# DiskExplorerTab FileExistsTitle = File already exists! FileExistsMessage = The file "{0}" already exists. Do you want to over-write it? ExportErrorTitle = Unable to export file data! ExportAsMenuItem=Export As... ExportErrorMessage = Unable to export "{0}".\n\nAppleCommander was unable to save the disk\ndata. The system error given was "{1}"\n\nSorry!\n\nPress OK to continue export or CANCEL to cancel export. ExpandAllMenuItem=Expand All\tCtrl + ExportWizardMenuItem=&Export Wizard...\tCtrl+E ExportAsBinaryMenuItem=Binary... ExportWizardToolItem=Export... ExportWizardHoverText=Export a file (CTRL+E) UnableToCompileTitle = Unable to compile file! UnableToCompileMessage = Unable to compile "(0)".\n\nAppleCommander was unable to compile the file.\nThe system error given was "{1}"\n\nSorry!\n\nPress OK to continue compiles or CANCEL to cancel compiles. DeletePromptTitle = Are you sure? DeleteMenuItem=&Delete...\tCtrl+D DeletePromptMultipleFiles = Are you sure you want to delete these files? DeletePromptSingleFile = Are you sure you want to delete this file? DeleteFileErrorMessage=Sorry, you cannot view a deleted file. DeletePromptTrailer = \n\nChoose YES to proceed or NO to cancel. DetailViewHoverText=Displays files in with full details (F4) DeleteFileToolItem=Delete DeleteFileHoverText=Delete a file (CTRL+D) DeleteFileErrorTitle=Unable to view a deleted file! ResizeDiskTitle = Resize disk? ResizeDiskMessage = This disk needs to be resized to match the formatted capacity. This should be an ApplePC HDV disk image - they typically start at 0 bytes and grow to the maximum capacity (32MB). Resize the disk? ImportMenuItem=Import...\tCTRL+I ImportErrorTitle = Unable to import file(s)! ImportErrorMessage = An error occurred during import!\n\nException was "{0}". FilesTab=Files ExpandMenuItem=Expand\t+ CollapseMenuItem=Collapse\t- CollapseAllMenuItem=Collapse All\tCtrl - ViewWizardMenuItem=&View Wizard\tCtrl+V ViewAsMenuItem=View As CompileMenuItem=&Compile...\tCtrl+C ViewAsTextMenuItem=Text VeiwAsGraphicsMenuItem=Graphics ExportAsRawDiskDataMenuItem=Raw disk data... ExportAsApplesoftBasicMenuItem=Applesoft Basic... ExportAsIntegerBasicMenuItem=Integer Basic... ExportAsBusinessBASICMenuItem=Apple /// Business Basic... ExportAsAsciiTextMenuItem=ASCII Text... ExportAsFormattedAssemblyMenuItem=Formatted Assembly... ExportAsPascalTextMenuItem=Pascal Text... ExportAsAppleWorksSpreadsheetFileMenuItem=AppleWorks Spreadsheet File... ExportAsAppleWorksDatabaseFileMenuItem=AppleWorks Database File... ExportAsAppleWorksWordProcessorFileMenuItem=AppleWorks WordProcessor File... WordProcessorRenderingMenuItem=Rendering WordProcessorRenderAsTextMenuItem=Text WordProcessorRenderAsHtmlMenuItem=HTML WordProcessorRenderAsRtfMenuItem=RTF GutenbergRenderingMenuItem=Gutenberg File Rendered as... ExportAsGraphicsMenuItem=Graphics... ExportGraphicsModeMenuItem=Mode ExportGraphicsAsHiresBlackAndWhiteMenuItem=Hi-Res B&W ExportGraphicsAsHiresColorMenuItem=Hi-Res Color ExportGraphicsAsDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteMenuItem=Double Hi-Res B&W ExportGraphicsAsDoubleHiresColorMenuItem=Double Hi-Res COLOR ExportGraphicsAsSuperHiresMenuItem=Super Hires ExportGraphicsAsSuperHires3200ColorMenuItem=Super Hires 3200 color ExportGraphicsAsQuickDraw2IconMenuItem=QuickDraw II Icon file (ICN) ExportGraphicsFormatMenuItem=Format WidestCharacter=W ImportingFilesTitle=Importing files... ImportingFilesProcessingLabel=Processing: ImportingFilesFilenameLabel=Filename: StandardViewToolItem=Standard StandardViewHoverText=Displays files in standard format (F2) NativeViewToolItem=Native NativeViewHoverText=Displays files in native format for the operating system (F3) DetailViewToolItem=Detail ShowDeletedFilesToolItem=Deleted ShowDeletedFilesHoverText=Show deleted files (F5) ImportWizardToolItem=Import... ImportWizardHoverText=Import a file (CTRL+I) CompileWizardToolItem=Compile CompileWizardHoverText=Compile a BASIC program (CTRL+C) ViewFileToolItem=View ViewFileHoverText=View file (CTRL+V) PrintDirectoryHoverText=Print directory listing... ChangeDiskOrderToolItem=Re-order... ChangeDiskOrderHoverText=Change image order (CTRL+O) SaveDiskImageToolItem=Save SaveDiskImageHoverText=Save disk image (CTRL+S) SaveDiskImageAsToolItem=Save As SaveDiskImageAsHoverText=Save disk image as... (CTRL+SHIFT+S) SaveDiskImageAsPrompt=Please choose a location and name for your disk image: SaveDiskImageErrorTitle=Unable to save disk image\! SaveDiskImageErrorMessage=Unable to save "{0}".\n\nAppleCommander was unable to save the disk\r\nimage. The system error given was "{1}".\n\nSorry! SystemErrorTitle=A system error occurred\! SystemErrorMessage=A system error occurred. The message given was '%MESSAGE%'. PageNumberText=Page {0} ChangeImageOrderErrorTitle=Unable to change image order\! ChangeImageOrderErrorMessage=Unable to reorder disk image.\n\nAppleCommander was unable to change the disk order.\nThe system error given was "{0}"\n\nSorry!\n\nPress OK to continue. ChangeToNibbleOrderMenuItem=Nibble Order (*.nib) ChangeToDosOrderMenuItem=DOS Order (*.dsk) ChangeToProdosOrderMenuItem=ProDOS Order (*.po) FileNofM=File {0} of {1} CreateDirectoryMenuItem=Create Directory... # ac CommandLineErrorMessage = Error: {0} CommandLineNoMatchMessage = {0}: No match. CommandLineStatus = {0} format; {1} bytes free; {2} bytes used. CommandLineHelp = \ AppleCommander command line options [{0}]:\n\ -i [] display information about image(s).\n\ -ls [] list brief directory of image(s).\n\ -l [] list directory of image(s).\n\ -ll [] list detailed directory of image(s).\n\ -lsv [] list in CSV format brief directory of image(s).\n\ -lv [] list in CSV format directory of image(s).\n\ -llv [] list in CSV format detailed directory of image(s).\n\ -lsj [] list in JSON format brief directory of image(s).\n\ -lj [] list in JSON format directory of image(s).\n\ -llj [] list in JSON format detailed directory of image(s).\n\ -e [] export file from image to stdout\n or to an output file.\n\ -x [] extract all files from image to directory.\n\ -g [] get raw file from image to stdout\n or to an output file.\n\ -p [[$|0x]] put stdin\n in filename on image, using file type and address [0x2000].\n\ -pt put stdin in filename on image\n defaulting to TXT file type, setting high bit on and replacing\n newline characters with $8D.\n\ -ptx put stdin in filename on image\n defaulting to TXT file type, clearing high bit and replacing\n newline characters with $0D.\n\ -d delete file from image.\n\ -k lock file on image.\n\ -u unlock file on image.\n\ -n change volume name (ProDOS or Pascal).\n\ -dos put stdin with DOS header\n in filename on image, using file type and address from header.\n\ -as [] put stdin with AppleSingle format\n in filename on image, using file type, address, and (optionally) name\n from the AppleSingle file.\n\ -geos interpret stdin as a GEOS conversion file and\n place it on image (ProDOS only).\n\ -dos140 create a 140K DOS 3.3 image.\n\ -pro140 \n create a 140K ProDOS image.\n\ -pro800 create an 800K ProDOS image.\n\ -pas140 create a 140K Pascal image.\n\ -pas800 create an 800K Pascal image.\n\ -convert [] uncompress a ShrinkIt or Binary\n II file; or convert a DiskCopy 4.2 image into a ProDOS disk image.\n\ -bas import an AppleSoft basic file from text\n back to it's tokenized format. CommandLineSDKReadOnly = SDK, SHK, and DC42 files are read-only. Use the convert option on them first. CommandLineDC42Bad = Unable to interpret this DiskCopy 42 image. # UserPreferences UserPreferencesComment = AppleCommander user preferences # AppleCommander SwtVersionNotAvailable = Sorry, the SWT GUI is not available. SwingVersionNotAvailable = Sorry, the Swing GUI is not available. CommandLineNotAvailable = Sorry, the command line user interface is not available. AppleCommanderHelp = AppleCommander general options:\n-swt will launch the SWT version of AppleCommander.\n This requires the SWT jar and dll files to be present.\n-swing will launch the Swing version of AppleCommander.\n (This is not implemented yet.)\n-command will enter command interpreter mode. (This is also\n not implemented yet.)\n-help will show this help text. # ImportWizard ImportWizardTitle = Import Wizard # ImportSelectFilesWizardPane ImportWizardPrompt = Please choose the files to be imported: SourceColumnHeader = Source TargetColumnHeader = Target FilenameLabel=Filename: FiletypeLabel=Filetype: TypeColumnHeader = Type FileImportSettingsTitle=File Import Settings AddressLabel=Address: RawBinaryCheckbox=RAW binary? # ExportWizard ExportWizardTitle=Export Wizard # ExportGraphicsTypePane ExportGraphicsTypePrompt=Please choose the appropriate graphics mode: ExportGraphicsTypeDoubleHiresBlackAndWhite=Double hires black and white (560x384) ExportGraphicsTypeDoubleHiresColor=Double hires color (560x384) ExportGraphicsTypeSuperHiresColor=Super hires 16 color mode (320x200 or 640x200) ExportGraphicsTypeQuickDraw2Icon=QuickDraw II Icon (ICN) ExportGraphicsTypeHiresBlackAndWhite=Hires black and white (280x192) ExportGraphicsTypeSuperHires3200Color=Super hires 3200 color mode (320x200 or 640x200) ExportGraphicsTypeHiresColor=Hires color (280x192) ExportGraphicsFileFormatPrompt=Please choose the appropriate file format to save image as: # ExportFileStartPane ExportFileTypePrompt=Please choose the type of file that is being exported. ExportFileAsRawDiskData=Raw disk data ExportFileAsBinaryFile=Binary file ExportFileAsHexDump=Hex Dump ExportFileAsAsciiTextFile=ASCII text file ExportFileAsFormattedAssemblyTextFile=Formatted Assembly text file ExportFileAsPascalTextFile=Pascal text file ExportFileAsApplesoftBasicFile=Applesoft BASIC file ExportFileAsIntegerBasicFile=Integer BASIC file ExportFileAsBusinessBASICFile=Business BASIC file ExportFileAsAppleworksWordProcessorFile=AppleWorks Word Processor file ExportFileAsAppleworksDatabaseFile=AppleWorks Data Base file ExportFileAsAppleworksSpreadsheetFile=AppleWorks Spread Sheet file ExportFileAsGraphicsFile=Graphic file... # ExportFileDestinationPane ExportFilePrompt=Please indicate the destination for the exported files: ExportFileDirectoryPrompt=Please choose the directory to which exported files will be written # AppleWorksWordProcessorPane AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatPrompt=Please choose the appropriate format: AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatAsText=Text AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatAsHtml=HTML AppleWorksWordProcessorFormatAsRtf=RTF (Rich Text Format) # DiskImageWizard DiskImageWizardTitle=Disk Image Wizard # DiskImageSizePane DiskImageSizePrompt=Please choose the disk image size: DiskImageSize140Kb=140KB DiskImageSize140KbText=The Disk II 5.25" floppy drive. DiskImageSize800Kb=800KB DiskImageSize800KbText=The Apple UniDisk 3.5" drive. DiskImageSize5Mb=5MB DiskImageSize5MbText=A 5MB hard disk. DiskImageSize10Mb=10MB DiskImageSize10MbText=A 10MB hard disk. DiskImageSize20Mb=20MB DiskImageSize20MbText=A 20MB hard disk. DiskImageSize32Mb=32MB DiskImageSize32MbText=A 32MB hard disk. # DiskImageOrderPane DiskImageOrderProdosOnly=You have chosen a hard disk volume. The only\norder allowed is ProDOS. DiskImageOrderPrompt=Please choose the order to use in this disk image: DiskImageOrderDosLabel=DOS ordered DiskImageOrderDosText=Indicates that image data should be stored by track and sector. DiskImageOrderProdosLabel=ProDOS ordered DiskImageOrderProdosText=Indicates that image data should be stored by block. DiskImageOrderNibbleLabel=Nibble ordered DiskImageOrderNibbleText=Indicates that this is a disk stored as a nibble image. This is an image that consists of disk bytes. It is only available for 140KB 5.25" disks. DiskImageOrderNoCompression=Compression is not available for hard disk images. DiskImageOrderCompressionPrompt=Indicate if this disk image should be GZIP compressed: DiskImageOrderGzipCheckbox=GZip compression DiskImageOrderGzipTooltip=Compresses the disk image (*.gz). # Shared (!!) Prodos=ProDOS Pascal=Pascal Dos=DOS 3.3 Unidos=UniDOS Ozdos=OzDOS Rdos=RDOS 2.1 Cpm=CP/M NakedOS=NakedOS BrowseButton=Browse... CancelButton=Cancel OkButton=OK ChooseButton = Choose... RemoveButton = Remove EditButton=Edit... BackButton=\< Back NextButton=Next \> FinishButton=Finish Open=Open OpenButton=Open... CreateButton=Create... CompareButton=Compare... AboutButton=About Copyright=Copyright (c) 2002-2022 PrintButton=Print # DiskImageNamePane DiskImageNamePrompt=Please choose a name for your disk image.\nDo not enter any file extensions, as the wizard\nwill do that for you. DiskImageNameLengthText={0} requires a volume name.\nThe maximum length of the name is {1} characters. # DiskImageFormatPane DiskImageFormatPrompt=Please choose the operating system with which to format\nthe disk image: DiskImageFormatDosTooltip=This is Apple's DOS 3.3 format. The disk will automatically be\nsized at 140K. DiskImageFormatUnidosTooltip=UniDOS was created to allow DOS 3.3 to operate with 800K disk\ndrives. The disk will default to 800K. DiskImageFormatOzdosTooltip=OzDOS was created to allow DOS 3.3 to operate with 800K disk\ndrives. The disk will default to 800K. DiskImageFormatProdosTooltip=ProDOS was (is?) Apple's professional DOS for the Apple ][ series\nof computers. ProDOS allows subdirectories and can use devices\nup to 32MB in size. You will be presented with image sizing\noptions from the 140K disk to a 32MB hard disk. DiskImageFormatPascalTooltip=Apple Pascal formatted disks are part of the Pascal environment.\nEarly implementations of Pascal only allowed 140K volumes, but\nlater versions allowed 800K volumes (and possibly more). You\nwill be presented with options for 140K or 800K. DiskImageFormatRdosTooltip=RDOS was created by (or for) SSI to protected their games. The\noriginal format appears to be a 13 sector disk. Most disk images\nthat I've seen have been mapped onto a 16 sector disk (leaving 3\nsectors of each track unused. The only image size RDOS supports\nis 140K. DiskImageFormatCpmTooltip=CP/M for the Apple computer. # CompileWizard CompileWizardTitle=Compile Wizard # CompileFileStartPane CompileFileWarning=Please note that the current compiler is \nvery BETA and simply builds an assembly program \nand stores it on your harddisk... CompileFileDestinationPrompt=Please indicate the destination for the files: CompileFileDirectoryPrompt=Please choose the directory to which exported files will be written # CompareDisksWizard CompareDisksTitle=Compare Disks Wizard # CompareDisksStartPane CompareDisksStartPane.Description=This wizard will compare two disk images. Please\nchoose the images and click the next button.\n CompareDisksStartPane.DiskNLabel=Please select disk image \#{0}: # CompareDisksResultsPane CompareDisksResultsPane.RestartText=If you wish to compare more disks, click back and start again. CompareDisksResultsPane.UnableToLoadDiskN=Unable to load disk \#{0}: {1}\n CompareDisksResultsPane.DifferentSizeError=The two disks are of differing formats - unable to compare.\n CompareDisksResultsPane.DataDiffersMessage=The two disks do not contain the same data.\n CompareDisksResultsPane.DifferentDataFormatError=The two disks are not the same data format.\n CompareDisksResultsPane.DisksMatch=The disk images match. # GraphicsFilterAdapter GraphicsFilterAdapter.BadImageMessage=Unexpected graphic file encountered\! # SwtAppleCommander SwtAppleCommander.AppleCommander=AppleCommander SwtAppleCommander.UnrecognizedFormatTitle=Unrecognized Disk Format SwtAppleCommander.UnrecognizedFormatMessage=Unable to load "{0}".\n\nAppleCommander did not recognize the format of the disk. Either this is a new format or a protected disk.\n\nSorry\! SwtAppleCommander.OpenDiskImageTooltip=Open a disk image (Ctrl+O) SwtAppleCommander.CreateDiskImageTooltip=Create a disk image (Ctrl+C) SwtAppleCommander.CompareDiskImageTooltip=Compare two disk images (Ctrl+E) SwtAppleCommander.AboutTooltip=About AppleCommander (Ctrl+A) SwtAppleCommander.AboutTitle=About AppleCommander SwtAppleCommander.AboutMessage=AppleCommander\nVersion {0}\n{1}\n\nAppleCommander was created for the express\npurpose of assisting those-who-remember.\n\nI wish you many hours of vintage pleasure\!\n-Rob SwtAppleCommander.UnexpectedErrorTitle=Application Error SwtAppleCommander.UnexpectedErrorMessage=Unfortunately "{0}" triggered an unexpected application error.\n\nPlease report this to the developers.\n\nWe are terribly sorry for the inconvenience\! SwtAppleCommander.DiskCorruptException.RecursiveDirectoryStructure.Title=Recursive Directory structure detected. SwtAppleCommander.DiskCorruptException.Message=Unfortunately "{0}" is corrupted.\n\nYou can't use this disk safely. Please use a First Aid tool to recover your data.\n\nSorry\! SwtAppleCommander.DiskException.Title="Disk Generic Error" SwtAppleCommander.DiskException.Message=Unfortunately "{0}" has an unrecognizable but yet fatal error, internal code "{1}".\n\nYou can't use this disk safely.\n\nSorry\! # SwingAppleCommander SwingAppleCommander.MenuFile=File SwingAppleCommander.MenuFileOpen=Open SwingAppleCommander.MenuFileClose=Close SwingAppleCommander.MenuFileNew=New SwingAppleCommander.MenuFileQuit=Exit # FileViewerWindow FileViewerWindow.Title=AppleCommander File View - {0} FileViewerWindow.ApplesoftButton=Applesoft FileViewerWindow.ApplesoftTooltip=Displays file as an Applesoft BASIC program (F2) FileViewerWindow.BusinessBASICButton=Business BASIC FileViewerWindow.BusinessBASICTooltip=Displays file as an Apple /// Business BASIC program (F2) FileViewerWindow.DatabaseButton=Database FileViewerWindow.DatabaseTooltip=Displays file as a database file (F2) FileViewerWindow.SpreadsheetButton=Spreadsheet FileViewerWindow.SpreadsheetTooltip=Displays file as a spreadsheet file (F2) FileViewerWindow.WordprocessorButton=Wordprocessor FileViewerWindow.WordprocessorTooltip=Displays file as a wordprocessor file (F2) FileViewerWindow.AssemblyButton=Assembly FileViewerWindow.AssemblyTooltip=Displays file as assembly source file (F2) FileViewerWindow.ImageButton=Image FileViewerWindow.ImageTooltip=Displays file as an image (F2) FileViewerWindow.IntegerBasicButton=Integer BASIC FileViewerWindow.IntegerBasicTooltip=Displays file as an Integer BASIC program (F2) FileViewerWindow.PascalTextButton=Pascal Text FileViewerWindow.PascalTextTooltip=Displays file as Pascal text file (F2) FileViewerWindow.TextButton=Text FileViewerWindow.TextTooltip=Displays file as a text file (F2) FileViewerWindow.HexDumpButton=Hex Dump FileViewerWindow.HexDumpTooltip=Displays file as a hex dump (F3) FileViewerWindow.RawDumpButton=Raw Dump FileViewerWindow.RawDumpTooltip=Displays file as a raw hex dump (F4) FileViewerWindow.CopyButton=Copy FileViewerWindow.CopyTooltip=Copies selection to the clipboard (CTRL+C) FileViewerWindow.PrintTooltip=Print contents... (CTRL+P) FileViewerWindow.DisassemblyButton=Disassembly FileViewerWindow.DisassemblyTooltip=Displays file disassembled # DiskWindow DiskWindow.Title=AppleCommander Disk View - {0} # DiskMapTab DiskMapTab.MultipleTabsTitle=Disk Map \#{0} DiskMapTab.SingleTabTitle=Disk Map DiskMapTab.BlockDecriptiveLabel=This disk is organized by the {0}. Therefore, no organization has been forced on the {0} layout. DiskMapTab.TrackAndSectorDecriptiveLabel=This disk is organized by {0} and {1}, and this implies a rigid layout to the disk. This will be reflected in the disk map. DiskMapTab.FreeLegend=\ = Free DiskMapTab.UsedLegend=\ = Used DiskMapTab.DiskMapUnavailableMessage=A disk map is unavailable. # DiskInfoTab DiskInfoTab.Title=Disk Info DiskInfoTab.LabelHeader=Label DiskInfoTab.ValueHeader=Value