // 0 - standard MiST I/O (for quick porting of complex MiST cores). 1 - optimized HPS I/O. 2,3 - reserved for future. wire io_wait; wire io_wide; wire [15:0] io_dout; wire [15:0] io_din = gp_outr[15:0]; wire io_clk = gp_outr[17]; wire io_fpga = gp_outr[18]; wire io_osd = gp_outr[19]; wire io_uio = gp_outr[20]; //wire io_sdd = gp_outr[21]; // used only in ST core reg io_ack; reg rack; wire io_strobe = ~rack & io_clk; always @(posedge clk_sys) begin if(~io_wait | io_strobe) begin rack <= io_clk; io_ack <= rack; end end reg [31:0] gp_outr; always @(posedge clk_sys) begin reg [31:0] gp_outd; gp_outr <= gp_outd; gp_outd <= gp_out; end wire [7:0] core_type = 'hA4; // A4 - generic core. // HPS will not communicate to core if magic is different wire [31:0] core_magic = {24'h5CA623, core_type}; cyclonev_hps_interface_mpu_general_purpose h2f_gp ( .gp_in({~gp_out[31] ? core_magic : gp_in}), .gp_out(gp_out) ); reg [15:0] cfg; reg cfg_got = 0; reg cfg_set = 0; //wire [2:0] hdmi_res = cfg[10:8]; wire dvi_mode = cfg[7]; wire audio_96k = cfg[6]; wire ypbpr_en = cfg[5]; wire csync = cfg[3]; `ifndef LITE wire vga_scaler= cfg[2]; `endif reg cfg_custom_t = 0; reg [5:0] cfg_custom_p1; reg [31:0] cfg_custom_p2; reg [4:0] vol_att = 0; reg vip_newcfg = 0; always@(posedge clk_sys) begin reg [7:0] cmd; reg has_cmd; reg old_strobe; reg [7:0] cnt = 0; old_strobe <= io_strobe; if(~io_uio) has_cmd <= 0; else if(~old_strobe & io_strobe) begin if(!has_cmd) begin has_cmd <= 1; cmd <= io_din[7:0]; cnt <= 0; end else begin if(cmd == 1) begin cfg <= io_din; cfg_set <= 1; end if(cmd == 'h20) begin cfg_set <= 0; cnt <= cnt + 1'd1; if(cnt<8) begin if(!cnt) vip_newcfg <= ~cfg_ready; case(cnt) 0: if(WIDTH != io_din[11:0]) begin WIDTH <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 1: if(HFP != io_din[11:0]) begin HFP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 2: if(HS != io_din[11:0]) begin HS <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 3: if(HBP != io_din[11:0]) begin HBP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 4: if(HEIGHT != io_din[11:0]) begin HEIGHT <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 5: if(VFP != io_din[11:0]) begin VFP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 6: if(VS != io_din[11:0]) begin VS <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end 7: if(VBP != io_din[11:0]) begin VBP <= io_din[11:0]; vip_newcfg <= 1; end endcase if(cnt == 1) begin cfg_custom_p1 <= 0; cfg_custom_p2 <= 0; cfg_custom_t <= ~cfg_custom_t; end end else begin if(cnt[1:0]==0) cfg_custom_p1 <= io_din[5:0]; if(cnt[1:0]==1) cfg_custom_p2[15:0] <= io_din; if(cnt[1:0]==2) begin cfg_custom_p2[31:16] <= io_din; cfg_custom_t <= ~cfg_custom_t; cnt[1:0] <= 0; end end end if(cmd == 'h25) {led_overtake, led_state} <= io_din; if(cmd == 'h26) vol_att <= io_din[4:0]; if(cmd == 'h27) VSET <= io_din[11:0]; end end end always @(posedge clk_sys) begin reg vsd, vsd2; if(~cfg_ready || ~cfg_set) cfg_got <= cfg_set; else begin vsd <= HDMI_TX_VS; vsd2 <= vsd; if(~vsd2 & vsd) cfg_got <= cfg_set; end end /////////////////////////// RESET /////////////////////////////////// reg reset_req = 0; always @(posedge FPGA_CLK2_50) begin reg [1:0] resetd, resetd2; reg old_reset; //latch the reset old_reset <= reset; if(~old_reset & reset) reset_req <= 1; //special combination to set/clear the reset //preventing of accidental reset control if(resetd==1) reset_req <= 1; if(resetd==2 && resetd2==0) reset_req <= 0; resetd <= gp_out[31:30]; resetd2 <= resetd; end wire clk_ctl; ///////////////////////// VIP version /////////////////////////////// wire iHdmiClk = ~HDMI_TX_CLK; // Internal HDMI clock, inverted in relation to external clock `ifndef LITE wire reset; vip vip ( //Reset/Clock .reset_reset_req(reset_req | ~cfg_ready), .reset_reset(reset), .reset_reset_vip(0), //DE10-nano has no reset signal on GPIO, so core has to emulate cold reset button. .reset_cold_req(~btn_reset), .reset_warm_req(0), //control .ctl_address(ctl_address), .ctl_write(ctl_write), .ctl_writedata(ctl_writedata), .ctl_waitrequest(ctl_waitrequest), .ctl_clock(clk_ctl), .ctl_reset(ctl_reset), //64-bit DDR3 RAM access .ramclk1_clk(ram_clk), .ram1_address(ram_address), .ram1_burstcount(ram_burstcount), .ram1_waitrequest(ram_waitrequest), .ram1_readdata(ram_readdata), .ram1_readdatavalid(ram_readdatavalid), .ram1_read(ram_read), .ram1_writedata(ram_writedata), .ram1_byteenable(ram_byteenable), .ram1_write(ram_write), //Spare 64-bit DDR3 RAM access //currently unused //can combine with ram1 to make a wider RAM bus (although will increase the latency) .ramclk2_clk(0), .ram2_address(0), .ram2_burstcount(0), .ram2_waitrequest(), .ram2_readdata(), .ram2_readdatavalid(), .ram2_read(0), .ram2_writedata(0), .ram2_byteenable(0), .ram2_write(0), //Video input .in_clk(clk_vid), .in_data({r_out, g_out, b_out}), .in_de(de), .in_v_sync(vs), .in_h_sync(hs), .in_ce(ce_pix), .in_f(0), //HDMI output .hdmi_clk(iHdmiClk), .hdmi_data(hdmi_data), .hdmi_de(hdmi_de), .hdmi_v_sync(HDMI_TX_VS), .hdmi_h_sync(HDMI_TX_HS) ); wire [8:0] ctl_address; wire ctl_write; wire [31:0] ctl_writedata; wire ctl_waitrequest; wire ctl_reset; wire [7:0] ARX, ARY; vip_config vip_config ( .clk(clk_ctl), .reset(ctl_reset), .ARX(ARX), .ARY(ARY), .CFG_SET(vip_newcfg & cfg_got), .WIDTH(WIDTH), .HFP(HFP), .HBP(HBP), .HS(HS), .HEIGHT(HEIGHT), .VFP(VFP), .VBP(VBP), .VS(VS), .VSET(VSET), .address(ctl_address), .write(ctl_write), .writedata(ctl_writedata), .waitrequest(ctl_waitrequest) ); `endif ///////////////////////// Lite version //////////////////////////////// `ifdef LITE wire [11:0] x; wire [11:0] y; sync_vg #(.X_BITS(12), .Y_BITS(12)) sync_vg ( .clk(iHdmiClk), .reset(reset), .v_total(HEIGHT+VFP+VBP+VS), .v_fp(VFP), .v_bp(VBP), .v_sync(VS), .h_total(WIDTH+HFP+HBP+HS), .h_fp(HFP), .h_bp(HBP), .h_sync(HS), .hv_offset(0), .vde_out(vde), .hde_out(hde), .vs_out(vs_hdmi), .v_count_out(), .h_count_out(), .x_out(x), .y_out(y), .hs_out(hs_hdmi) ); wire vde, hde; wire vs_hdmi; wire hs_hdmi; pattern_vg #( .B(8), // Bits per channel .X_BITS(12), .Y_BITS(12), .FRACTIONAL_BITS(12) // Number of fractional bits for ramp pattern ) pattern_vg ( .reset(reset), .clk_in(iHdmiClk), .x(x), .y(y), .vn_in(vs_hdmi), .hn_in(hs_hdmi), .dn_in(vde & hde), .r_in(0), .g_in(0), .b_in(0), .vn_out(HDMI_TX_VS), .hn_out(HDMI_TX_HS), .den_out(hdmi_de), .r_out(hdmi_data[23:16]), .g_out(hdmi_data[15:8]), .b_out(hdmi_data[7:0]), .total_active_pix(WIDTH), .total_active_lines(HEIGHT), .pattern(4), .ramp_step(20'h0333) ); wire reset; sysmem_lite sysmem ( //Reset/Clock .reset_reset_req(reset_req), .reset_reset(reset), .ctl_clock(clk_ctl), //DE10-nano has no reset signal on GPIO, so core has to emulate cold reset button. .reset_cold_req(~btn_reset), .reset_warm_req(0), //64-bit DDR3 RAM access .ramclk1_clk(ram_clk), .ram1_address(ram_address), .ram1_burstcount(ram_burstcount), .ram1_waitrequest(ram_waitrequest), .ram1_readdata(ram_readdata), .ram1_readdatavalid(ram_readdatavalid), .ram1_read(ram_read), .ram1_writedata(ram_writedata), .ram1_byteenable(ram_byteenable), .ram1_write(ram_write), //Spare 64-bit DDR3 RAM access //currently unused //can combine with ram1 to make a wider RAM bus (although will increase the latency) .ramclk2_clk(0), .ram2_address(0), .ram2_burstcount(0), .ram2_waitrequest(), .ram2_readdata(), .ram2_readdatavalid(), .ram2_read(0), .ram2_writedata(0), .ram2_byteenable(0), .ram2_write(0), // HDMI frame buffer .vbuf_clk(clk_ctl), .vbuf_address(vbuf_address), .vbuf_burstcount(vbuf_burstcount), .vbuf_waitrequest(vbuf_waitrequest), .vbuf_writedata(vbuf_writedata), .vbuf_byteenable(vbuf_byteenable), .vbuf_write(vbuf_write), .vbuf_readdata(vbuf_readdata), .vbuf_readdatavalid(vbuf_readdatavalid), .vbuf_read(vbuf_read) ); wire [27:0] vbuf_address; wire [7:0] vbuf_burstcount; wire vbuf_waitrequest; wire [127:0] vbuf_readdata; wire vbuf_readdatavalid; wire vbuf_read; wire [127:0] vbuf_writedata; wire [15:0] vbuf_byteenable; wire vbuf_write; /* assign HDMI_TX_VS = vs_hdmi; assign HDMI_TX_HS = hs_hdmi; hdmi_lite hdmi_lite ( .reset(reset), .clk_video(clk_vid), .ce_pixel(ce_pix), .video_vs(vs), .video_de(de), .video_d({r_out,g_out,b_out}), .clk_hdmi(HDMI_TX_CLK), .hdmi_hde(hde), .hdmi_vde(vde), .hdmi_d(hdmi_data), .hdmi_de(hdmi_de), .screen_w(WIDTH), .screen_h(HEIGHT), .quadbuf(1), .scale_x(0), .scale_y(0), .scale_auto(1), .clk_vbuf(clk_ctl), .vbuf_address(vbuf_address), .vbuf_burstcount(vbuf_burstcount), .vbuf_waitrequest(vbuf_waitrequest), .vbuf_writedata(vbuf_writedata), .vbuf_byteenable(vbuf_byteenable), .vbuf_write(vbuf_write), .vbuf_readdata(vbuf_readdata), .vbuf_readdatavalid(vbuf_readdatavalid), .vbuf_read(vbuf_read) ); */ `endif ///////////////////////// HDMI output ///////////////////////////////// pll_hdmi pll_hdmi ( .refclk(FPGA_CLK1_50), .rst(reset_req), .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll), .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll), .outclk_0(HDMI_TX_CLK) ); //1920x1080@60 PCLK=148.5MHz CEA reg [11:0] WIDTH = 1920; reg [11:0] HFP = 88; reg [11:0] HS = 48; reg [11:0] HBP = 148; reg [11:0] HEIGHT = 1080; reg [11:0] VFP = 4; reg [11:0] VS = 5; reg [11:0] VBP = 36; reg [11:0] VSET = 0; wire [63:0] reconfig_to_pll; wire [63:0] reconfig_from_pll; wire cfg_waitrequest; reg cfg_write; reg [5:0] cfg_address; reg [31:0] cfg_data; pll_hdmi_cfg pll_hdmi_cfg ( .mgmt_clk(FPGA_CLK1_50), .mgmt_reset(reset_req), .mgmt_waitrequest(cfg_waitrequest), .mgmt_read(0), .mgmt_readdata(), .mgmt_write(cfg_write), .mgmt_address(cfg_address), .mgmt_writedata(cfg_data), .reconfig_to_pll(reconfig_to_pll), .reconfig_from_pll(reconfig_from_pll) ); reg cfg_ready = 0; always @(posedge FPGA_CLK1_50) begin reg gotd = 0, gotd2 = 0; reg custd = 0, custd2 = 0; reg old_wait = 0; gotd <= cfg_got; gotd2 <= gotd; cfg_write <= 0; custd <= cfg_custom_t; custd2 <= custd; if(custd2 != custd & ~gotd) begin cfg_address <= cfg_custom_p1; cfg_data <= cfg_custom_p2; cfg_write <= 1; end if(~gotd2 & gotd) begin cfg_address <= 2; cfg_data <= 0; cfg_write <= 1; end old_wait <= cfg_waitrequest; if(old_wait & ~cfg_waitrequest & gotd) cfg_ready <= 1; end hdmi_config hdmi_config ( .iCLK(FPGA_CLK1_50), .iRST_N(cfg_ready & ~HDMI_TX_INT), .I2C_SCL(HDMI_I2C_SCL), .I2C_SDA(HDMI_I2C_SDA), .dvi_mode(dvi_mode), .audio_96k(audio_96k) ); wire [23:0] hdmi_data; wire hdmi_de; osd hdmi_osd ( .clk_sys(clk_sys), .io_osd(io_osd), .io_strobe(io_strobe), .io_din(io_din), .clk_video(iHdmiClk), .din(hdmi_data), .dout(HDMI_TX_D), .de_in(hdmi_de), .de_out(HDMI_TX_DE) ); assign HDMI_MCLK = 0; i2s i2s ( .reset(~cfg_ready), .clk_sys(FPGA_CLK3_50), .half_rate(~audio_96k), .sclk(HDMI_SCLK), .lrclk(HDMI_LRCLK), .sdata(HDMI_I2S), //Could inverse the MSB but it will shift 0 level to -MAX level .left_chan (audio_l >> !audio_s), .right_chan(audio_r >> !audio_s) ); ///////////////////////// VGA output ////////////////////////////////// wire [23:0] vga_q; osd vga_osd ( .clk_sys(clk_sys), .io_osd(io_osd), .io_strobe(io_strobe), .io_din(io_din), .clk_video(clk_vid), .din(de ? {r_out, g_out, b_out} : 24'd0), .dout(vga_q), .de_in(de) ); wire [23:0] vga_o; vga_out vga_out ( .ypbpr_full(1), .ypbpr_en(ypbpr_en), .dout(vga_o), `ifdef LITE .din(vga_q) `else .din(vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_D : vga_q) `endif ); `ifdef LITE wire vs1 = vs; wire hs1 = hs; `else wire vs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_VS : vs; wire hs1 = vga_scaler ? HDMI_TX_HS : hs; `endif assign VGA_VS = VGA_EN ? 1'bZ : csync ? 1'b1 : ~vs1; assign VGA_HS = VGA_EN ? 1'bZ : csync ? ~(vs1 ^ hs1) : ~hs1; assign VGA_R = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[23:18]; assign VGA_G = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[15:10]; assign VGA_B = VGA_EN ? 6'bZZZZZZ : vga_o[7:2]; ///////////////////////// Audio output //////////////////////////////// wire al, ar, aspdif; sigma_delta_dac #(15) dac_l ( .CLK(FPGA_CLK3_50), .RESET(reset), .DACin({audio_l[15] ^ audio_s, audio_l[14:0]}), .DACout(al) ); sigma_delta_dac #(15) dac_r ( .CLK(FPGA_CLK3_50), .RESET(reset), .DACin({audio_r[15] ^ audio_s, audio_r[14:0]}), .DACout(ar) ); spdif toslink ( .clk_i(FPGA_CLK3_50), .rst_i(reset), .half_rate(0), .audio_l(audio_l >> !audio_s), .audio_r(audio_r >> !audio_s), .spdif_o(aspdif) ); assign AUDIO_SPDIF = SW[0] ? HDMI_LRCLK : aspdif; assign AUDIO_R = SW[0] ? HDMI_I2S : ar; assign AUDIO_L = SW[0] ? HDMI_SCLK : al; reg [15:0] audio_l; reg [15:0] audio_r; always @(posedge FPGA_CLK3_50) begin reg signed [15:0] al; reg signed [15:0] ar; case({audio_s,audio_mix}) 'b000: al <= audio_ls; 'b001: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >> 3) + (audio_rs >> 3); 'b010: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >> 2) + (audio_rs >> 2); 'b011: al <= (audio_ls >> 1) + (audio_rs >> 1); 'b100: al <= audio_ls; 'b101: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >>> 3) + (audio_rs >>> 3); 'b110: al <= audio_ls - (audio_ls >>> 2) + (audio_rs >>> 2); 'b111: al <= (audio_ls >>> 1) + (audio_rs >>> 1); endcase case({audio_s,audio_mix}) 'b000: ar <= audio_rs; 'b001: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >> 3) + (audio_ls >> 3); 'b010: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >> 2) + (audio_ls >> 2); 'b011: ar <= (audio_rs >> 1) + (audio_ls >> 1); 'b100: ar <= audio_rs; 'b101: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >>> 3) + (audio_ls >>> 3); 'b110: ar <= audio_rs - (audio_rs >>> 2) + (audio_ls >>> 2); 'b111: ar <= (audio_rs >>> 1) + (audio_ls >>> 1); endcase if(vol_att[4]) begin audio_l <= 0; audio_r <= 0; end else if(audio_s) begin audio_l <= al >>> vol_att[3:0]; audio_r <= ar >>> vol_att[3:0]; end else begin audio_l <= al >> vol_att[3:0]; audio_r <= ar >> vol_att[3:0]; end end /////////////////// User module connection //////////////////////////// wire signed [15:0] audio_ls, audio_rs; wire audio_s; wire [1:0] audio_mix; wire [7:0] r_out, g_out, b_out; wire vs, hs, de; wire clk_sys, clk_vid, ce_pix; wire ram_clk; wire [28:0] ram_address; wire [7:0] ram_burstcount; wire ram_waitrequest; wire [63:0] ram_readdata; wire ram_readdatavalid; wire ram_read; wire [63:0] ram_writedata; wire [7:0] ram_byteenable; wire ram_write; wire led_user; wire [1:0] led_power; wire [1:0] led_disk; wire vs_emu, hs_emu; sync_fix sync_v(FPGA_CLK3_50, vs_emu, vs); sync_fix sync_h(FPGA_CLK3_50, hs_emu, hs); emu emu ( .CLK_50M(FPGA_CLK3_50), .RESET(reset), .HPS_BUS({HDMI_TX_VS, clk_ctl, clk_vid, ce_pix, de, hs, vs, io_wait, clk_sys, io_fpga, io_uio, io_strobe, io_wide, io_din, io_dout}), .CLK_VIDEO(clk_vid), .CE_PIXEL(ce_pix), .VGA_R(r_out), .VGA_G(g_out), .VGA_B(b_out), .VGA_HS(hs_emu), .VGA_VS(vs_emu), .VGA_DE(de), .LED_USER(led_user), .LED_POWER(led_power), .LED_DISK(led_disk), `ifndef LITE .VIDEO_ARX(ARX), .VIDEO_ARY(ARY), `endif .AUDIO_L(audio_ls), .AUDIO_R(audio_rs), .AUDIO_S(audio_s), .AUDIO_MIX(audio_mix), .TAPE_IN(0), // SCK -> CLK // MOSI -> CMD // MISO <- DAT0 // Z -> DAT1 // Z -> DAT2 // CS -> DAT3 .SD_SCK(SDIO_CLK), .SD_MOSI(SDIO_CMD), .SD_MISO(SDIO_DAT[0]), .SD_CS(SDIO_DAT[3]), .SD_CD(VGA_EN ? VGA_HS : SDIO_CD), .DDRAM_CLK(ram_clk), .DDRAM_ADDR(ram_address), .DDRAM_BURSTCNT(ram_burstcount), .DDRAM_BUSY(ram_waitrequest), .DDRAM_DOUT(ram_readdata), .DDRAM_DOUT_READY(ram_readdatavalid), .DDRAM_RD(ram_read), .DDRAM_DIN(ram_writedata), .DDRAM_BE(ram_byteenable), .DDRAM_WE(ram_write), .SDRAM_DQ(SDRAM_DQ), .SDRAM_A(SDRAM_A), .SDRAM_DQML(SDRAM_DQML), .SDRAM_DQMH(SDRAM_DQMH), .SDRAM_BA(SDRAM_BA), .SDRAM_nCS(SDRAM_nCS), .SDRAM_nWE(SDRAM_nWE), .SDRAM_nRAS(SDRAM_nRAS), .SDRAM_nCAS(SDRAM_nCAS), .SDRAM_CLK(SDRAM_CLK), .SDRAM_CKE(SDRAM_CKE) ); endmodule module sync_fix ( input clk, input sync_in, output sync_out ); assign sync_out = sync_in ^ pol; reg pol; always @(posedge clk) begin integer pos = 0, neg = 0, cnt = 0; reg s1,s2; s1 <= sync_in; s2 <= s1; if(~s2 & s1) neg <= cnt; if(s2 & ~s1) pos <= cnt; cnt <= cnt + 1; if(s2 != s1) cnt <= 0; pol <= pos > neg; end endmodule