# # tail.mk # export PATH := $(PATH):$(ORCA_BIN) CWD=$(shell pwd) DISKIMAGE=$(PGM).2mg ALLTARGET=execute DISKIMAGEDEST=. ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),shell) FILETYPE=exe ALLTARGET=$(PGM) else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),desktop) FILETYPE=s16 else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),cda) FILETYPE=cda DISKIMAGEDEST=System/Desk.Accs else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),cdev) BINTARGET=$(PGM).bin FILETYPE=199 DISKIMAGEDEST=System/CDevs else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),nba) FILETYPE=exe ALLTARGET=$(PGM) else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),nda) FILETYPE=nda DISKIMAGEDEST=System/Desk.Accs else ifeq ($(TARGETTYPE),xcmd) FILETYPE=exe ALLTARGET=$(PGM) endif ifeq ($(wildcard $(ROOTCFILE)),) ROOTCFILE= endif C_ROOTS=$(ROOTCFILE:.c=.root) C_SRCS+=$(filter-out $(ROOTCFILE), $(patsubst ./%, %, $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.c, $(SRCDIRS))))) C_OBJS=$(C_SRCS:.c=.a) C_DEPS=$(ROOTCFILE:.c=.d) $(C_SRCS:.c=.d) ASM_SRCS=$(patsubst ./%, %, $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.s, $(SRCDIRS)))) ASM_MACROS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.macros) ASM_DEPS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.macros.d) ASM_ROOTS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.ROOT) ASM_OBJS=$(ASM_SRCS:.s=.a) REZ_SRCS=$(patsubst ./%, %, $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.rez, $(SRCDIRS)))) REZ_DEPS=$(REZ_SRCS:.rez=.rez.d) REZ_OBJS=$(REZ_SRCS:.rez=.r) ifneq ($(firstword $(REZ_SRCS)), $(lastword $(REZ_SRCS))) $(error Only a single resource file supported, found $(REZ_SRCS)) endif BUILD_OBJS=$(C_ROOTS) $(C_OBJS) $(ASM_ROOTS) ifeq ($(BINTARGET),) BUILD_OBJS+=$(REZ_OBJS) endif BUILD_OBJS_NOSUFFIX=$(C_ROOTS:.root=) $(C_OBJS:.a=) $(ASM_ROOTS:.ROOT=) ALL_OBJS=$(C_ROOTS:.root=.a) $(C_OBJS) $(ASM_OBJS) $(REZ_OBJS) ALL_ROOTS=$(C_ROOTS) $(C_OBJS:.a=.root) $(ASM_ROOTS) ALL_DEPS=$(C_DEPS) $(ASM_DEPS) $(REZ_DEPS) EXECCMD= .PHONY: all execute clean .PRECIOUS: $(ASM_MACROS) all: $(ALLTARGET) clean: $(RM) "$(PGM)" $(BINTARGET) $(RM) $(ALL_OBJS) $(RM) $(ALL_ROOTS) $(RM) $(ALL_DEPS) $(RM) $(ASM_MACROS) $(RM) "$(DISKIMAGE)" createPackage: pkg/createPackage cleanMacCruft: rm -rf pkg ifeq ($(BINTARGET),) # This is a standard build where we generate the resources if any and then link # the binary over that same file creating the resource fork first and the data # fork second. $(PGM): $(BUILD_OBJS) ifneq ($(REZ_OBJS),) $(RM) $(PGM) $(CP) $(REZ_OBJS) $(PGM) endif $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILD_OBJS_NOSUFFIX) --keep=$(PGM) $(CHTYP) -t $(FILETYPE) $(PGM) else # This is a special build for CDevs (maybe others also?) where we build the binary # into a $(PGM).bin file and then build the resources into the $(PGM) target. The # resource compile will read the $(PGM).bin binary and load it into the resources # also. $(BINTARGET): $(BUILD_OBJS) $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILD_OBJS_NOSUFFIX) --keep=$(BINTARGET) $(REZ_OBJS): $(BINTARGET) $(PGM): $(REZ_OBJS) $(RM) $(PGM) $(CP) $(REZ_OBJS) $(PGM) $(CHTYP) -t $(FILETYPE) $(PGM) endif $(DISKIMAGE): $(PGM) make/createDiskImage "$(DISKIMAGE)" "$(PGM)" "$(DISKIMAGEDEST)" execute: $(DISKIMAGE) make/launchEmulator executeShell: $(PGM) $(ORCA) $(PGM) %.a: %.c $(COMPILE) $< $(CFLAGS) --noroot %.root: %.c $(COMPILE) $< $(CFLAGS) %.macros: %.s $(MACGEN) "$(MACGENFLAGS)" $< $@ $(MACGENMACROS) %.ROOT: %.macros $(ASSEMBLE) $(<:.macros=.s) $(ASMFLAGS) %.r: %.rez $(REZ) $< $(REZFLAGS) $(OBJS): Makefile # Include the C and rez dependencies which were generated from the last build # so we recompile correctly on .h file changes. -include $(ALL_DEPS)