138 lines
3.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Function credit: wallyk & RicoRico
int set_interface_attribs (int fd, int speed, int parity) {
struct termios tty;
memset (&tty, 0, sizeof tty);
if (tcgetattr (fd, &tty) != 0)
perror("error from tcgetattr");
return -1;
cfsetospeed (&tty, speed);
cfsetispeed (&tty, speed);
tty.c_cflag = (tty.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; // 8-bit chars
// disable IGNBRK for mismatched speed tests; otherwise receive break
// as \000 chars
tty.c_iflag &= ~IGNBRK; // disable break processing
tty.c_lflag = 0; // no signaling chars, no echo,
// no canonical processing
tty.c_oflag = 0; // no remapping, no delays
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // read doesn't block
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; // 0.5 seconds read timeout
tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); // shut off xon/xoff ctrl
tty.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);// ignore modem controls,
// enable reading
tty.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD); // shut off parity
tty.c_cflag |= parity;
tty.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
if (tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0)
perror("error from tcsetattr");
return -1;
return 0;
// Function credit: wallyk & RicoRico
void set_blocking (int fd, int should_block) {
struct termios tty;
memset (&tty, 0, sizeof tty);
if (tcgetattr (fd, &tty) != 0)
perror("error from tggetattr");
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = should_block ? 1 : 0;
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; // 0.5 seconds read timeout
if (tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0)
perror("error %d setting term attributes");
int init_port(char *portname){
int fd = open (portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC);
if (fd < 0)
perror("error opening file");
return 1;
set_interface_attribs (fd, B9600, 0); // set speed to 9,600 bps, 8n1 (no parity)
set_blocking (fd, 0); // set no blocking
return fd;
void send_line(int iw, char *line, size_t len){
write(iw, strcat(line, "\n\r"), len+2);
void print_buffer(int iw, char *buf, size_t len){
char seg[250];
int i = 0;
while (i < len){
int amnt = 250;
if (len - i < 250) amnt = len - i;
memcpy(seg, (buf+i), amnt);
write(iw, seg, amnt);
i += 250;
//printf("Done segment!\n");
usleep(990000); //Don't overfill buffer
write(iw, "\n\r", 2);
char * read_text(char * filename){
char * filebuf = (char*)calloc(sizeof(char),4000);
char line[92];
printf("Reading file %s...\n", filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); // do not use "rb"
size_t i = 0;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-2, fp)) {
if (strlen(line) >= 89) strcat(line, "\n");
strcat(filebuf, line);
printf("Done! closing file read\n");
return filebuf;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if (argc != 2) printf("Please execute with filename of text file\n");
char txt[40];
char *portname = "/dev/ttyS0";
int iw_serial = init_port(portname);
//strcpy(txt, "Hello world!");
char * intext = read_text(argv[1]);
printf("String Length: %d\n", strlen(intext));
print_buffer(iw_serial, intext, strlen(intext));
usleep ((7 + 25) * 10000); // sleep enough to transmit the 7 plus
// receive 25: approx 100 uS per char transmit
//char buf [100];
//int n = read (fd, buf, sizeof buf); // read up to 100 characters if ready to read
return 0;