/* * AppleCommander - An Apple ][ image utility. * Copyright (C) 2002 by Robert Greene * robgreene at users.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; /** * Filter the given file as if it were a graphics image. *

* Address for Apple2 HGR/DHR address is calculated from an observation of a pattern:
* line number bits: 87654321
* 87 are multipled by 0x0028
* 65 are multipled by 0x0100
* 4 is multiplied by 0x0080
* 321 are multipled by 0x0400 *

* HGR bit values ignore the high bit, as that switches the "palette", and for B&W mode, * the bit does nothing. The other 7 bits simply toggle the pixel on or off. Double hires * does not follow this - it uses a real 4 bit value, but the high bit is still ignored for * graphics (hence, the 560 instead of 640 resolution). *

* Date created: Nov 3, 2002 12:06:36 PM * @author: Rob Greene */ public class GraphicsFileFilter implements FileFilter { public static final int MODE_HGR_BLACK_AND_WHITE = 1; public static final int MODE_HGR_COLOR = 2; public static final int MODE_DHR_BLACK_AND_WHITE = 3; public static final int MODE_DHR_COLOR = 4; private String extension; private int mode = MODE_HGR_COLOR; private static final int CODEC_NONE = 0; // disabled! private static final int CODEC_IMAGEIO = 1; // JDK 1.4 private static final int CODEC_JPEGCODEC = 2; // SUN JDK's only private int imageCodec; /** * Constructor for GraphicsFileFilter. */ public GraphicsFileFilter() { super(); determineImageCodec(); } /** * Start guessing which codec is avilable for images. */ protected void determineImageCodec() { try { Class.forName("javax.imageio.ImageIO"); imageCodec = CODEC_IMAGEIO; extension = "PNG"; return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { try { Class.forName("com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec"); imageCodec = CODEC_JPEGCODEC; extension = "JPEG"; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored2) { imageCodec = CODEC_NONE; } } } /** * Indicate if a codec is available (assist with interface requirements). */ public boolean isCodecAvailable() { return imageCodec != CODEC_NONE; } /** * Indicate if the ImageIO codec is avilable. */ protected boolean isCodecImageIo() { return imageCodec == CODEC_IMAGEIO; } /** * Indicate if the SUN JPEG Codec is avilable. */ protected boolean isCodecJpegCodec() { return imageCodec == CODEC_JPEGCODEC; } /** * Filter the file data and produce an image. * @see com.webcodepro.applecommander.storage.FileFilter#filter(FileEntry) */ public byte[] filter(FileEntry fileEntry) { byte[] fileData = fileEntry.getFileData(); BufferedImage image = null; if (isHiresColorMode()) { image = new BufferedImage(280, 192, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } else if (isDoubleHiresMode()) { image = new BufferedImage(560, 192*2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } else { return new byte[0]; } for (int y=0; y<192; y++) { int base = ( // odd notation - bit value shifted right * hex value ((y & 0x7) << 10) // 00000111 * 0x0400 | (y & 0x8) << 4 // 00001000 * 0x0080 | (y & 0x30) << 4 // 00110000 * 0x0100 | ((y & 0xc0) >> 6) * 0x028 // 11000000 * 0x0028 ) & 0x1fff; byte[] lineData = new byte[40]; System.arraycopy(fileData, base, lineData, 0, 40); if (isHiresBlackAndWhiteMode()) { processHiresBlackAndWhiteLine(lineData, image, y); } else if (isHiresColorMode()) { processHiresColorLine(lineData, image, y); } else if (isDoubleHiresMode()) { byte[] lineData2 = new byte[40]; System.arraycopy(fileData, base + 0x2000, lineData2, 0, 40); if (isDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteMode()) { processDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteLine(lineData, lineData2, image, y); } else if (isDoubleHiresColorMode()) { processDoubleHiresColorLine(lineData, lineData2, image, y); } } else { // oops... } } ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { if (isCodecImageIo()) { ImageIO.write(image, getExtension(), outputStream); } else if (isCodecJpegCodec()) { JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(outputStream).encode(image); } return outputStream.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ex) { return null; } } /** * Given a specific line in the image, process it in hires black and white * mode. */ protected void processHiresBlackAndWhiteLine(byte[] lineData, BufferedImage image, int y) { for (int x=0; x<280; x++) { int offset = x / 7; // byte across row int bit = x % 7; // bit to test byte byt = lineData[offset]; if (AppleUtil.isBitSet(byt, bit)) { image.setRGB(x, y, 0xffffff); } else { image.setRGB(x, y, 0x0); } } } /** * Given a specific line in the image, process it in hires color mode. * HGR color is two bits to determine color - essentially resolution is * 140 horizontally, but it indicates the color for two pixels. *

* The names of pixles is a bit confusion - pixel0 is really the left-most * pixel (not the low-value bit). * To alleviate my bad naming, here is a color table to assist:

	 * Color   Bits      RGB
	 * ======= ==== ========
	 * Black1   000 0x000000
	 * Green    001 0x00ff00
	 * Violet   010 0xff00ff
	 * White1   011 0xffffff
	 * Black2   100 0x000000
	 * Orange   101 0xff8000
	 * Blue     110 0x0000ff
	 * White2   111 0xffffff
* Remember: bits are listed as "highbit", "pixel0", "pixel1"! */ protected void processHiresColorLine(byte[] lineData, BufferedImage image, int y) { for (int x=0; x<140; x++) { int x0 = x*2; int x1 = x0+1; int offset0 = x0 / 7; // byte across row int bit0 = x0 % 7; // bit to test boolean pixel0 = AppleUtil.isBitSet(lineData[offset0], bit0); int offset1 = x1 / 7; // byte across row int bit1 = x1 % 7; // bit to test boolean pixel1 = AppleUtil.isBitSet(lineData[offset1], bit1); int color; if (pixel0 && pixel1) { color = 0xffffff; // white } else if (!pixel0 && !pixel1) { color = 0; // black } else { boolean highbit = pixel0 ? AppleUtil.isBitSet(lineData[offset0], 7) : AppleUtil.isBitSet(lineData[offset1], 7); if (pixel0 && highbit) { color = 0x0000ff; // blue } else if (pixel0 && !highbit) { color = 0xff00ff; // voilet } else if (pixel1 && !highbit) { color = 0x00ff00; // green } else { // pixel1 && highbit color = 0xff8000; // orange } } if (pixel0) image.setRGB(x0, y, color); if (pixel1) image.setRGB(x1, y, color); } } /** * Given a specific line in the image, process it in double hires black and white * mode. */ protected void processDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteLine(byte[] lineData1, byte[] lineData2, BufferedImage image, int y) { for (int x=0; x<560; x++) { // alternate bytes - switching memory banks byte[] lineData = (x % 14 < 7) ? lineData1 : lineData2; int rowOffset = x / 14; // byte across row int bit = x % 7; // bit to test byte byt = lineData[rowOffset]; if (AppleUtil.isBitSet(byt, bit)) { image.setRGB(x, y*2, 0xffffff); image.setRGB(x, y*2+1, 0xffffff); } else { image.setRGB(x, y*2, 0x0); image.setRGB(x, y*2+1, 0x0); } } } /** * Given a specific line in the image, process it in double hires color * mode. Treat image as 140x192 mode. *

* From the Apple2 * technical note: *

	 *                                          Repeated
* Binary
* Color aux1 main1 aux2 main2 Pattern
* Black 00 00 00 00 0000
* Magenta 08 11 22 44 0001
* Brown 44 08 11 22 0010
* Orange 4C 19 33 66 0011
* Dark Green 22 44 08 11 0100
* Grey1 2A 55 2A 55 0101
* Green 66 4C 19 33 0110
* Yellow 6E 5D 3B 77 0111
* Dark Blue 11 22 44 08 1000
* Violet 19 33 66 4C 1001
* Grey2 55 2A 55 2A 1010
* Pink 5D 3B 77 6E 1011
* Medium Blue 33 66 4C 19 1100
* Light Blue 3B 77 6E 5D 1101
* Aqua 77 6E 5D 3B 1110
* White 7F 7F 7F 7F 1111 *
*/ protected void processDoubleHiresColorLine(byte[] lineData1, byte[] lineData2, BufferedImage image, int y) { int[] bitValues = { 8,4,2,1 }; int[] colorValues = { 0x000000, 0xff0000, 0x800000, 0xff8000, // black, magenta, brown, orange 0x008000, 0x808080, 0x00ff00, 0xffff00, // dark green, grey1, green, yellow 0x000080, 0xff00ff, 0x808080, 0xff80c0, // dark blue, voilet, grey2, pink 0x0000a0, 0x0000ff, 0x00c080, 0xffffff // medium blue, light blue, aqua, white }; for (int x=0; x<560; x+=4) { int colorValue = 0; for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { int xb = x+b; // alternate bytes - switching memory banks byte[] lineData = (xb % 14 < 7) ? lineData1 : lineData2; int rowOffset = xb / 14; // byte across row int bit = xb % 7; // bit to test byte byt = lineData[rowOffset]; if (AppleUtil.isBitSet(byt, bit)) { colorValue+= bitValues[b]; } } for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { image.setRGB(x+b, y*2, colorValues[colorValue]); image.setRGB(x+b, y*2+1, colorValues[colorValue]); } } } /** * Give file extensions. */ public String[] getFileExtensions() { if (isCodecImageIo()) { return new String[] { "PNG", "JPEG" }; } else if (isCodecJpegCodec()) { return new String[] { "JPEG" }; } else { return new String[0]; } } /** * Give suggested file name. */ public String getSuggestedFileName(FileEntry fileEntry) { String fileName = fileEntry.getFilename().trim(); if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("." + getExtension())) { fileName = fileName + "." + getExtension(); } return fileName; } /** * Set the format name. */ public void setExtension(String extension) { this.extension = extension; } /** * Get the format name. */ public String getExtension() { return extension; } /** * Set the color mode. */ public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; } /** * Indicates if this is configured for hires black & white mode. */ public boolean isHiresBlackAndWhiteMode() { return mode == MODE_HGR_BLACK_AND_WHITE; } /** * Indicates if this is configured for hires color mode. */ public boolean isHiresColorMode() { return mode == MODE_HGR_COLOR; } /** * Indicates if this is configured for double hires black & white mode. */ public boolean isDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteMode() { return mode == MODE_DHR_BLACK_AND_WHITE; } /** * Indicates if this is configured for double hires color mode. */ public boolean isDoubleHiresColorMode() { return mode == MODE_DHR_COLOR; } /** * Indicates if this is a hires mode. */ protected boolean isHiresMode() { return isHiresBlackAndWhiteMode() || isHiresColorMode(); } /** * Indicates if this is a double hires mode. */ protected boolean isDoubleHiresMode() { return isDoubleHiresBlackAndWhiteMode() || isDoubleHiresColorMode(); } }