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2006-07-08 15:41:03 +00:00
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<title>Loading Disk Images</title>
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<h2 style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);">Loading
Disk Images</h2>
<hr size="4">
<p>AppleWin registers<sub style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">1</sub> the
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following file types as "Disk
Images": *.do, *.dsk, *.nib, *.po and *.woz.&nbsp; Double-clicking
a disk image in Windows Explorer will automatically load and boot
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the disk.
While older versions of
AppleWin started a new
instance of the emulator for every disk started in this manner, current
of the emulator will simply replace the current disk (and reboot) if there is an
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instance of
the emulator already running.</p>
<p>You may also drag and drop a
disk image from an Explorer
window to the AppleWin emulator window to load and boot the
disk.&nbsp; Dropping the image exactly on one of the drive buttons
will insert
it only into this drive
without booting.&nbsp; For
example: drop "Pascal1.dsk" to drive 1 and "Pascal2.dsk" to
drive 2, then click the the Run button to bring up UCSD Pascal.</p>
<p>AppleWin now allows you to
open a disk as read-only.&nbsp;
To do this, click the checkbox for "Open as Read Only" in the Select
Disk Image dialog.&nbsp; This works like the physical
write-protection mechanism on a real Apple //e floppy disk.</p>
<p>If a Disk Image name is too
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long to read in the Toolbar,
simply pause the mouse cursor over a drive button to get a
tool-tip with the full name.</p>
<p>Under the vertical Toolbar, are 2 LEDs, one for each floppy disk drive. The colors indicate drive status:
<li>Black: drive is off
<li>Green: drive is reading
<li>Red: drive is writing
<li>Orange: drive is reading (and floppy is write-protected)
<p>By default the Disk II Controller card has the 16-sector firmware (as used by DOS 3.3 and ProDOS). But if a WOZ image that internally identifies as 13-sector format (eg. DOS 3.2) is put into drive 1, then from the start-up/logo screen (or the next reset), the Disk II Controller card's firmware will automatically be switched to the old 13-sector firmware, allowing the disk to boot. And it will automatically switch back if a non-13-sector WOZ (or any non-WOZ) image is put into drive 1 and the machine is reset.<br>
NB. There is no support for this feature for non-WOZ images.
<p><sub style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">1</sub>&nbsp;To register the file types in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10,
you will need to run AppleWin with elevated privileges. This only needs to be done once.
Right click the AppleWin.exe icon and select 'Run as Administrator'.</p>
2006-07-08 15:41:03 +00:00