// Sync'd with source #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Memory.h" // MemGetMainPtr() MemGetAuxPtr() #include "Video.h" #include "RGBMonitor.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" const int SRCOFFS_LORES = 0; // 0 const int SRCOFFS_HIRES = (SRCOFFS_LORES + 16); // 16 const int SRCOFFS_HIRES2 = (SRCOFFS_HIRES + 512); // 528 // Style = Vertical Blend, 280-pixel (from 1.25) const int SRCOFFS_DHIRES = (SRCOFFS_HIRES2 + 512); // 1040 const int SRCOFFS_TOTAL = (SRCOFFS_DHIRES + 2560); // 3600 const int MAX_SOURCE_Y = 512; static LPBYTE g_aSourceStartofLine[ MAX_SOURCE_Y ]; #define SETSOURCEPIXEL(x,y,c) g_aSourceStartofLine[(y)][(x)] = (c) // TC: Tried to remove HiresToPalIndex[] translation table, so get purple bars when hires data is: 0x80 0x80... // . V_CreateLookup_HiResHalfPixel_Authentic() uses both ColorMapping (CM_xxx) indices and Color_Palette_Index_e (HGR_xxx)! #define DO_OPT_PALETTE 0 enum Color_Palette_Index_e { // hires (don't change order) - For tv emulation HGR Video Mode #if DO_OPT_PALETTE HGR_VIOLET // HCOLOR=2 VIOLET , 2800: 01 00 55 2A , HGR_BLUE // HCOLOR=6 BLUE , 3000: 81 00 D5 AA , HGR_GREEN // HCOLOR=1 GREEN , 2400: 02 00 2A 55 , HGR_ORANGE // HCOLOR=5 ORANGE , 2C00: 82 00 AA D5 , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE #else HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE , HGR_BLUE // HCOLOR=6 BLUE , 3000: 81 00 D5 AA , HGR_ORANGE // HCOLOR=5 ORANGE , 2C00: 82 00 AA D5 , HGR_GREEN // HCOLOR=1 GREEN , 2400: 02 00 2A 55 , HGR_VIOLET // HCOLOR=2 VIOLET , 2800: 01 00 55 2A #endif // TV emu , HGR_GREY1 , HGR_GREY2 , HGR_YELLOW , HGR_AQUA , HGR_PURPLE , HGR_PINK // lores & dhires , BLACK , DEEP_RED , DARK_BLUE , MAGENTA , DARK_GREEN , DARK_GRAY , BLUE , LIGHT_BLUE , BROWN , ORANGE , LIGHT_GRAY , PINK , GREEN , YELLOW , AQUA , WHITE }; // __ Map HGR color index to Palette index enum ColorMapping { CM_Violet , CM_Blue , CM_Green , CM_Orange , CM_Black , CM_White , NUM_COLOR_MAPPING }; const BYTE HiresToPalIndex[ NUM_COLOR_MAPPING ] = { HGR_VIOLET , HGR_BLUE , HGR_GREEN , HGR_ORANGE , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE }; const BYTE LoresResColors[16] = { BLACK, DEEP_RED, DARK_BLUE, MAGENTA, DARK_GREEN,DARK_GRAY,BLUE, LIGHT_BLUE, BROWN, ORANGE, LIGHT_GRAY,PINK, GREEN, YELLOW, AQUA, WHITE }; const BYTE DoubleHiresPalIndex[16] = { BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN,BLUE, BROWN, LIGHT_GRAY,GREEN, AQUA, DEEP_RED,MAGENTA, DARK_GRAY, LIGHT_BLUE, ORANGE, PINK, YELLOW, WHITE }; #define SETRGBCOLOR(r,g,b) {b,g,r,0} static RGBQUAD PalIndex2RGB[] = { // hires #if DO_OPT_PALETTE SETRGBCOLOR(/*MAGENTA, */ 0xC7,0x34,0xFF), // FD Linards Tweaked 0xFF,0x00,0xFF -> 0xC7,0x34,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*BLUE, */ 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF), // FC Linards Tweaked 0x00,0x00,0xFF -> 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*GREEN, */ 0x38,0xCB,0x00), // FA Linards Tweaked 0x00,0xFF,0x00 -> 0x38,0xCB,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*ORANGE, */ 0xF2,0x5E,0x00), // 0xFF,0x80,0x00 -> Linards Tweaked 0xF2,0x5E,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_BLACK, */ 0x00,0x00,0x00), // For TV emulation HGR Video Mode SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_WHITE, */ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), #else SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_BLACK, */ 0x00,0x00,0x00), // For TV emulation HGR Video Mode SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_WHITE, */ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), SETRGBCOLOR(/*BLUE, */ 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF), // FC Linards Tweaked 0x00,0x00,0xFF -> 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*ORANGE, */ 0xF2,0x5E,0x00), // 0xFF,0x80,0x00 -> Linards Tweaked 0xF2,0x5E,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*GREEN, */ 0x38,0xCB,0x00), // FA Linards Tweaked 0x00,0xFF,0x00 -> 0x38,0xCB,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*MAGENTA, */ 0xC7,0x34,0xFF), // FD Linards Tweaked 0xFF,0x00,0xFF -> 0xC7,0x34,0xFF #endif // TV emu SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_GREY1, */ 0x80,0x80,0x80), SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_GREY2, */ 0x80,0x80,0x80), SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_YELLOW,*/ 0x9E,0x9E,0x00), // 0xD0,0xB0,0x10 -> 0x9E,0x9E,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_AQUA, */ 0x00,0xCD,0x4A), // 0x20,0xB0,0xB0 -> 0x00,0xCD,0x4A SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_PURPLE,*/ 0x61,0x61,0xFF), // 0x60,0x50,0xE0 -> 0x61,0x61,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*HGR_PINK, */ 0xFF,0x32,0xB5), // 0xD0,0x40,0xA0 -> 0xFF,0x32,0xB5 // lores & dhires SETRGBCOLOR(/*BLACK,*/ 0x00,0x00,0x00), // 0 SETRGBCOLOR(/*DEEP_RED,*/ 0x9D,0x09,0x66), // 0xD0,0x00,0x30 -> Linards Tweaked 0x9D,0x09,0x66 SETRGBCOLOR(/*DARK_BLUE,*/ 0x2A,0x2A,0xE5), // 4 // Linards Tweaked 0x00,0x00,0x80 -> 0x2A,0x2A,0xE5 SETRGBCOLOR(/*MAGENTA,*/ 0xC7,0x34,0xFF), // FD Linards Tweaked 0xFF,0x00,0xFF -> 0xC7,0x34,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*DARK_GREEN,*/ 0x00,0x80,0x00), // 2 // not used SETRGBCOLOR(/*DARK_GRAY,*/ 0x80,0x80,0x80), // F8 SETRGBCOLOR(/*BLUE,*/ 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF), // FC Linards Tweaked 0x00,0x00,0xFF -> 0x0D,0xA1,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*LIGHT_BLUE,*/ 0xAA,0xAA,0xFF), // 0x60,0xA0,0xFF -> Linards Tweaked 0xAA,0xAA,0xFF SETRGBCOLOR(/*BROWN,*/ 0x55,0x55,0x00), // 0x80,0x50,0x00 -> Linards Tweaked 0x55,0x55,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*ORANGE,*/ 0xF2,0x5E,0x00), // 0xFF,0x80,0x00 -> Linards Tweaked 0xF2,0x5E,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*LIGHT_GRAY,*/ 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0), // 7 // GR: COLOR=10 SETRGBCOLOR(/*PINK,*/ 0xFF,0x89,0xE5), // 0xFF,0x90,0x80 -> Linards Tweaked 0xFF,0x89,0xE5 SETRGBCOLOR(/*GREEN,*/ 0x38,0xCB,0x00), // FA Linards Tweaked 0x00,0xFF,0x00 -> 0x38,0xCB,0x00 SETRGBCOLOR(/*YELLOW,*/ 0xD5,0xD5,0x1A), // FB Linards Tweaked 0xFF,0xFF,0x00 -> 0xD5,0xD5,0x1A SETRGBCOLOR(/*AQUA,*/ 0x62,0xF6,0x99), // 0x40,0xFF,0x90 -> Linards Tweaked 0x62,0xF6,0x99 SETRGBCOLOR(/*WHITE,*/ 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF), }; //=========================================================================== static void V_CreateLookup_DoubleHires () { #define OFFSET 3 #define SIZE 10 for (int column = 0; column < 256; column++) { int coloffs = SIZE * column; for (unsigned byteval = 0; byteval < 256; byteval++) { int color[SIZE]; ZeroMemory(color,sizeof(color)); unsigned pattern = MAKEWORD(byteval,column); int pixel; for (pixel = 1; pixel < 15; pixel++) { if (pattern & (1 << pixel)) { int pixelcolor = 1 << ((pixel-OFFSET) & 3); if ((pixel >= OFFSET+2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+2)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+0) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+0)) color[pixel-(OFFSET+0)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel+1)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel+2)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-2)] |= pixelcolor; } } #if 0 if (g_eVideoType == VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED) { // Activate for fringe reduction on white HGR text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in HGR Video Mode. for (pixel = 0; pixel < 13; pixel++) { if ((pattern & (0xF << pixel)) == (unsigned)(0xF << pixel)) for (int pos = pixel; pos < pixel + 4; pos++) if (pos >= OFFSET && pos < SIZE+OFFSET) color[pos-OFFSET] = 15; } } #endif int y = byteval << 1; for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y ,DoubleHiresPalIndex[ color[x] ]); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y+1,DoubleHiresPalIndex[ color[x] ]); } } } #undef SIZE #undef OFFSET } //=========================================================================== void V_CreateLookup_Lores() { for (int color = 0; color < 16; color++) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_LORES+x,(color << 4)+y,LoresResColors[color]); } //=========================================================================== #define HALF_PIXEL_SOLID 1 #define HALF_PIXEL_BLEED 0 void V_CreateLookup_HiResHalfPixel_Authentic(VideoType_e videoType) // Colors are solid (100% coverage) { // 2-bits from previous byte, 2-bits from next byte = 2^4 = 16 total permutations for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int offsetx = iColumn << 5; // every column is 32 bytes wide -- 7 apple pixels = 14 pixels + 2 pad + 14 pixels + 2 pad for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; // c2 c1 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 c8 c4 /* aPixel[i] A 9|8 7 6 5 4 3 2|1 0 Z W|b b b b b b b|X Y ----+-------------+---- prev| existing |next bits| hi-res byte |bits Legend: XYZW = iColumn in binary b = Bytes in binary */ // aPixel[] = 48bbbbbbbb12, where b = iByte in binary, # is bit-n of column aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; // previous byte, 2nd last pixel aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; // previous byte, last pixel aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; // next byte, first pixel aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; // next byte, second pixel // Convert raw pixel Byte value to binary and stuff into bit array of pixels on off int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = (iByte >> 7) & 1; // ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; /* Test cases 81 blue 2000:D5 AA D5 AA 82 orange 2800:AA D5 AA D5 FF white bleed "thru" 3000:7F 80 7F 80 3800:FF 80 FF 80 2028:80 7F 80 7F 2828:80 FF 80 FF Edge Case for Half Luminance ! 2000:C4 00 // Green HalfLumBlue 2400:C4 80 // Green Green Edge Case for Color Bleed ! 2000:40 00 2400:40 80 Nox Archaist (GH#616) 2000:00 40 9E // Green Black White */ // Fixup missing pixels that normally have been scan-line shifted -- Apple "half-pixel" -- but cross 14-pixel boundaries. if( hibit ) { if ( aPixels[1] ) // preceding pixel on? #if 0 // Optimization: Doesn't seem to matter if we ignore the 2 pixels of the next byte for (iPixel = 0; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) // NOTE: You MUST start with the preceding 2 pixels !!! if (aPixels[iPixel]) // pixel on #endif { if (aPixels[2] || aPixels[0]) // White if pixel from previous byte and first pixel of this byte is on { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); } else { // Optimization: odd = (iPixel & 1); if (!odd) case is same as if(odd) !!! // Reference: Gumball - Gumball Machine SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y , HGR_ORANGE ); // left half of orange pixels SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y+1, HGR_ORANGE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y , HGR_BLUE ); // right half of blue pixels 4, 11, 18, ... SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y+1, HGR_BLUE ); } } #if HALF_PIXEL_SOLID // Test Patterns // 81 blue // 2000:D5 AA D5 AA -> 2001:AA D5 should not have black gap, should be blue // 82 orange // 2800:AA D5 AA D5 // Game: Elite -- Loading Logo // 2444:BB F7 -> 2000:BB F7 // Should not have orange in-between gap -- Elite "Firebird" Logo // -> 2400:00 BB F7 // Should not have blue in-between gap ) // 21D0:C0 00 -> HalfLumBlue // 25D0:C0 D0 88 -> Blue black orange black orange // 29D0:C0 90 88 -> Blue black orange // Game: Ultima 4 -- Ultima 4 Logo - bottom half of screen has a "mini-game" / demo -- far right has tree and blue border // 2176:2A AB green black_gap white blue_border // Should have black gap between green and white else if ( aPixels[0] ) // prev prev pixel on { // Game: Gumball // 218E:AA 97 => 2000: A9 87 orange_white // Should have no gap between orange and white // 229A:AB A9 87 -> 2000: 00 A9 87 white orange black blue_white // Should have no gap between blue and white // 2001:BB F7 white blue white (Gumball Intermission) // Torture Half-Pixel HGR Tests: This is a real bitch to solve -- we really need to check: // if (hibit_prev_byte && !aPixels[iPixel-3] && aPixels[iPixel-2] && !aPixels[iPixel] && hibit_this_byte) then set first half-pixel of this byte to either blue or orange // 2000:A9 87 halfblack blue black black orange black orange black // 2400:BB F7 halfblack white white black white white white halfblack // or // 2000:A0 83 orange should "bleed" thru // 2400:B0 83 should have black gap if ( aPixels[2] ) #if HALF_PIXEL_BLEED // No Half-Pixel Bleed if ( aPixels[3] ) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y , DARK_BLUE ); // Gumball: 229A: AB A9 87 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y+1, DARK_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y , BROWN ); // half luminance red Elite: 2444: BB F7 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y+1, BROWN ); // half luminance red Gumball: 218E: AA 97 } else { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y , HGR_BLUE ); // 2000:D5 AA D5 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y+1, HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y , HGR_ORANGE ); // 2000: AA D5 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y+1, HGR_ORANGE ); } #else if ((videoType == VT_COLOR_MONITOR_RGB) || ( !aPixels[3] )) { // "Text optimized" IF this pixel on, and adjacent right pixel off, then colorize first half-pixel of this byte SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y , HGR_BLUE ); // 2000:D5 AA D5 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+0 ,y+1, HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y , HGR_ORANGE ); // 2000: AA D5 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+16,y+1, HGR_ORANGE ); } #endif // HALF_PIXEL_BLEED } #endif // HALF_PIXEL_SOLID } x += hibit; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; // Adjust start of 7 last pixels to be 16-byte aligned! int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) // pixel on { color = CM_White; if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) // adjacent pixels are always white color = CM_White; else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; // map raw color to our hi-res colors } #if HALF_PIXEL_SOLID else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) // IF prev_pixel && next_pixel THEN { // Activate fringe reduction on white HGR text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in HGR video mode. if ( (videoType == VT_COLOR_MONITOR_RGB) // Fill in colors in between white pixels // || (videoType == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) // Fill in colors in between white pixels (Post Processing will mix/merge colors) || !(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2]) ) // VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED -> Don't fill in colors in between white { // Test Pattern: Ultima 4 Logo - Castle // 3AC8: 36 5B 6D 36 color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; // No white HGR text optimization } } #endif // Colors - Top/Bottom Left/Right // cTL cTR // cBL cBR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+adj ,y ,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cTL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+adj+1,y ,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cTR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+adj ,y+1,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cBL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+offsetx+x+adj+1,y+1,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cBR x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== void V_CreateLookup_Hires() { // int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); // BYTE colorval[6] = {MAGENTA,BLUE,GREEN,ORANGE,BLACK,WHITE}; // BYTE colorval[6] = {HGR_VIOLET,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN,HGR_ORANGE,HGR_BLACK,HGR_WHITE}; for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int coloffs = iColumn << 5; for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) { if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) color = CM_White; else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) { // Activate fringe reduction on white HGR text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in HGR video mode. // VT_COLOR_STANDARD = Fill in colors in between white pixels // VT_COLOR_TVEMU = Fill in colors in between white pixels (Post Processing will mix/merge colors) // VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED --> !(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2]) = Don't fill in colors in between white if (/*(g_eVideoType == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) ||*/ !(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2]) ) color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; // No white HGR text optimization } //if (g_eVideoType == VT_MONO_AUTHENTIC) { // int nMonoColor = (color != CM_Black) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , nMonoColor); // buggy // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , nMonoColor); // buggy // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1,BLACK); // BL // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1,BLACK); // BR //} else { // Colors - Top/Bottom Left/Right // cTL cTR // cBL cBR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES2+coloffs+x+adj ,y ,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cTL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES2+coloffs+x+adj+1,y ,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cTR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES2+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cBL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES2+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1,HiresToPalIndex[color]); // cBR } x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== // For AppleWin 1.25 "tv emulation" HGR Video Mode const UINT FRAMEBUFFER_W = 560; const UINT FRAMEBUFFER_H = 384; const UINT HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET = 2; static BYTE hgrpixelmatrix[FRAMEBUFFER_W][FRAMEBUFFER_H/2 + 2 * HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET]; // 2 extra scan lines on bottom? static BYTE colormixbuffer[6]; // 6 hires colours static WORD colormixmap[6][6][6]; // top x middle x bottom BYTE MixColors(BYTE c1, BYTE c2) { #define COMBINATION(c1,c2,ref1,ref2) (((c1)==(ref1)&&(c2)==(ref2)) || ((c1)==(ref2)&&(c2)==(ref1))) if (c1 == c2) return c1; if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_ORANGE)) return HGR_GREY1; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_GREEN,HGR_VIOLET)) return HGR_GREY2; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_ORANGE,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_YELLOW; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_AQUA; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_VIOLET)) return HGR_PURPLE; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_ORANGE,HGR_VIOLET)) return HGR_PINK; else return WHITE; // visible failure indicator #undef COMBINATION } static void CreateColorMixMap(void) { const int FROM_NEIGHBOUR = 0x00; const int MIX_THRESHOLD = HGR_BLUE; // (skip) bottom 2 HGR colors for (int t=0; t<6; t++) // Color_Palette_Index_e::HGR_BLACK(0) ... Color_Palette_Index_e::HGR_VIOLET(5) { for (int m=0; m<6; m++) { for (int b=0; b<6; b++) { BYTE cTop = t; BYTE cMid = m; BYTE cBot = b; WORD mixTop, mixBot; if (cMid < MIX_THRESHOLD) { mixTop = mixBot = cMid; } else { if (cTop < MIX_THRESHOLD) mixTop = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; else mixTop = MixColors(cMid,cTop); if (cBot < MIX_THRESHOLD) mixBot = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; else mixBot = MixColors(cMid,cBot); if (mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixBot != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) mixTop = mixBot; else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) mixBot = mixTop; else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR) mixBot = mixTop = cMid; } colormixmap[t][m][b] = (mixTop << 8) | mixBot; } } } } static void MixColorsVertical(int matx, int maty) { int bot1idx, bot2idx; if (VideoGetSWMIXED() && maty > 159) { if (maty < 161) { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = 0; } else { bot1idx = bot2idx = 0; } } else { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+2] & 0x0F; } WORD twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-2] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F]; colormixbuffer[0] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[1] = (twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF); twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx]; colormixbuffer[2] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[3] = (twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF); twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx] [bot2idx]; colormixbuffer[4] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[5] = (twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF); } static void CopyMixedSource(int x, int y, int sourcex, int sourcey, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { const BYTE* const currsourceptr = g_aSourceStartofLine[sourcey]+sourcex; UINT32* const currdestptr = (UINT32*) pVideoAddress; const int matx = x*2; const int maty = HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET + y; const int hgrlinesabove = (y > 0) ? 1 : 0; const int hgrlinesbelow = VideoGetSWMIXED() ? ((y < 159)? 1:0) : ((y < 191)? 1:0); const int istart = 2 - (hgrlinesabove*2); const int iend = 3 + (hgrlinesbelow*2); // transfer 14 pixels (i.e. the visible part of an apple hgr-byte) from row to pixelmatrix for (int count = 0, bufxoffset = 0; count < 14; count++, bufxoffset += 1) { hgrpixelmatrix[matx+count][maty] = *(currsourceptr+bufxoffset); // color mixing between adjacent scanlines at current x position MixColorsVertical(matx+count, maty); // transfer up to 6 mixed (half-)pixels of current column to framebuffer UINT32* currptr = currdestptr+bufxoffset; if (hgrlinesabove) currptr += GetFrameBufferWidth() * 2; for (int i = istart; i <= iend; currptr -= GetFrameBufferWidth(), i++) { if (IsVideoStyle(VS_HALF_SCANLINES) && (i & 1)) { // 50% Half Scan Line clears every odd scanline (and SHIFT+PrintScreen saves only the even rows) *currptr = 0; } else { _ASSERT( colormixbuffer[i] < (sizeof(PalIndex2RGB)/sizeof(PalIndex2RGB[0])) ); const RGBQUAD& rRGB = PalIndex2RGB[ colormixbuffer[i] ]; const UINT32 rgb = (((UINT32)rRGB.rgbRed)<<16) | (((UINT32)rRGB.rgbGreen)<<8) | ((UINT32)rRGB.rgbBlue); *currptr = rgb; } } } } //=========================================================================== // Pre: nSrcAdjustment: for 160-color images, src is +1 compared to dst static void CopySource(int w, int h, int sx, int sy, bgra_t *pVideoAddress, const int nSrcAdjustment = 0) { UINT32* pDst = (UINT32*) pVideoAddress; LPBYTE pSrc = g_aSourceStartofLine[ sy ] + sx; int nBytes; while (h--) { nBytes = w; while (nBytes) { --nBytes; if (IsVideoStyle(VS_HALF_SCANLINES) && !(h & 1)) { // 50% Half Scan Line clears every odd scanline (and SHIFT+PrintScreen saves only the even rows) *(pDst+nBytes) = 0; } else { _ASSERT( *(pSrc+nBytes+nSrcAdjustment) < (sizeof(PalIndex2RGB)/sizeof(PalIndex2RGB[0])) ); const RGBQUAD& rRGB = PalIndex2RGB[ *(pSrc+nBytes+nSrcAdjustment) ]; const UINT32 rgb = (((UINT32)rRGB.rgbRed)<<16) | (((UINT32)rRGB.rgbGreen)<<8) | ((UINT32)rRGB.rgbBlue); *(pDst+nBytes) = rgb; } } pDst -= GetFrameBufferWidth(); pSrc -= SRCOFFS_TOTAL; } } //=========================================================================== void UpdateHiResCell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(addr); BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(pMain-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *(pMain); BYTE byteval3 = (x < 39) ? *(pMain+1) : 0; #define COLOFFS (((byteval1 & 0x60) << 2) | ((byteval3 & 0x03) << 5)) if (IsVideoStyle(VS_COLOR_VERTICAL_BLEND)) { CopyMixedSource( x*7, y, // SRCOFFS_HIRES2+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4), (((int)byteval2) << 1), SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4), (((int)byteval2) << 1), pVideoAddress ); } else { CopySource(14,2, SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4), (((int)byteval2) << 1), pVideoAddress); } #undef COLOFFS } //=========================================================================== #define COLOR ((xpixel + PIXEL) & 3) #define VALUE (dwordval >> (4 + PIXEL - COLOR)) void UpdateDHiResCell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress, bool updateAux, bool updateMain) { const int xpixel = x*14; uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(addr); uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(addr); BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(pMain-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *pAux; BYTE byteval3 = *pMain; BYTE byteval4 = (x < 39) ? *(pAux+1) : 0; DWORD dwordval = (byteval1 & 0x70) | ((byteval2 & 0x7F) << 7) | ((byteval3 & 0x7F) << 14) | ((byteval4 & 0x07) << 21); #define PIXEL 0 if (updateAux) { CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress); pVideoAddress += 7; } #undef PIXEL #define PIXEL 7 if (updateMain) { CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress); } #undef PIXEL } #if 1 // Squash the 640 pixel image into 560 pixels int UpdateDHiRes160Cell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { const int xpixel = x*16; uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(addr); uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(addr); BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(pMain-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *pAux; BYTE byteval3 = *pMain; BYTE byteval4 = (x < 39) ? *(pAux+1) : 0; DWORD dwordval = (byteval1 & 0xF8) | ((byteval2 & 0xFF) << 8) | ((byteval3 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((byteval4 & 0x1F) << 24); dwordval <<= 2; #define PIXEL 0 CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress, 1); pVideoAddress += 7; #undef PIXEL #define PIXEL 8 CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress, 1); #undef PIXEL return 7*2; } #else // Left align the 640 pixel image, losing the right-hand 80 pixels int UpdateDHiRes160Cell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { const int xpixel = x*16; if (xpixel >= 560) // clip to our 560px display (losing 80 pixels) return 0; uint8_t *pAux = MemGetAuxPtr(addr); uint8_t *pMain = MemGetMainPtr(addr); BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(pMain-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *pAux; BYTE byteval3 = *pMain; BYTE byteval4 = (x < 39) ? *(pAux+1) : 0; DWORD dwordval = (byteval1 & 0xFC) | ((byteval2 & 0xFF) << 8) | // NB. Needs more bits than above squashed version, to avoid vertical black lines ((byteval3 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((byteval4 & 0x3F) << 24); dwordval <<= 2; #define PIXEL 0 CopySource(8,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress); pVideoAddress += 8; #undef PIXEL #define PIXEL 8 CopySource(8,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR, LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1, pVideoAddress); #undef PIXEL return 8*2; } #endif //=========================================================================== // Tested with Deater's Cycle-Counting Megademo void UpdateLoResCell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { const BYTE val = *MemGetMainPtr(addr); if ((y & 4) == 0) { CopySource(14,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), ((val & 0xF) << 4), pVideoAddress); } else { CopySource(14,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), (val & 0xF0), pVideoAddress); } } //=========================================================================== #define ROL_NIB(x) ( (((x)<<1)&0xF) | (((x)>>3)&1) ) // Tested with FT's Ansi Story void UpdateDLoResCell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress) { BYTE auxval = *MemGetAuxPtr(addr); const BYTE mainval = *MemGetMainPtr(addr); const BYTE auxval_h = auxval >> 4; const BYTE auxval_l = auxval & 0xF; auxval = (ROL_NIB(auxval_h)<<4) | ROL_NIB(auxval_l); if ((y & 4) == 0) { CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), ((auxval & 0xF) << 4), pVideoAddress); CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), ((mainval & 0xF) << 4), pVideoAddress+7); } else { CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), (auxval & 0xF0), pVideoAddress); CopySource(7,2, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1), (mainval & 0xF0), pVideoAddress+7); } } //=========================================================================== static LPBYTE g_pSourcePixels = NULL; static void V_CreateDIBSections(void) { g_pSourcePixels = new BYTE[SRCOFFS_TOTAL * MAX_SOURCE_Y]; // CREATE THE OFFSET TABLE FOR EACH SCAN LINE IN THE SOURCE IMAGE for (int y = 0; y < MAX_SOURCE_Y; y++) g_aSourceStartofLine[ y ] = g_pSourcePixels + SRCOFFS_TOTAL*((MAX_SOURCE_Y-1) - y); // DRAW THE SOURCE IMAGE INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER ZeroMemory(g_pSourcePixels, SRCOFFS_TOTAL*MAX_SOURCE_Y); // 32 bytes/pixel * 16 colors = 512 bytes/row V_CreateLookup_Lores(); // V_CreateLookup_Hires(); // For CopyMixedSource() / VS_COLOR_VERTICAL_BLEND, 280-pixel (from 1.25) V_CreateLookup_HiResHalfPixel_Authentic(VT_COLOR_MONITOR_RGB); V_CreateLookup_DoubleHires(); CreateColorMixMap(); } void VideoInitializeOriginal(baseColors_t pBaseNtscColors) { // CREATE THE SOURCE IMAGE AND DRAW INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER V_CreateDIBSections(); memcpy(&PalIndex2RGB[BLACK], *pBaseNtscColors, sizeof(RGBQUAD)*kNumBaseColors); PalIndex2RGB[HGR_BLUE] = PalIndex2RGB[BLUE]; PalIndex2RGB[HGR_ORANGE] = PalIndex2RGB[ORANGE]; PalIndex2RGB[HGR_GREEN] = PalIndex2RGB[GREEN]; PalIndex2RGB[HGR_VIOLET] = PalIndex2RGB[MAGENTA]; } //=========================================================================== static UINT g_rgbFlags = 0; static UINT g_rgbMode = 0; static WORD g_rgbPrevAN3Addr = 0; // Video7 RGB card: // . Clock in the !80COL state to define the 2 flags: F2, F1 // . Clocking done by toggling AN3 // . NB. There's a final 5th AN3 transition to set DHGR mode void RGB_SetVideoMode(WORD address) { if ((address&~1) != 0x5E) // 0x5E or 0x5F? return; // Precondition before toggling AN3: // . Video7 manual: set 80STORE, but "King's Quest 1"(*) will re-enable RGB card's MIX mode with only VF_TEXT & VF_HIRES set! // . "Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card" manual: TEXT off($C050), MIXED off($C052), HIRES on($C057) // . (*) "King's Quest 1" - see routine at 0x5FD7 (trigger by pressing TAB twice) if ((g_uVideoMode & (VF_MIXED|VF_HIRES)) != (VF_HIRES)) { g_rgbMode = 0; g_rgbPrevAN3Addr = 0; return; } if (address == 0x5F && g_rgbPrevAN3Addr == 0x5E) // Check for AN3 clock transition { g_rgbFlags = (g_rgbFlags<<1) & 3; g_rgbFlags |= ((g_uVideoMode & VF_80COL) ? 0 : 1); // clock in !80COL g_rgbMode = g_rgbFlags; // latch F2,F1 } g_rgbPrevAN3Addr = address; } bool RGB_Is140Mode(void) // Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card's Mode 2 { return g_rgbMode == 0; } bool RGB_Is160Mode(void) // Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card: N/A { return g_rgbMode == 1; } bool RGB_IsMixMode(void) // Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card's Mode 3 { return g_rgbMode == 2; } bool RGB_Is560Mode(void) // Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Card's Mode 1 { return g_rgbMode == 3; } void RGB_ResetState(void) { g_rgbFlags = 0; g_rgbMode = 0; g_rgbPrevAN3Addr = 0; } //=========================================================================== #define SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_CARD "AppleColor RGB Adaptor" // NB. No version - this is determined by the parent card #define SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_FLAGS "RGB mode flags" #define SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_MODE "RGB mode" #define SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_PREVIOUS_AN3 "Previous AN3" void RGB_SaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper) { YamlSaveHelper::Label label(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_CARD); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_FLAGS, g_rgbFlags); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_MODE, g_rgbMode); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_PREVIOUS_AN3, g_rgbPrevAN3Addr); } void RGB_LoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper) { if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_CARD)) throw std::string("Card: Expected key: ") + std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_CARD); g_rgbFlags = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_FLAGS); g_rgbMode = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_MODE); g_rgbPrevAN3Addr = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_RGB_PREVIOUS_AN3); yamlLoadHelper.PopMap(); }