Help-troubleshooting: Added new item about issue with AltGr on international keyboards

This commit is contained in:
tomcw 2019-04-07 08:55:55 +01:00
parent 4db23c10dc
commit 78c9d89357

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@ -27,5 +27,23 @@
When using a non-US (or UK) keyboard, certain keys can't be typed.
<li>AltGr (or right Alt) needs to be used to type certain keys, eg:
<li>'@' is AltGr+2 (for a Canadian-French keyboard).</li>
<li>'[' is AltGr+é (for an Italian keyboard).</li>
<li>Some games or productivity software have an action based on the Open Apple (Alt) or Solid Apple (AltGr) keys, eg:
<li>Lode Runner uses CTRL+@ to increase the lives.</li>
<li>AppleLogo // and AppleWorks 5.1 have problems when using an Italian keyboard.</li>
<li>This dual function for AltGr (to both type a key and emulate Solid Apple) can cause problems such that the key (eg. '@') can never be typed.
<li>The workaround is to use the `-no-hook-alt` command line switch and configure Joystick 1 = "Keyboard (numpad)"; and then use the '0' and '.' keys for Open/Solid Apple.