
1101 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2006-02-26 06:26:56 +00:00
AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien
Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt
Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth
Copyright (C) 2006, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski
AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* Description: Debugger
* Author: Copyright (C) 2006, Michael Pohoreski
#include "StdAfx.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Globals __________________________________________________________________
// Addressing _____________________________________________________________________________________
AddressingMode_t g_aOpmodes[ NUM_ADDRESSING_MODES ] =
{ // Outut, but eventually used for Input when Assembler is working.
{TEXT("") , 1 , "(implied)" }, // (implied)
{TEXT("") , 1 , "n/a 1" }, // INVALID1
{TEXT("") , 2 , "n/a 2" }, // INVALID2
{TEXT("") , 3 , "n/a 3" }, // INVALID3
{TEXT("%02X") , 2 , "Immediate" }, // AM_M // #$%02X -> %02X
{TEXT("%04X") , 3 , "Absolute" }, // AM_A
{TEXT("%02X") , 2 , "Zero Page" }, // AM_Z
{TEXT("%04X,X") , 3 , "Absolute,X" }, // AM_AX // %s,X
{TEXT("%04X,Y") , 3 , "Absolute,Y" }, // AM_AY // %s,Y
{TEXT("%02X,X") , 2 , "Zero Page,X" }, // AM_ZX // %s,X
{TEXT("%02X,Y") , 2 , "Zero Page,Y" }, // AM_ZY // %s,Y
{TEXT("%s") , 2 , "Relative" }, // AM_R
{TEXT("(%02X,X)"), 2 , "(Zero Page),X" }, // AM_IZX ADDR_INDX // ($%02X,X) -> %s,X
{TEXT("(%04X,X)"), 3 , "(Absolute),X" }, // AM_IAX ADDR_ABSIINDX // ($%04X,X) -> %s,X
{TEXT("(%02X),Y"), 2 , "(Zero Page),Y" }, // AM_NZY ADDR_INDY // ($%02X),Y
{TEXT("(%02X)") , 2 , "(Zero Page)" }, // AM_NZ ADDR_IZPG // ($%02X) -> $%02X
{TEXT("(%04X)") , 3 , "(Absolute)" } // AM_NA ADDR_IABS // (%04X) -> %s
// Assembler ______________________________________________________________________________________
int g_bAssemblerOpcodesHashed = false;
Hash_t g_aOpcodesHash[ NUM_OPCODES ]; // for faster mnemonic lookup, for the assembler
bool g_bAssemblerInput = false;
int g_nAssemblerAddress = 0;
const Opcodes_t *g_aOpcodes = NULL; // & g_aOpcodes65C02[ 0 ];
// Instructions / Opcodes _________________________________________________________________________
// @reference:
// 10 signed: BPL BGE
// B0 unsigned: BCS BGE
#define R_ MEM_R
#define _W MEM_W
#define RW MEM_R | MEM_W
#define _S MEM_S
#define im MEM_IM
#define SW MEM_S | MEM_WI
#define SR MEM_S | MEM_RI
const Opcodes_t g_aOpcodes65C02[ NUM_OPCODES ] =
{"BRK", 0 , 0}, {"ORA", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 00 .. 03
{"TSB", AM_Z , _W}, {"ORA", AM_Z , R_}, {"ASL", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 04 .. 07
{"PHP", 0 , SW}, {"ORA", AM_M , im}, {"ASL", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 08 .. 0B
{"TSB", AM_A , _W}, {"ORA", AM_A , R_}, {"ASL", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_3 , 0 }, // 0C .. 0F
{"BPL", AM_R , 0}, {"ORA", AM_NZY, R_}, {"ORA", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 10 .. 13
{"TRB", AM_Z , _W}, {"ORA", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ASL", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 14 .. 17
{"CLC", 0 , 0}, {"ORA", AM_AY , R_}, {"INA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 18 .. 1B
{"TRB", AM_A , _W}, {"ORA", AM_AX , R_}, {"ASL", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 1C .. 1F
{"JSR", AM_A , SW}, {"AND", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 20 .. 23
{"BIT", AM_Z , R_}, {"AND", AM_Z , R_}, {"ROL", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 24 .. 27
{"PLP", 0 , SR}, {"AND", AM_M , im}, {"ROL", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 28 .. 2B
{"BIT", AM_A , R_}, {"AND", AM_A , R_}, {"ROL", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_3 , 0 }, // 2C .. 2F
{"BMI", AM_R , 0}, {"AND", AM_NZY, R_}, {"AND", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 30 .. 33
{"BIT", AM_ZX , R_}, {"AND", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ROL", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 34 .. 37
{"SEC", 0 , 0}, {"AND", AM_AY , R_}, {"DEA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 38 .. 3B
{"BIT", AM_AX , R_}, {"AND", AM_AX , R_}, {"ROL", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 3C .. 3F
{"RTI", 0 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 40 .. 43
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_Z , R_}, {"LSR", AM_Z , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 44 .. 47
{"PHA", 0 , SW}, {"EOR", AM_M , im}, {"LSR", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 48 .. 4B
{"JMP", AM_A , 0}, {"EOR", AM_A , R_}, {"LSR", AM_A , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 4C .. 4F
{"BVC", AM_R , 0}, {"EOR", AM_NZY, R_}, {"EOR", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 50 .. 53
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LSR", AM_ZX , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 54 .. 57
{"CLI", 0 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_AY , R_}, {"PHY", 0 , SW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 58 .. 5B
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_AX , R_}, {"LSR", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 5C .. 5F
{"RTS", 0 , SR}, {"ADC", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 60 .. 63
{"STZ", AM_Z , _W}, {"ADC", AM_Z , R_}, {"ROR", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 64 .. 67
{"PLA", 0 , SR}, {"ADC", AM_M , im}, {"ROR", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 68 .. 6B
{"JMP", AM_NA , 0}, {"ADC", AM_A , R_}, {"ROR", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 6C .. 6F
{"BVS", AM_R , 0}, {"ADC", AM_NZY, R_}, {"ADC", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 70 .. 73
{"STZ", AM_ZX , _W}, {"ADC", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ROR", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 74 .. 77
{"SEI", 0 , 0}, {"ADC", AM_AY , R_}, {"PLY", 0 , SR}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 78 .. 7B
{"JMP", AM_IAX, 0}, {"ADC", AM_AX , R_}, {"ROR", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 7C .. 7F
{"BRA", AM_R , 0}, {"STA", AM_IZX, _W}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 80 .. 83
{"STY", AM_Z , _W}, {"STA", AM_Z , _W}, {"STX", AM_Z , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 84 .. 87
{"DEY", 0 , 0}, {"BIT", AM_M , im}, {"TXA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 88 .. 8B
{"STY", AM_A , _W}, {"STA", AM_A , _W}, {"STX", AM_A , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 8C .. 8F
{"BCC", AM_R , 0}, {"STA", AM_NZY, _W}, {"STA", AM_NZ , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 90 .. 93
{"STY", AM_ZX , _W}, {"STA", AM_ZX , _W}, {"STX", AM_ZY , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 94 .. 97
{"TYA", 0 , 0}, {"STA", AM_AY , _W}, {"TXS", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 98 .. 9B
{"STZ", AM_A , _W}, {"STA", AM_AX , _W}, {"STZ", AM_AX , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 9C .. 9F
{"LDY", AM_M , im}, {"LDA", AM_IZX, R_}, {"LDX", AM_M , im}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A0 .. A3
{"LDY", AM_Z , R_}, {"LDA", AM_Z , R_}, {"LDX", AM_Z , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A4 .. A7
{"TAY", 0 , 0}, {"LDA", AM_M , im}, {"TAX", 0 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A8 .. AB
{"LDY", AM_A , R_}, {"LDA", AM_A , R_}, {"LDX", AM_A , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // AC .. AF
{"BCS", AM_R , 0}, {"LDA", AM_NZY, R_}, {"LDA", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B0 .. B3
{"LDY", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LDA", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LDX", AM_ZY , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B4 .. B7
{"CLV", 0 , 0}, {"LDA", AM_AY , R_}, {"TSX", 0 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B8 .. BB
{"LDY", AM_AX , R_}, {"LDA", AM_AX , R_}, {"LDX", AM_AY , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // BC .. BF
{"CPY", AM_M , im}, {"CMP", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C0 .. C3
{"CPY", AM_Z , R_}, {"CMP", AM_Z , R_}, {"DEC", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C4 .. C7
{"INY", 0 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_M , im}, {"DEX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C8 .. CB
{"CPY", AM_A , R_}, {"CMP", AM_A , R_}, {"DEC", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // CC .. CF
{"BNE", AM_R , 0}, {"CMP", AM_NZY, R_}, {"CMP", AM_NZ , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D0 .. D3
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_ZX , R_}, {"DEC", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D4 .. D7
{"CLD", 0 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_AY , R_}, {"PHX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D8 .. DB
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_AX , R_}, {"DEC", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // DC .. DF
{"CPX", AM_M , im}, {"SBC", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E0 .. E3
{"CPX", AM_Z , R_}, {"SBC", AM_Z , R_}, {"INC", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E4 .. E7
{"INX", 0 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_M , R_}, {"NOP", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E8 .. EB
{"CPX", AM_A , R_}, {"SBC", AM_A , R_}, {"INC", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // EC .. EF
{"BEQ", AM_R , 0}, {"SBC", AM_NZY, R_}, {"SBC", AM_NZ , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // F0 .. F3
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_ZX , R_}, {"INC", AM_ZX , RW}, {"???", AM_ZX , 0 }, // F4 .. F7
2006-02-26 06:26:56 +00:00
{"SED", 0 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_AY , R_}, {"PLX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // F8 .. FB
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_AX , R_}, {"INC", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 } // FF .. FF
// TODO:FIXME //e uses 65C02, ][ uses 6502
const Opcodes_t g_aOpcodes6502[ NUM_OPCODES ] =
{ // Should match Cpu.cpp InternalCpuExecute() switch (*(mem+regs.pc++)) !!
Based on:
If you really want to know what the undocumented --- (n/a) opcodes do, see:
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
0x BRK ORA (d,X) --- --- tsb d ORA d ASL d --- PHP ORA # ASL A --- tsb a ORA a ASL a ---
1x BPL r ORA (d),Y ora (d) --- trb d ORA d,X ASL d,X --- CLC ORA a,Y ina A --- trb a ORA a,X ASL a,X ---
2x JSR a AND (d,X) --- --- BIT d AND d ROL d --- PLP AND # ROL A --- BIT a AND a ROL a ---
3x BMI r AND (d),Y and (d) --- bit d,X AND d,X ROL d,X --- SEC AND a,Y dea A --- bit a,X AND a,X ROL a,X ---
4x RTI EOR (d,X) --- --- --- EOR d LSR d --- PHA EOR # LSR A --- JMP a EOR a LSR a ---
5x BVC r EOR (d),Y eor (d) --- --- EOR d,X LSR d,X --- CLI EOR a,Y phy --- --- EOR a,X LSR a,X ---
6x RTS ADC (d,X) --- --- stz d ADC d ROR d --- PLA ADC # ROR A --- JMP (a) ADC a ROR a ---
7x BVS r ADC (d),Y adc (d) --- stz d,X ADC d,X ROR d,X --- SEI ADC a,Y ply --- jmp (a,X) ADC a,X ROR a,X ---
8x bra r STA (d,X) --- --- STY d STA d STX d --- DEY bit # TXA --- STY a STA a STX a ---
9x BCC r STA (d),Y sta (d) --- STY d,X STA d,X STX d,Y --- TYA STA a,Y TXS --- Stz a STA a,X stz a,X ---
Ax LDY # LDA (d,X) LDX # --- LDY d LDA d LDX d --- TAY LDA # TAX --- LDY a LDA a LDX a ---
Bx BCS r LDA (d),Y lda (d) --- LDY d,X LDA d,X LDX d,Y --- CLV LDA a,Y TSX --- LDY a,X LDA a,X LDX a,Y ---
Cx CPY # CMP (d,X) --- --- CPY d CMP d DEC d --- INY CMP # DEX --- CPY a CMP a DEC a ---
Dx BNE r CMP (d),Y cmp (d) --- --- CMP d,X DEC d,X --- CLD CMP a,Y phx --- --- CMP a,X DEC a,X ---
Ex CPX # SBC (d,X) --- --- CPX d SBC d INC d --- INX SBC # NOP --- CPX a SBC a INC a ---
Fx BEQ r SBC (d),Y sbc (d) --- --- SBC d,X INC d,X --- SED SBC a,Y plx --- --- SBC a,X INC a,X ---
lowercase 65C02
12, 32, 52, 72, 92, B2, D2, F2
04, 14, 34, 64, 74
1A, 3A, 5A, 7A, DA, FA
0C, 1C, 3C, 7C, 9C;
# Immediate
A Accumulator (implicit for mnemonic)
a absolute
r Relative
d Destination
z Zero Page
{"BRK", 0 , 0}, {"ORA", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 00 .. 03
{"TSB", AM_Z , _W}, {"ORA", AM_Z , R_}, {"ASL", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 04 .. 07
{"PHP", 0 , SW}, {"ORA", AM_M , im}, {"ASL", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 08 .. 0B
{"TSB", AM_A , _W}, {"ORA", AM_A , R_}, {"ASL", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_3 , 0 }, // 0C .. 0F
{"BPL", AM_R , 0}, {"ORA", AM_NZY, R_}, {"ORA", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 10 .. 13
{"TRB", AM_Z , _W}, {"ORA", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ASL", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 14 .. 17
{"CLC", 0 , 0}, {"ORA", AM_AY , R_}, {"INA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 18 .. 1B
{"TRB", AM_A , _W}, {"ORA", AM_AX , R_}, {"ASL", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 1C .. 1F
{"JSR", AM_A , SW}, {"AND", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 20 .. 23
{"BIT", AM_Z , R_}, {"AND", AM_Z , R_}, {"ROL", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 24 .. 27
{"PLP", 0 , SR}, {"AND", AM_M , im}, {"ROL", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 28 .. 2B
{"BIT", AM_A , R_}, {"AND", AM_A , R_}, {"ROL", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_3 , 0 }, // 2C .. 2F
{"BMI", AM_R , 0}, {"AND", AM_NZY, R_}, {"AND", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 30 .. 33
{"BIT", AM_ZX , R_}, {"AND", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ROL", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 34 .. 37
{"SEC", 0 , 0}, {"AND", AM_AY , R_}, {"DEA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 38 .. 3B
{"BIT", AM_AX , R_}, {"AND", AM_AX , R_}, {"ROL", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 3C .. 3F
{"RTI", 0 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 40 .. 43
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_Z , R_}, {"LSR", AM_Z , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 44 .. 47
{"PHA", 0 , SW}, {"EOR", AM_M , im}, {"LSR", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 48 .. 4B
{"JMP", AM_A , 0}, {"EOR", AM_A , R_}, {"LSR", AM_A , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 4C .. 4F
{"BVC", AM_R , 0}, {"EOR", AM_NZY, R_}, {"EOR", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 50 .. 53
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LSR", AM_ZX , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 54 .. 57
{"CLI", 0 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_AY , R_}, {"PHY", 0 , SW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 58 .. 5B
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"EOR", AM_AX , R_}, {"LSR", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 5C .. 5F
{"RTS", 0 , SR}, {"ADC", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 60 .. 63
{"STZ", AM_Z , _W}, {"ADC", AM_Z , R_}, {"ROR", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 64 .. 67
{"PLA", 0 , SR}, {"ADC", AM_M , im}, {"ROR", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 68 .. 6B
{"JMP", AM_NA , 0}, {"ADC", AM_A , R_}, {"ROR", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 6C .. 6F
{"BVS", AM_R , 0}, {"ADC", AM_NZY, R_}, {"ADC", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 70 .. 73
{"STZ", AM_ZX , _W}, {"ADC", AM_ZX , R_}, {"ROR", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 74 .. 77
{"SEI", 0 , 0}, {"ADC", AM_AY , R_}, {"PLY", 0 , SR}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 78 .. 7B
{"JMP", AM_IAX, 0}, {"ADC", AM_AX , R_}, {"ROR", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 7C .. 7F
{"BRA", AM_R , 0}, {"STA", AM_IZX, _W}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 80 .. 83
{"STY", AM_Z , _W}, {"STA", AM_Z , _W}, {"STX", AM_Z , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 84 .. 87
{"DEY", 0 , 0}, {"BIT", AM_M , im}, {"TXA", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 88 .. 8B
{"STY", AM_A , _W}, {"STA", AM_A , _W}, {"STX", AM_A , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 8C .. 8F
{"BCC", AM_R , 0}, {"STA", AM_NZY, _W}, {"STA", AM_NZ , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 90 .. 93
{"STY", AM_ZX , _W}, {"STA", AM_ZX , _W}, {"STX", AM_ZY , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 94 .. 97
{"TYA", 0 , 0}, {"STA", AM_AY , _W}, {"TXS", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 98 .. 9B
{"STZ", AM_A , _W}, {"STA", AM_AX , _W}, {"STZ", AM_AX , _W}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // 9C .. 9F
{"LDY", AM_M , im}, {"LDA", AM_IZX, R_}, {"LDX", AM_M , im}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A0 .. A3
{"LDY", AM_Z , R_}, {"LDA", AM_Z , R_}, {"LDX", AM_Z , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A4 .. A7
{"TAY", 0 , 0}, {"LDA", AM_M , im}, {"TAX", 0 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // A8 .. AB
{"LDY", AM_A , R_}, {"LDA", AM_A , R_}, {"LDX", AM_A , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // AC .. AF
{"BCS", AM_R , 0}, {"LDA", AM_NZY, R_}, {"LDA", AM_NZ , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B0 .. B3
{"LDY", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LDA", AM_ZX , R_}, {"LDX", AM_ZY , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B4 .. B7
{"CLV", 0 , 0}, {"LDA", AM_AY , R_}, {"TSX", 0 , 0 }, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // B8 .. BB
{"LDY", AM_AX , R_}, {"LDA", AM_AX , R_}, {"LDX", AM_AY , R_}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // BC .. BF
{"CPY", AM_M , im}, {"CMP", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C0 .. C3
{"CPY", AM_Z , R_}, {"CMP", AM_Z , R_}, {"DEC", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C4 .. C7
{"INY", 0 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_M , im}, {"DEX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // C8 .. CB
{"CPY", AM_A , R_}, {"CMP", AM_A , R_}, {"DEC", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // CC .. CF
{"BNE", AM_R , 0}, {"CMP", AM_NZY, R_}, {"CMP", AM_NZ , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D0 .. D3
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_ZX , R_}, {"DEC", AM_ZX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D4 .. D7
{"CLD", 0 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_AY , R_}, {"PHX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // D8 .. DB
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"CMP", AM_AX , R_}, {"DEC", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // DC .. DF
{"CPX", AM_M , im}, {"SBC", AM_IZX, R_}, {"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E0 .. E3
{"CPX", AM_Z , R_}, {"SBC", AM_Z , R_}, {"INC", AM_Z , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E4 .. E7
{"INX", 0 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_M , R_}, {"NOP", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // E8 .. EB
{"CPX", AM_A , R_}, {"SBC", AM_A , R_}, {"INC", AM_A , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // EC .. EF
{"BEQ", AM_R , 0}, {"SBC", AM_NZY, R_}, {"SBC", AM_NZ , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // F0 .. F3
{"NOP", AM_2 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_ZX , R_}, {"INC", AM_ZX , RW}, {"???", AM_ZX , 0 }, // F4 .. F7
2006-02-26 06:26:56 +00:00
{"SED", 0 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_AY , R_}, {"PLX", 0 , 0}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 }, // F8 .. FB
{"NOP", AM_3 , 0}, {"SBC", AM_AX , R_}, {"INC", AM_AX , RW}, {"NOP", AM_1 , 0 } // FF .. FF
#undef R_
#undef _W
#undef RW
#undef _S
#undef im
#undef SW
#undef SR
// @reference:
// Private __________________________________________________________________
enum MerlinDirective_e
AssemblerDirective_t g_aAssemblerDirectivesMerlin[ NUM_MERLIN_DIRECTIVES ] =
{"ASC"}, // ASC "postive" 'negative'
{"DDB"}, // Define Double Byte (Define WORD)
{"DFB"}, // DeFine Byte
{"DS" }, // Defin Storage
{"HEX"}, // HEX ###### or HEX ##,##,...
{"ORG"} // Origin
const AssemblerDirective_t g_aAssemblerDirectivesAcme[] =
enum AssemblerFlags_e
AF_HaveLabel = (1 << 0),
AF_HaveComma = (1 << 1),
AF_HaveHash = (1 << 2),
AF_HaveImmediate = (1 << 3),
AF_HaveDollar = (1 << 4),
AF_HaveLeftParen = (1 << 5),
AF_HaveRightParen = (1 << 6),
AF_HaveEitherParen= (1 << 7),
AF_HaveBothParen = (1 << 8),
AF_HaveRegisterX = (1 << 9),
AF_HaveRegisterY = (1 <<10),
AF_HaveZeroPage = (1 <<11),
AF_HaveTarget = (1 <<12),
enum AssemblerState_e
int m_bAsmFlags;
vector<int> m_vAsmOpcodes;
int m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_IMPLIED;
struct DelayedTarget_t
char m_sAddress[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN + 1 ];
WORD m_nBaseAddress; // mem address to store symbol at
int m_nOpcode ;
int m_iOpmode ; // AddressingMode_e
vector <DelayedTarget_t> m_vDelayedTargets;
bool m_bDelayedTargetsDirty = false;
int m_nAsmBytes = 0;
WORD m_nAsmBaseAddress = 0;
WORD m_nAsmTargetAddress = 0;
WORD m_nAsmTargetValue = 0;
// Implementation ___________________________________________________________
int _6502GetOpmodeOpbytes( const int iAddress, int & iOpmode_, int & nOpbytes_ )
int iOpcode_ = *(mem + iAddress);
iOpmode_ = g_aOpcodes[ iOpcode_ ].nAddressMode;
nOpbytes_ = g_aOpmodes[ iOpmode_ ].m_nBytes;
#if _DEBUG
if (iOpcode_ >= NUM_OPCODES)
bool bStop = true;
return iOpcode_;
void _6502GetOpcodeOpmodeOpbytes( int & iOpcode_, int & iOpmode_, int & nOpbytes_ )
iOpcode_ = _6502GetOpmodeOpbytes( regs.pc, iOpmode_, nOpbytes_ );
int AssemblerHashMnemonic ( const TCHAR * pMnemonic )
const TCHAR *pText = pMnemonic;
int nMnemonicHash = 0;
int iHighBits;
const int NUM_LOW_BITS = 19; // 24 -> 19 prime
const int NUM_MSK_BITS = 5; // 4 -> 5 prime
const Hash_t BIT_MSK_HIGH = ((1 << NUM_MSK_BITS) - 1) << NUM_LOW_BITS;
for( int iChar = 0; iChar < 4; iChar++ )
nMnemonicHash = (nMnemonicHash << NUM_MSK_BITS) + *pText;
iHighBits = (nMnemonicHash & BIT_MSK_HIGH);
if (iHighBits)
nMnemonicHash = (nMnemonicHash ^ (iHighBits >> NUM_LOW_BITS)) & ~ BIT_MSK_HIGH;
return nMnemonicHash;
void AssemblerHashOpcodes ()
Hash_t nMnemonicHash;
int iOpcode;
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < NUM_OPCODES; iOpcode++ )
const TCHAR *pMnemonic = g_aOpcodes65C02[ iOpcode ].sMnemonic;
nMnemonicHash = AssemblerHashMnemonic( pMnemonic );
g_aOpcodesHash[ iOpcode ] = nMnemonicHash;
void AssemblerHashMerlinDirectives ()
Hash_t nMnemonicHash;
int iOpcode;
// int nMerlinDirectives = sizeof( g_aAssemblerDirectivesMerlin ) / sizeof( AssemblerDirective_t );
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < NUM_MERLIN_DIRECTIVES; iOpcode++ )
const TCHAR *pMnemonic = g_aAssemblerDirectivesMerlin[ iOpcode ].m_sMnemonic;
nMnemonicHash = AssemblerHashMnemonic( pMnemonic );
g_aAssemblerDirectivesMerlin[ iOpcode ].m_nHash = nMnemonicHash;
void AssemblerStartup()
void _CmdAssembleHashDump ()
vector<HashOpcode_t> vHashes;
HashOpcode_t tHash;
int iOpcode;
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < NUM_OPCODES; iOpcode++ )
tHash.m_iOpcode = iOpcode;
tHash.m_nValue = g_aOpcodesHash[ iOpcode ];
vHashes.push_back( tHash );
sort( vHashes.begin(), vHashes.end(), HashOpcode_t() );
Hash_t nPrevHash = 0 ).m_nValue;
Hash_t nThisHash = 0;
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < NUM_OPCODES; iOpcode++ )
tHash = iOpcode );
Hash_t iThisHash = tHash.m_nValue;
int nOpcode = tHash.m_iOpcode;
int nOpmode = g_aOpcodes[ nOpcode ].nAddressMode;
wsprintf( sText, "%08X %02X %s %s"
, iThisHash
, nOpcode
, g_aOpcodes65C02[ nOpcode ].sMnemonic
, g_aOpmodes[ nOpmode ].m_sName
ConsoleBufferPush( sText );
// if (nPrevHash != iThisHash)
// {
// wsprintf( sText, "Total: %d", nThisHash );
// ConsoleBufferPush( sText );
// nThisHash = 0;
// }
bool AssemblerOpcodeIsBranch( int nOpcode )
// 76543210 Bit
// xxx10000 Branch
if (nOpcode == OPCODE_BRA)
return true;
if ((nOpcode & 0x1F) != 0x10) // low nibble not zero?
return false;
if ((nOpcode >> 4) & 1)
return true;
// (nOpcode == 0x10) || // BPL
// (nOpcode == 0x30) || // BMI
// (nOpcode == 0x50) || // BVC
// (nOpcode == 0x70) || // BVS
// (nOpcode == 0x90) || // BCC
// (nOpcode == 0xB0) || // BCS
// (nOpcode == 0xD0) || // BNE
// (nOpcode == 0xF0) || // BEQ
return false;
bool Calc6502RelativeOffset( int nOpcode, int nBaseAddress, int nTargetAddress, WORD * pTargetOffset_ )
if (AssemblerOpcodeIsBranch( nOpcode))
// Branch is
// a) relative to address+2
// b) in 2's compliment
// i.e.
// 300: D0 7F -> BNE $381 0x381 - 0x300 = 0x81 +129
// 300: D0 80 -> BNE $282 0x282 - 0x300 = -126
// 300: D0 7E BNE $380
// ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | TargetAddress
// | | TargetOffset
// | Opcode
// BaseAddress
int nDistance = nTargetAddress - nBaseAddress;
if (pTargetOffset_)
*pTargetOffset_ = (BYTE)(nDistance - 2);
if ((nDistance - 2) > 127)
m_iAsmAddressMode = NUM_OPMODES; // signal bad
if ((nDistance - 2) < -128)
m_iAsmAddressMode = NUM_OPMODES; // signal bad
return true;
return false;
int AssemblerPokeAddress( const int Opcode, const int nOpmode, const WORD nBaseAddress, const WORD nTargetOffset )
// int nOpmode = g_aOpcodes[ nOpcode ].nAddressMode;
int nOpbytes = g_aOpmodes[ nOpmode ].m_nBytes;
// if (nOpbytes != nBytes)
// ConsoleDisplayError( TEXT(" ERROR: Input Opcode bytes differs from actual!" ) );
*(memdirty + (nBaseAddress >> 8)) |= 1;
// *(mem + nBaseAddress) = (BYTE) nOpcode;
if (nOpbytes > 0)
*(mem + nBaseAddress + 1) = (BYTE)(nTargetOffset >> 0);
if (nOpbytes > 1)
*(mem + nBaseAddress + 2) = (BYTE)(nTargetOffset >> 8);
return nOpbytes;
bool AssemblerPokeOpcodeAddress( const WORD nBaseAddress )
int iAddressMode = m_iAsmAddressMode; // opmode detected from input
int nTargetValue = m_nAsmTargetValue;
int iOpcode;
int nOpcodes = m_vAsmOpcodes.size();
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < nOpcodes; iOpcode++ )
int nOpcode = iOpcode ); // m_iOpcode;
int nOpmode = g_aOpcodes[ nOpcode ].nAddressMode;
if (nOpmode == iAddressMode)
*(mem + nBaseAddress) = (BYTE) nOpcode;
int nOpbytes = AssemblerPokeAddress( nOpcode, nOpmode, nBaseAddress, nTargetValue );
if (m_bDelayedTargetsDirty)
int nDelayedTargets = m_vDelayedTargets.size();
DelayedTarget_t *pTarget = & nDelayedTargets - 1 );
pTarget->m_nOpcode = nOpcode;
pTarget->m_iOpmode = nOpmode;
g_nAssemblerAddress += nOpbytes;
return true;
return false;
bool TestFlag( AssemblerFlags_e eFlag )
if (m_bAsmFlags & eFlag)
return true;
return false;
void SetFlag( AssemblerFlags_e eFlag, bool bValue = true )
if (bValue)
m_bAsmFlags |= eFlag;
m_bAsmFlags &= ~ eFlag;
AM_I // indexed or indirect
bool AssemblerGetArgs( int iArg, int nArgs, WORD nBaseAddress )
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_IMPLIED;
AssemblerState_e eNextState = AS_GET_MNEMONIC;
m_bAsmFlags = 0;
m_nAsmTargetAddress = 0;
int nBase = 10;
// Sync up to Raw Args for matching mnemonic
// Process them instead of the cooked args, since we need the orginal tokens
Arg_t *pArg = &g_aArgRaw[ iArg ];
while (iArg < g_nArgRaw)
int iToken = pArg->eToken;
int iType = pArg->bType;
if (iToken == TOKEN_HASH)
if (eNextState != AS_GET_MNEMONIC_PARM)
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: '#'" ) );
return false;
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveHash ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Extra '#'" ) ); // No thanks, we already have one
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveHash );
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_M; // Immediate
eNextState = AS_GET_TARGET;
m_nAsmBytes = 1;
if (iToken == TOKEN_DOLLAR)
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveDollar ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Extra '$'" ) ); // No thanks, we already have one
return false;
nBase = 16; // switch to hex
if (! TestFlag( AF_HaveHash))
SetFlag( AF_HaveDollar );
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_A; // Absolute
eNextState = AS_GET_TARGET;
m_nAsmBytes = 2;
if (iToken == TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveLeftParen ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Extra '('" ) ); // No thanks, we already have one
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveLeftParen );
// Indexed or Indirect
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_I;
if (iToken == TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveRightParen ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Extra ')'" ) ); // No thanks, we already have one
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveRightParen );
// Indexed or Indirect
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_I;
if (iToken == TOKEN_COMMA)
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Extra ','" ) ); // No thanks, we already have one
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveComma );
eNextState = AS_GET_INDEX;
// We should have address by now
if (iToken == TOKEN_LESS_THAN)
if (iToken == TOKEN_SEMI) // comment
if (eNextState == AS_GET_MNEMONIC)
if (eNextState == AS_GET_MNEMONIC_PARM)
eNextState = AS_GET_TARGET;
if (eNextState == AS_GET_TARGET)
SetFlag( AF_HaveTarget );
ArgsGetValue( pArg, & m_nAsmTargetAddress, nBase );
// Do Symbol Lookup
WORD nSymbolAddress;
bool bExists = FindAddressFromSymbol( pArg->sArg, &nSymbolAddress );
if (bExists)
m_nAsmTargetAddress = nSymbolAddress;
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_IMPLIED)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_A;
DelayedTarget_t tDelayedTarget;
tDelayedTarget.m_nBaseAddress = nBaseAddress;
strncpy( tDelayedTarget.m_sAddress, pArg->sArg, MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN );
tDelayedTarget.m_sAddress[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ] = 0;
// Flag this target that we need to update it when we have the relevent info
m_bDelayedTargetsDirty = true;
tDelayedTarget.m_nOpcode = 0;
tDelayedTarget.m_iOpmode = m_iAsmAddressMode;
m_vDelayedTargets.push_back( tDelayedTarget );
m_nAsmTargetAddress = 0;
if ((m_iAsmAddressMode != AM_M) &&
(m_iAsmAddressMode != AM_IMPLIED) &&
(! m_bDelayedTargetsDirty))
if (m_nAsmTargetAddress <= _6502_ZEROPAGE_END)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_Z;
m_nAsmBytes = 1;
if (eNextState == AS_GET_INDEX)
if (pArg->nArgLen == 1)
if (pArg->sArg[0] == 'X')
if (! TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Missing ','" ) );
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveRegisterX );
if (pArg->sArg[0] == 'Y')
if (! (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma )))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Missing ','" ) );
return false;
SetFlag( AF_HaveRegisterY );
return true;
bool AssemblerUpdateAddressingMode()
SetFlag( AF_HaveEitherParen, TestFlag(AF_HaveLeftParen) || TestFlag(AF_HaveRightParen) );
SetFlag( AF_HaveBothParen, TestFlag(AF_HaveLeftParen) && TestFlag(AF_HaveRightParen) );
if ((TestFlag( AF_HaveLeftParen )) && (! TestFlag( AF_HaveRightParen )))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Missing ')'" ) );
return false;
if ((! TestFlag( AF_HaveLeftParen )) && ( TestFlag( AF_HaveRightParen )))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Missing '('" ) );
return false;
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ))
if ((! TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterX )) && (! TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterY )))
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( " Syntax Error: Index 'X' or 'Y'" ) );
return false;
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveBothParen ))
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ))
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterX ))
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_AX;
m_nAsmBytes = 2;
if (m_nAsmTargetAddress <= _6502_ZEROPAGE_END)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_ZX;
m_nAsmBytes = 1;
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterY ))
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_AY;
m_nAsmBytes = 2;
if (m_nAsmTargetAddress <= _6502_ZEROPAGE_END)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_ZY;
m_nAsmBytes = 1;
if ((m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_A) || (m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_Z))
if (! TestFlag( AF_HaveEitherParen)) // if no paren
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ) && TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterX ))
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_Z)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_ZX;
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_AX;
if (TestFlag( AF_HaveComma ) && TestFlag( AF_HaveRegisterY ))
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_Z)
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_ZY;
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_AY;
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == AM_I)
if (! TestFlag( AF_HaveEitherParen)) // if no paren
// Indirect Zero Page
// Indirect Absolute
m_nAsmTargetValue = m_nAsmTargetAddress;
int nOpcode = 0 ); // branch opcodes don't vary (only 1 Addressing Mode)
if (Calc6502RelativeOffset( nOpcode, m_nAsmBaseAddress, m_nAsmTargetAddress, & m_nAsmTargetValue ))
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == NUM_OPMODES)
return false;
m_iAsmAddressMode = AM_R;
return true;
int AssemblerDelayedTargetsSize()
int nSize = m_vDelayedTargets.size();
return nSize;
// The Assembler was terminated, with Symbol(s) declared, but not (yet) defined.
// i.e.
// A 300
// <enter>
void AssemblerProcessDelayedSymols()
m_bDelayedTargetsDirty = false; // assembler set signal if new symbol was added
bool bModified = false;
while (! bModified)
bModified = false;
vector<DelayedTarget_t>::iterator iSymbol;
for( iSymbol = m_vDelayedTargets.begin(); iSymbol != m_vDelayedTargets.end(); ++iSymbol )
DelayedTarget_t *pTarget = & (*iSymbol); // iSymbol );
WORD nTargetAddress;
bool bExists = FindAddressFromSymbol( pTarget->m_sAddress, & nTargetAddress );
if (bExists)
// TODO: need to handle #<symbol, #>symbol, symbol+n, symbol-n
bModified = true;
int nOpcode = pTarget->m_nOpcode;
int nOpmode = g_aOpcodes[ nOpcode ].nAddressMode;
// int nOpbytes = g_aOpmodes[ nOpmode ].m_nBytes;
// 300: D0 7E BNE $380
// ^ ^ ^
// | | TargetAddress
// | TargetValue
// BaseAddress
WORD nTargetValue = nTargetAddress;
if (Calc6502RelativeOffset( nOpcode, pTarget->m_nBaseAddress, nTargetAddress, & nTargetValue ))
if (m_iAsmAddressMode == NUM_OPMODES)
nTargetValue = 0;
bModified = false;
if (bModified)
AssemblerPokeAddress( nOpcode, nOpmode, pTarget->m_nBaseAddress, nTargetValue );
*(memdirty + (pTarget->m_nBaseAddress >> 8)) |= 1;
m_vDelayedTargets.erase( iSymbol );
// iterators are invalid after the point of deletion
// need to restart enumeration
bool Assemble( int iArg, int nArgs, WORD nAddress )
bool bGotArgs;
bool bGotMode;
bool bGotByte;
// Since, making 2-passes is not an option,
// we need to buffer the target address fix-ups.
m_nAsmBaseAddress = nAddress;
TCHAR *pMnemonic = g_aArgs[ iArg ].sArg;
int nMnemonicHash = AssemblerHashMnemonic( pMnemonic );
m_vAsmOpcodes.clear(); // Candiate opcodes
int iOpcode;
// Ugh! Linear search.
for( iOpcode = 0; iOpcode < NUM_OPCODES; iOpcode++ )
if (nMnemonicHash == g_aOpcodesHash[ iOpcode ])
m_vAsmOpcodes.push_back( iOpcode );
int nOpcodes = m_vAsmOpcodes.size();
if (! nOpcodes)
// Check for assembler directive
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Syntax Error: Invalid mnemonic") );
return false;
bGotArgs = AssemblerGetArgs( iArg, nArgs, nAddress );
if (bGotArgs)
bGotMode = AssemblerUpdateAddressingMode();
if (bGotMode)
bGotByte = AssemblerPokeOpcodeAddress( nAddress );
return true;
void AssemblerOn ()
g_bAssemblerInput = true;
g_sConsolePrompt[0] = g_aConsolePrompt[ PROMPT_ASSEMBLER ];
void AssemblerOff ()
g_bAssemblerInput = false;
g_sConsolePrompt[0] = g_aConsolePrompt[ PROMPT_COMMAND ];