#pragma once // use the new Debugger Font (Apple Font) #define USE_APPLE_FONT 1 // Test Colors & Glyphs #define DEBUG_APPLE_FONT 0 // Win32 Debugger Font // 1 = Use Debug_Font.BMP (7x8) // 0 = Use CHARSET40.bmp (fg & bg colors aren't proper) #define APPLE_FONT_NEW 1 #if APPLE_FONT_NEW #define APPLE_FONT_BITMAP_PADDED 0 #else #define APPLE_FONT_BITMAP_PADDED 1 #endif enum ConsoleFontSize_e { #if APPLE_FONT_NEW // Grid Alignment CONSOLE_FONT_GRID_X = 7, CONSOLE_FONT_GRID_Y = 8, // Font Char Width/Height in pixels CONSOLE_FONT_WIDTH = 7, CONSOLE_FONT_HEIGHT = 8, #else CONSOLE_FONT_GRID_X = 8, CONSOLE_FONT_GRID_Y = 8, // Font Char Width/Height in pixels CONSOLE_FONT_WIDTH = 7, CONSOLE_FONT_HEIGHT = 8, #endif }; extern HBRUSH g_hConsoleBrushFG; extern HBRUSH g_hConsoleBrushBG; extern HDC g_hConsoleFontDC; extern HBRUSH g_hConsoleFontBrush; extern HBITMAP g_hConsoleFontBitmap; enum { DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 384, MAX_DISPLAY_LINES = DISPLAY_HEIGHT / CONSOLE_FONT_HEIGHT, MAX_ADDRESS_HISTORY = 32 }; enum TabStop_e { // First set of tab stops are dynamic TS_OPCODE , TS_LABEL , TS_INSTRUCTION , TS_TARGET , TS_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS // Effective Address : Preview Byte , TS_BRANCH // Branch Indicator , TS_CHAR // Preview (and Immediate) Char , _NUM_TAB_STOPS // Second set of tab stops are static , TS_REG_NAME = _NUM_TAB_STOPS , TS_REG_CHAR , TS_REG_HEX , TS_BREAKPOINT , NUM_TAB_STOPS }; extern int g_aDisasmTabStops[ NUM_TAB_STOPS ]; int GetConsoleTopPixels( int y ); extern FontConfig_t g_aFontConfig[ NUM_FONTS ]; void DebuggerSetColorFG( COLORREF nRGB ); void DebuggerSetColorBG( COLORREF nRGB, bool bTransparent = false ); void PrintGlyph ( const int x, const int y, const int iChar ); int PrintText ( const char * pText, RECT & rRect ); int PrintTextCursorX( const char * pText, RECT & rRect ); int PrintTextCursorY( const char * pText, RECT & rRect ); void PrintTextColor ( const conchar_t * pText, RECT & rRect ); void DrawWindow_Source (Update_t bUpdate); void DrawBreakpoints ( int line); void DrawConsoleInput (); void DrawConsoleLine ( const conchar_t * pText, int y); void DrawConsoleCursor (); int GetDisassemblyLine( const WORD nOffset, DisasmLine_t & line_ ); // , int iOpcode, int iOpmode, int nOpbytes // char *sAddress_, char *sOpCodes_, // char *sTarget_, char *sTargetOffset_, int & nTargetOffset_, char *sTargetValue_, // char * sImmediate_, char & nImmediate_, char *sBranch_ ); WORD DrawDisassemblyLine ( int line, const WORD offset ); void FormatDisassemblyLine( const DisasmLine_t & line, char *sDisassembly_, const int nBufferSize ); void FormatOpcodeBytes ( WORD nBaseAddress, DisasmLine_t & line_ ); void FormatNopcodeBytes ( WORD nBaseAddress, DisasmLine_t & line_ ); void DrawFlags ( int line, WORD nRegFlags, LPTSTR pFlagNames_); // extern HDC GetDebuggerMemDC(void); extern void ReleaseDebuggerMemDC(void); extern void StretchBltMemToFrameDC(void); enum DebugVirtualTextScreen_e { DEBUG_VIRTUAL_TEXT_WIDTH = 80, DEBUG_VIRTUAL_TEXT_HEIGHT = 43 }; extern char g_aDebuggerVirtualTextScreen[ DEBUG_VIRTUAL_TEXT_HEIGHT ][ DEBUG_VIRTUAL_TEXT_WIDTH ]; extern size_t Util_GetDebuggerText( char* &pText_ ); // Same API as Util_GetTextScreen() extern unsigned __int64 g_nCumulativeCycles; class VideoScannerDisplayInfo { public: VideoScannerDisplayInfo(void) : isDecimal(false), isHorzReal(false), isAbsCycle(false), lastCumulativeCycles(0), cycleDelta(0) {} void Reset(void) { lastCumulativeCycles = g_nCumulativeCycles; cycleDelta = 0; } bool isDecimal; bool isHorzReal; bool isAbsCycle; unsigned __int64 lastCumulativeCycles; UINT cycleDelta; }; extern VideoScannerDisplayInfo g_videoScannerDisplayInfo;