mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 19:32:45 +00:00
Debugger: Added: ntsc save [filename], ntsc load [filename]
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "..\Frame.h"
#include "..\Keyboard.h"
#include "..\Memory.h"
#include "..\NTSC.h"
#include "..\Video.h"
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See /docs/Debugger_Changelog.txt for full details
// Public _________________________________________________________________________________________
@ -379,6 +380,19 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
WORD DisasmCalcAddressFromLines( WORD iAddress, int nLines );
// File _______________________________________________________________________
int _GetFileSize( FILE *hFile )
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_END );
int nFileBytes = ftell( hFile );
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
return nFileBytes;
// Bookmarks __________________________________________________________________
@ -4108,9 +4122,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemoryLoad (int nArgs)
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "rb" );
if (hFile)
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_END );
int nFileBytes = ftell( hFile );
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
int nFileBytes = _GetFileSize( hFile );
if (nFileBytes > _6502_MEM_END)
nFileBytes = _6502_MEM_END + 1; // Bank-switched RAMR/ROM is only 16-bit
@ -4230,12 +4242,12 @@ Update_t CmdMemoryLoad (int nArgs)
,{ ".hgr2", 0x4000, 0x2000 }
// TODO: extension ".dhgr", ".dhgr2"
const int nFileTypes = sizeof( aFileTypes ) / sizeof( KnownFileType_t );
const int nFileTypes = sizeof( aFileTypes ) / sizeof( KnownFileType_t );
const KnownFileType_t *pFileType = NULL;
char *pFileName = g_aArgs[ 1 ].sArg;
int nLen = strlen( pFileName );
char *pEnd = pFileName + + nLen - 1;
char *pEnd = pFileName + nLen - 1;
while( pEnd > pFileName )
if( *pEnd == '.' )
@ -4310,9 +4322,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemoryLoad (int nArgs)
FILE *hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "rb" );
if (hFile)
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_END );
int nFileBytes = ftell( hFile );
fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
int nFileBytes = _GetFileSize( hFile );
if (nFileBytes > _6502_MEM_END)
nFileBytes = _6502_MEM_END + 1; // Bank-switched RAM/ROM is only 16-bit
@ -4414,7 +4424,6 @@ Update_t CmdMemoryMove (int nArgs)
#if 0 // Original
Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
@ -4665,6 +4674,7 @@ Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs)
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Warning: File already exists. Overwriting." ) );
fclose( hFile );
// TODO: BUG: Is this a bug/feature that we can over-write files and the user has no control over that?
hFile = fopen( sLoadSaveFilePath, "wb" );
@ -4855,6 +4865,169 @@ void Util_CopyTextToClipboard ( const size_t nSize, const char *pText )
// GlobalFree() ??
Update_t CmdNTSC (int nArgs)
int iParam;
int nFound = FindParam( g_aArgs[ 1 ].sArg, MATCH_EXACT, iParam, _PARAM_GENERAL_BEGIN, _PARAM_GENERAL_END );
struct KnownFileType_t
char *pExtension;
const KnownFileType_t aFileTypes[] =
{ "" } // n/a
,{ ".bmp" }
,{ ".data" }
// ,{ ".raw" }
// ,{ ".ntsc" }
const int nFileTypes = sizeof( aFileTypes ) / sizeof( KnownFileType_t );
const KnownFileType_t *pFileType = NULL;
char *pFileName = (nArgs > 1) ? g_aArgs[ 2 ].sArg : "";
int nLen = strlen( pFileName );
char *pEnd = pFileName + nLen - 1;
while( pEnd > pFileName )
if( *pEnd == '.' )
for( int i = 1; i < nFileTypes; i++ )
if( strcmp( pEnd, aFileTypes[i].pExtension ) == 0 )
pFileType = &aFileTypes[i];
if( pFileType )
if( nLen == 0 )
pFileName = "AppleWinNTSC4096x4@32.data";
static TCHAR sPaletteFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
_tcscpy( sPaletteFilePath, g_sCurrentDir );
_tcscat( sPaletteFilePath, pFileName );
class ConsoleFilename
static void update( const char *pPrefixText )
sprintf( text, "%s: %s", pPrefixText, sPaletteFilePath );
ConsoleBufferPush( text ); // "Saved."
class Swizzle32
static void swizzleRB( size_t nSize, const uint8_t *pSrc, uint8_t *pDst )
const uint8_t* pEnd = pSrc + nSize;
while ( pSrc < pEnd )
*pDst++ = pSrc[2];
*pDst++ = pSrc[1];
*pDst++ = pSrc[0];
*pDst++ = pSrc[3];
pSrc += 4;
uint32_t* pChromaTable = NTSC_VideoGetChromaTable( false, false );
if (nFound)
if (iParam == PARAM_RESET)
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Resetting NTSC palette." ) );
if (iParam == PARAM_SAVE)
FILE *pFile = fopen( sPaletteFilePath, "w+b" );
if( pFile )
size_t nWrote = 0;
// Write BMP
// need to save 32-bit bpp as 24-bit bpp
// VideoSaveScreenShot()
// Write RAW
uint8_t *pSwizzled = new uint8_t[ g_nChromaSize ];
Swizzle32::swizzleRB( g_nChromaSize, (uint8_t*) pChromaTable, pSwizzled );
nWrote = fwrite( pSwizzled, g_nChromaSize, 1, pFile );
delete [] pSwizzled;
fclose( pFile );
if (nWrote == 1)
ConsoleFilename::update( "Saved" );
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Error saving." ) );
ConsoleFilename::update( "File: " );
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Error couldn't open file for writing." ) );
if (iParam == PARAM_LOAD)
FILE *pFile = fopen( sPaletteFilePath, "rb" );
if( pFile )
// Get File Size
size_t nFileSize = _GetFileSize( pFile );
if( nFileSize != g_nChromaSize )
fclose( pFile );
return ConsoleUpdate();
// BMP
// RAW
uint8_t *pSwizzled = new uint8_t[ g_nChromaSize ];
size_t nRead = fread( pSwizzled, g_nChromaSize, 1, pFile );
Swizzle32::swizzleRB( g_nChromaSize, pSwizzled, (uint8_t*) pChromaTable );
delete [] pSwizzled;
fclose( pFile );
ConsoleFilename::update( "Loaded" );
ConsoleFilename::update( "File: " );
ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT( "Error couldn't open file for reading." ) );
return HelpLastCommand();
// else
return ConsoleUpdate();
int CmdTextSave (int nArgs)
@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
,{"SH" , CmdMemorySearchHex , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH_HEX , "Search memory for hex values" }
,{"F" , CmdMemoryFill , CMD_MEMORY_FILL , "Memory fill" }
,{"NTSC" , CmdNTSC , CMD_NTSC , "Save/Load the NTSC palette" }
,{"TSAVE" , CmdTextSave , CMD_TEXT_SAVE , "Save text screen" }
// Output / Scripts
,{"CALC" , CmdOutputCalc , CMD_OUTPUT_CALC , "Display mini calc result" }
@ -442,6 +442,7 @@
// , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH_APPLE // Flashing Chars, Hi-Bit Set
// Output
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@
// Assembler
Update_t CmdAssemble (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdAssemble (int nArgs);
// Disassembler Data
Update_t CmdDisasmDataDefCode (int nArgs);
@ -577,89 +578,89 @@
Update_t CmdDisasmDataDefAddress16(int nArgs);
// CPU
Update_t CmdCursorJumpPC(int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorSetPC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakInvalid(int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed!
Update_t CmdBreakOpcode (int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed!
Update_t CmdGo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdIn (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdKey (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdJSR (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdNOP (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdOut (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStepOver (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStepOut (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdTrace (int nArgs); // alias for CmdStepIn
Update_t CmdTraceFile (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdTraceLine (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdUnassemble (int nArgs); // code dump, aka, Unassemble
Update_t CmdCursorJumpPC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorSetPC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakInvalid (int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed!
Update_t CmdBreakOpcode (int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed!
Update_t CmdGo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdIn (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdKey (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdJSR (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdNOP (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdOut (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStepOver (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStepOut (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdTrace (int nArgs); // alias for CmdStepIn
Update_t CmdTraceFile (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdTraceLine (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdUnassemble (int nArgs); // code dump, aka, Unassemble
// Bookmarks
Update_t CmdBookmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkGoto (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdBookmarkLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkGoto (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdBookmarkLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBookmarkSave (int nArgs);
// Breakpoints
Update_t CmdBreakpoint (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddSmart(int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddReg (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddPC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddIO (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddMem (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointEdit (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdBreakpointLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpoint (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddSmart (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddReg (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddPC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddIO (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointAddMem (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointEdit (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdBreakpointLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBreakpointSave (int nArgs);
// Benchmark
Update_t CmdBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBenchmarkStart (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdSetupBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBenchmarkStop (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdExtBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfile (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfileStart (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfileStop (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBenchmarkStart (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdSetupBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdBenchmarkStop (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdExtBenchmark (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfile (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfileStart (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdProfileStop (int nArgs);
// Config
// Update_t CmdConfigMenu (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBase (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBaseHex (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBaseDec (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigColorMono (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigDisasm (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigHColor (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSetFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigGetFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigGetDebugDir (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSetDebugDir (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigMenu (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBase (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBaseHex (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdConfigBaseDec (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigColorMono (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigDisasm (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigHColor (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSetFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigGetFont (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigGetDebugDir (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdConfigSetDebugDir (int nArgs);
// Cursor
Update_t CmdCursorFollowTarget(int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorLineDown (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorLineUp (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorJumpRetAddr (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorRunUntil (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown256 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown4K (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp256 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp4K (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorFollowTarget (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorLineDown (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorLineUp (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorJumpRetAddr (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorRunUntil (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown256 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageDown4K (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp256 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdCursorPageUp4K (int nArgs);
// Disk
Update_t CmdDisk (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdDisk (int nArgs);
// Help
Update_t CmdHelpList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdHelpSpecific (int Argss);
Update_t CmdVersion (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMOTD (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdHelpList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdHelpSpecific (int Argss);
Update_t CmdVersion (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMOTD (int nArgs);
// Flags
Update_t CmdFlag (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdFlagClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdFlagSet (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdFlag (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdFlagClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdFlagSet (int nArgs);
// Memory (Data)
Update_t CmdMemoryCompare (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpHex (int nArgs);
@ -672,13 +673,14 @@
Update_t CmdMemoryEnterByte (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemoryEnterWord (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemoryFill (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdNTSC (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdTextSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemoryLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemoryMove (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemorySave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemorySearch (int nArgs);
Update_t _SearchMemoryDisplay (int nArgs=0);
Update_t _SearchMemoryDisplay (int nArgs=0); // TODO: CLEANUP
// Update_t CmdMemorySearchLowBit (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdMemorySearchHiBit (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdMemorySearchAscii (int nArgs);
@ -691,101 +693,100 @@
Update_t CmdOutputPrintf (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdOutputRun (int nArgs);
// Registers
Update_t CmdRegisterSet (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdRegisterSet (int nArgs);
// Source Level Debugging
Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSync (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSync (int nArgs);
// Stack
Update_t CmdStackPush (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackPop (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackPopPseudo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackReturn (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackPush (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackPop (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackPopPseudo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdStackReturn (int nArgs);
// Symbols
Update_t CmdSymbols (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsInfo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbols (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsList (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsInfo (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsCommand (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsMain (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsBasic (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsUser (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsAssembly (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdSymbolsCommand (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsMain (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsBasic (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsUser (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsAssembly (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdSymbolsSource (int nArgs);
// View
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text4X (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text41 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text42 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text8X (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text81 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text82 (int nArgs);
// View
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text4X (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text41 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text42 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text8X (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text81 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_Text82 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_GR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DGR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_HGR2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGRX (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGR1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdViewOutput_DHGR2 (int nArgs);
// Watch
Update_t CmdWatch (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdWatchLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatch (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdWatchLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWatchSave (int nArgs);
// Window
Update_t CmdWindow (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowCycleNext (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowCyclePrev (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowLast (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindow (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowCycleNext (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowCyclePrev (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowLast (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols1(int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols2(int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowCode2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowData2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource1 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowShowSource2 (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewCode (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewConsole (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewData (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewOutput (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewSymbols (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewCode (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewConsole (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewData (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewOutput (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewSource (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowViewSymbols (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowWidthToggle (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageShow (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageHide (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageToggle (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdWindowWidthToggle (int nArgs);
// ZeroPage
Update_t CmdZeroPage (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPagePointer (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageShow (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageHide (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageToggle (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPage (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageAdd (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageClear (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageDisable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageEnable (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageList (int nArgs);
// Update_t CmdZeroPageLoad (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPageSave (int nArgs);
Update_t CmdZeroPagePointer (int nArgs);
// Cursor _________________________________________________________________________________________
@ -1063,7 +1063,8 @@ void VideoDisplayLogo ()
// sprintf( szVersion, "NTSC Alpha v14 HorzClock" );
sprintf( szVersion, "NTSC Alpha v15 Fraps" );
// sprintf( szVersion, "NTSC Alpha v15 Fraps" );
sprintf( szVersion, "NTSC Alpha v16 Palette" );
xoff = -g_nViewportCX + g_nViewportCX/6;
yoff = +g_nViewportCY/16;
DRAWVERSION( 0, 0,RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user