Internationalized the Disk Image Wizard.

This commit is contained in:
Robert Greene 2004-07-04 22:01:11 +00:00
parent b4fa286dab
commit 4bf1a965d5

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@ -176,3 +176,58 @@ AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatPrompt=Please choose the appropriate format:
AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatAsRtf=RTF (Rich Text Format)
# DiskImageWizard
DiskImageWizardTitle=Disk Image Wizard
# DiskImageSizePane
DiskImageSizePrompt=Please choose the disk image size:
DiskImageSize140KbText=The Disk II 5.25" floppy drive.
DiskImageSize800KbText=The Apple UniDisk 3.5" drive.
DiskImageSize5MbText=A 5MB hard disk.
DiskImageSize10MbText=A 10MB hard disk.
DiskImageSize20MbText=A 20MB hard disk.
DiskImageSize32MbText=A 32MB hard disk.
# DiskImageOrderPane
DiskImageOrderProdosOnly=You have chosen a hard disk volume. The only\norder allowed is ProDOS.
DiskImageOrderPrompt=Please choose the order to use in this disk image:
DiskImageOrderDosLabel=DOS ordered
DiskImageOrderDosText=Indicates that image data should be stored by track and sector.
DiskImageOrderProdosLabel=ProDOS ordered
DiskImageOrderProdosText=Indicates that image data should be stored by block.
DiskImageOrderNibbleLabel=Nibble ordered
DiskImageOrderNibbleText=Indicates that this is a disk stored as a nibble image. This is an image that consists of disk bytes. It is only available for 140KB 5.25" disks.
DiskImageOrderNoCompression=Compression is not available for hard disk images.
DiskImageOrderCompressionPrompt=Indicate if this disk image should be GZIP compressed:
DiskImageOrderGzipCheckbox=GZip compression
DiskImageOrderGzipTooltip=Compresses the disk image (*.gz).
# Shared (!!)
Dos=DOS 3.3
Rdos=RDOS 2.1
# DiskImageNamePane
DiskImageNamePrompt=Please choose a name for your disk image.\nDo not enter any file extensions, as the wizard\nwill do that for you.
DiskImageNameLengthText={0} requires a volume name.\nThe maximum length of the name is {1} characters.
# DiskImageFormatPane
DiskImageFormatPrompt=Please choose the operating system with which to format\nthe disk image:
DiskImageFormatDosTooltip=This is Apple's DOS 3.3 format. The disk will automatically be\nsized at 140K.
DiskImageFormatUnidosTooltip=UniDOS was created to allow DOS 3.3 to operate with 800K disk\ndrives. The disk will default to 800K.
DiskImageFormatOzdosTooltip=OzDOS was created to allow DOS 3.3 to operate with 800K disk\ndrives. The disk will default to 800K.
DiskImageFormatProdosTooltip=ProDOS was (is?) Apple's professional DOS for the Apple ][ series\nof computers. ProDOS allows subdirectories and can use devices\nup to 32MB in size. You will be presented with image sizing\noptions from the 140K disk to a 32MB hard disk.
DiskImageFormatPascalTooltip=Apple Pascal formatted disks are part of the Pascal environment.\nEarly implementations of Pascal only allowed 140K volumes, but\nlater versions allowed 800K volumes (and possibly more). You\nwill be presented with options for 140K or 800K.
DiskImageFormatRdosTooltip=RDOS was created by (or for) SSI to protected their games. The\noriginal format appears to be a 13 sector disk. Most disk images\nthat I've seen have been mapped onto a 16 sector disk (leaving 3\nsectors of each track unused. The only image size RDOS supports\nis 140K.
DiskImageFormatCpmTooltip=CP/M for the Apple computer.