Disk Settings

Disk settings

Floppy Controller Settings:

Disk Access Speed:
Here you can choose the speed at which the system can access an emulated floppy disk drive. By default, you would want "Enhanced Speed" so that data can be accessed as fast as possible. However, it is also possible that certain programs might depend on the "Authentic Speed" to function properly. This is the speed at which the real hardware would access data from your drives.

Disk 1/2 drop-down menus:
These menus allow you to select floppy disk images (.dsk files) to 'insert' into the emulated floppy drives 1 and 2. This can also be done during emulation by using the toolbar or using the F3/F4 keys. Diskettes can be swapped by pressing F5 during emulation. You can also eject images from this menu.

Harddisk Controller Settings:

Enable harddisk in slot 7:
A harddisk interface card can be plugged in to slot-7 by checking this box. You can connect two harddisks to this card by selecting .hdv files on your PC. Each harddisk can have a maximum capacity of 32MB.

On booting, the Apple will always attempt to autoboot from slot-7 first. If the harddisk card is unplugged (not enabled) the Apple will then attempt to boot from slot-6 (this has the Disk][ floppy interface card in it). To boot a floppy disk with the harddisk card enabled, you can issue PR#6 from an AppleSoft prompt.

You can download sample .hdv images from Asimov (eg. ftp://public.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/utility/misc/hardpc.zip).

HDD 1/2 drop-down menus:
These menus allow you to select harddisk images (.hdv files) to connect to the emulated hard drive controller. You can also unplug images from this menu.

Harddisk warnings: Path to CiderPress:
Use this to specify where CiderPress is installed.
The right button context menu on either of the drive icons allows you to open CiderPress with the image in the drive.