# # Makefile # Apple //GS Build Engine for ORCA # include make/head.mk # Customize this file to control what kind of project you are working on, # where to find files, etc. # The name of your system or binary file to build goes here: PGM=___PACKAGENAME___ # Set the target type you would like to build. The options are: # shell - A shell command for ORCA, GNO or other GS shell # desktop - A full desktop application # cda - A classic desk accessory # cdev - A control panel device # nba - A HyperStudio new button action # nda - A new desk accessory # xcmd - A HyperCard XCMD or XCFN # # TARGETTYPE=shell # TARGETTYPE=desktop # TARGETTYPE=cda # TARGETTYPE=cdev # TARGETTYPE=nba # TARGETTYPE=nda # TARGETTYPE=xcmd # Add any other directories where you are putting C or assembly source # files to this list: # SRCDIRS+= # If you put your main entry point for your project in a file called main.c # Then you don't need to change this value. If you want to call your entry # point something other than main.c, set this variable to point to this file. ROOTCFILE=main.c # Add any arguments you want passed to the C compiler to this variable: CFLAGS+= # Add any arguments you want passed to the resource compiler to this variable: REZFLAGS+= # Add any arguments you want passed to the macro generator to this variable: MACGENFLAGS+= # Add any other macro libraries to include in this variable: MACGENMACROS+= # Add any arguments you want passed to the assembler to this variable: ASMFLAGS+= # Add any arguments you want passed to the linker to this variable: LDFLAGS+= # By default, the build expects that you have GSplus in the path: # /Applications/GSplus.app/Contents/MacOS/gsplus # If you have it in a different location, specify that here. # GSPLUS=/Applications/GSplus.app/Contents/MacOS/gsplus # By default, the build expects that you have GSport in the path: # /Applications/GSport/GSport.app/Contents/MacOS/GSport # If you have it in a different location, specify that here. # GSPORT=/Applications/GSport/GSport.app/Contents/MacOS/GSport # Do not change anything else below here... include make/tail.mk