
99 lines
6.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="ac-ant-test" default="all">
<property name="projdir" value="../../../../.."/>
<property name="appantdir" value="app/ant-ac/src/test/resources" />
<property name="tmpdir" value="build/tmp" />
<mkdir dir="${projdir}/${tmpdir}" />
<target name="version" description="Get version from source.">
<echo>Testing ant support...</echo>
<path id="antJar">
<fileset dir="${projdir}/app/ant-ac/build/libs" includes="AppleCommander-ant-*.jar" />
<!-- Set a number of properties based on that version number -->
<taskdef name="appleCommander" classname="com.webcodepro.applecommander.ui.AntTask" classpathref="antJar"/>
<property name="dos140image" value="${tmpdir}/"/>
<property name="pro140image" value="${tmpdir}/test-ant-pro140.po"/>
<property name="pro800image" value="${tmpdir}/test-ant-pro800.po"/>
<property name="pas140image" value="${tmpdir}/test-ant-pas140.po"/>
<property name="pas800image" value="${tmpdir}/test-ant-pas800.po"/>
<target name="all" depends="version, clean, test" description="Tests some of the functions of the AppleCommander Ant task. Run 'clean' afterwards to clean up.">
<!-- This target is here to orchestrate the staging of other tasks via the 'depends' clause. -->
<target name="test" description="Run the bulk of the testing.">
<!-- First, build images to play with -->
<appleCommander command="dos140" imagename="${dos140image}" />
<appleCommander command="pro800" imagename="${pro800image}" />
<appleCommander command="pro140" imagename="${pro140image}" />
<appleCommander command="pas800" imagename="${pas800image}" />
<appleCommander command="pas140" imagename="${pas140image}" />
<!-- Now, copy a file to the images -->
<appleCommander command="p" input="${appantdir}/"
imagename="${dos140image}" filename="MANIFEST" type="T" />
<appleCommander command="p" input="${appantdir}/"
imagename="${pas140image}" filename="MANIFEST" type="text" />
<appleCommander command="p" input="${appantdir}/" failonerror="false"
imagename="${pas800image}" filename="MANIFEST" type="text" />
<appleCommander command="p" input="${appantdir}/"
imagename="${pro140image}" filename="MANIFEST" type="txt" />
<appleCommander command="p" input="${pas140image}" failonerror="false"
imagename="${pro800image}" filename="BIG140IMG" type="bin" />
<!-- Now, copy a file that should not fit on the images -->
<echo message="Here we expect messages from [appleCommander] complaining about file space requirements not being met..."/>
<appleCommander failonerror="false" command="p" input="${pro800image}" imagename="${dos140image}" filename="BLOWUP" type="T" />
<appleCommander failonerror="false" command="p" input="${pro800image}" imagename="${pas140image}" filename="BLOWUP" type="text" />
<appleCommander failonerror="false" command="p" input="${pro800image}" imagename="${pas800image}" filename="BLOWUP" type="text" />
<appleCommander failonerror="false" command="p" input="${pro800image}" imagename="${pro140image}" filename="BLOWUP" type="txt" />
<appleCommander failonerror="false" command="p" input="${pro800image}" imagename="${pro800image}" filename="BLOWUP" type="txt" />
<!-- Now, ask for some directories -->
<echo message="Here we are asking for a normal DOS directory."/>
<appleCommander command="ls" imagename="${dos140image}" />
<echo message="Here we are asking for a native Pascal directory."/>
<appleCommander command="l" imagename="${pas800image}" />
<echo message="Here we are asking for a detailed ProDOS directory."/>
<appleCommander command="ll" imagename="${pro800image}" />
<!-- Now, ask for some information on images -->
<echo message="Here we are asking for general image information."/>
<appleCommander command="i" imagename="${dos140image}" />
<!-- Now, delete that file we created -->
<appleCommander command="d" imagename="${dos140image}" filename="MANIFEST" />
<appleCommander command="d" imagename="${pas140image}" filename="MANIFEST" />
<echo message="Note: the 'No match' message is coming from the Pascal 140k image, which gets corrupted when it is blown up with the large file."/>
<appleCommander command="d" imagename="${pas800image}" filename="MANIFEST" />
<appleCommander command="d" imagename="${pro140image}" filename="MANIFEST" />
<appleCommander command="d" imagename="${pro800image}" filename="BIG140IMG" />
<!-- Now, the files should be gone -->
<echo message="Now, the files that appeared before should be gone."/>
<appleCommander command="ls" imagename="${dos140image}" />
<appleCommander command="l" imagename="${pas800image}" />
<appleCommander command="ll" imagename="${pro800image}" />
<!-- Now, test some file exporting -->
<echo message="Here are the contents of a file:"/>
<appleCommander command="p" input="${appantdir}/"
imagename="${pro140image}" filename="TEST" type="txt" />
<appleCommander command="e" imagename="${pro140image}" filename="TEST" />
<echo message="Here are the contents of a file, native:"/>
<appleCommander command="g" imagename="${pro140image}" filename="TEST" />
<appleCommander command="x" imagename="${pro140image}" outputpath="${tmpdir}" />
<appleCommander command="p" input="${pro140image}" imagename="${pro800image}" filename="TEST.po" type="bin" />
<appleCommander command="g" imagename="${pro800image}" filename="TEST.po" output="${tmpdir}/TEST.po"/>
<echo message="Files TEST.po and ${pro140image} should match." />
<echo message="Files should be exported to the current working directory now." />
<target name="clean" description="Get rid of testing artifacts.">
<delete file="${dos140image}" />
<delete file="${pas140image}" />
<delete file="${pas800image}" />
<delete file="${pro140image}" />
<delete file="${pro800image}" />
<delete file="TEST.txt" />