Simplify the mapping code

This commit is contained in:
tomcw 2024-03-29 21:49:11 +00:00
parent 9bd1b0832d
commit 578271ea8a

View File

@ -1516,9 +1516,6 @@ bool MemIsAddrCodeMemory(const USHORT addr)
static void FreeMemImage(void)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (memimage == NULL)
if (g_hMemImage)
const UINT num64KPages = 2;
@ -1553,25 +1550,27 @@ static LPBYTE AllocMemImage(void)
res = false;
const UINT num64KRegions = 2;
const SIZE_T totalVirtualSize = _6502_MEM_LEN * num64KRegions;
g_hMemImage = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, _6502_MEM_LEN, NULL);
// NB. Returns NULL on failure (not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
if (g_hMemImage != NULL)
UINT retry = 10;
const SIZE_T totalVirtualSize = _6502_MEM_LEN * num64KRegions;
baseAddr = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(0, totalVirtualSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
if (baseAddr)
VirtualFree(baseAddr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
// Create a file mapping object of [64K] size that is backed by the system paging file.
g_hMemImage = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, _6502_MEM_LEN, NULL);
// NB. Returns NULL on failure (not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
if (g_hMemImage == NULL)
UINT count = 0;
while (count < num64KRegions)
// MSDN: "To specify a suggested base address for the view, use the MapViewOfFileEx function. However, this practice is not recommended."
// This is why we retry multiple times.
// The OS (ie. another process) may've beaten us to this suggested baseAddr. This is why we retry multiple times.
if (!MapViewOfFileEx(g_hMemImage, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, _6502_MEM_LEN, baseAddr + count * _6502_MEM_LEN))
@ -1582,16 +1581,11 @@ static LPBYTE AllocMemImage(void)
// Failed this time, so clean-up and retry...
for (UINT i = 0; i < count; i++)
UnmapViewOfFile(baseAddr + i * _6502_MEM_LEN);
while (retry--);
if (!res)
#if 1
if (res) // test