# # tail.mk # Apple2BuildPipelineSample # # Part of a sample build pipeline for Apple ][ software development # # Created by Quinn Dunki on 8/15/14. # One Girl, One Laptop Productions # http://www.quinndunki.com # http://www.quinndunki.com/blondihacks # export PATH := $(PATH):$(CC65_BIN) CWD=$(shell pwd) C_OBJS=$(C_SRCS:.c=.o) C_DEPS=$(C_SRCS:.c=.u) ASM_OBJS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.o) ASM_LSTS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.lst) OBJS=$(C_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) MAPFILE=$(PGM).map DISKIMAGE=$(PGM).dsk LINK_ARGS= EXECCMD= ALLTARGET=$(DISKIMAGE) UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) ALLTARGET=execute endif ifneq ($(START_ADDR),) # If the MACHINE is set to an option which does not support a variable start # address, then error. ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2-system apple2enh-system),) $(error You cannot change start address with this machine type) endif else # If not set, then use the default for the config as per cc65 documentation ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2 apple2-dos33 apple2enh apple2enh-dos33),) START_ADDR=803 endif ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2-system apple2enh-system),) START_ADDR=2000 endif ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2-loader apple2-reboot apple2enh-loader apple2enh-reboot),) START_ADDR=800 endif endif LDFLAGS += --start-addr 0x$(START_ADDR) ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2 apple2enh apple2-dos33 apple2enh-dos33),) EXECCMD=$(shell echo brun $(PGM) | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]') endif MACHCONFIG= -t apple2 ifneq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2enh apple2apple2enh-dos33 apple2enh-system apple2enh-loader apple2enh-reboot),) MACHCONFIG= -t apple2enh endif ifeq ($(filter $(MACHINE), apple2 apple2enh),) MACHCONFIG += -C $(MACHINE).cfg endif .PHONY: all execute clean all: $(ALLTARGET) clean: rm -f $(PGM) rm -f $(OBJS) rm -f $(C_DEPS) rm -f $(MAPFILE) rm -f $(ASM_LSTS) rm -f $(DISKIMAGE) cleanMacCruft: rm -rf Apple2Template.pmdoc rm -rf TemplateInfo.plist $(PGM): $(OBJS) $(CL65) $(MACHCONFIG) --mapfile $(MAPFILE) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PGM) $(OBJS) $(DISKIMAGE): $(PGM) make/createDiskImage $(AC) $(MACHINE) $(DISKIMAGE) $(PGM) "$(START_ADDR)" execute: $(DISKIMAGE) osascript make/V2Make.scpt $(CWD) $(PGM) $(CWD)/make/DevApple.vii "$(EXECCMD)" %.o: %.c $(CL65) $(MACHCONFIG) $(CFLAGS) --create-dep -c -o $@ $< sed -i .bak 's/\.s:/.o:/' $(@:.o=.u) rm -f $(@:.o=.u).bak %.o: %.s $(CL65) $(MACHCONFIG) --cpu $(CPU) $(ASMFLAGS) -l -c -o $@ $< -include $(C_DEPS)