Nodes main.c main.h main.rez Makefile make/config.txt make/createDiskImage make/ make/launchEmulator make/orca-asm make/orca-cc make/orca-macgen make/orca-rez make/system601.2mg make/ Definitions main.c Path main.c main.h Path main.h main.rez Path main.rez make/config.txt Group make Path make/config.txt make/createDiskImage Group make Path make/createDiskImage make/ Group make Path make/ make/launchEmulator Group make Path make/launchEmulator make/orca-asm Group make Path make/orca-asm make/orca-cc Group make Path make/orca-cc make/orca-macgen Group make Path make/orca-macgen make/orca-rez Group make Path make/orca-rez make/system601.2mg Group make Path make/system601.2mg make/ Group make Path make/ Makefile Path Makefile Kind Xcode.Xcode3.ProjectTemplateUnitKind Identifier com.halcyontouch.apple2gsCNDA Ancestors Concrete Description This template creates an Apple IIgs C code project to build a new desktop accessory. The project starts with a single C file which you can modify. You can also add more assembly or C files as you may like. Options Targets TargetType Legacy TargetIdentifier BuildToolPath ___VARIABLE_buildToolPath___ BuildToolArgsString -C ___PACKAGENAME___ $(ACTION) SharedSettings OTHER_CFLAGS OTHER_LDFLAGS Configurations Debug DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS YES GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0 Release