Differences compared to Mockingboard:
. Only one 6522
. AY8913 is selected by address b7
Add cmd line: -sN sdmusic
Add cmd line: -mb-audit (to enable selection of additional sound cards, eg. for mb-audit)
Differences compared to Mockingboard:
. TIMER1 underflows to $FFFE before it's reloaded with latch.
. TIMER1's LATCH=$0000 gets interpreted as $FFFF.
. Partial TIMER2 support: IFR.T2 gets set on underflow. But T2 reads as 0x00FF.
. AY register reads are unsupported (always read as 0).
Config->Sound: show 'MEGA Audio' in drop-down menus only if it was specified on the cmd line.
Mockingboard or Phasor cards can be inserted into any slot.
Change Config->Sound to that slots 4+5 to be individually selected for the 3 soundcard types.
Add MockingboardCardManager class to manage multiple cards and mix the sound buffers.
Here are a few changes to make 64-bit build possible.
The changes are mainly to use windows api in the correct way that works for both 32-bit and 64-bit builds.