/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Memory emulation * * Author: Various * * In comments, UTAIIe is an abbreviation for a reference to "Understanding the Apple //e" by James Sather */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Applewin.h" #include "CardManager.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Harddisk.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "LanguageCard.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Mockingboard.h" #include "MouseInterface.h" #include "NTSC.h" #include "NoSlotClock.h" #include "ParallelPrinter.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "SAM.h" #include "SerialComms.h" #include "Speaker.h" #include "Tape.h" #include "Video.h" #include "RGBMonitor.h" #include "z80emu.h" #include "Z80VICE/z80.h" #include "../resource/resource.h" #include "Configuration/IPropertySheet.h" #include "Debugger/DebugDefs.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" // UTAIIe:5-28 (GH#419) // . Sather uses INTCXROM instead of SLOTCXROM' (used by the Apple//e Tech Ref Manual), so keep to this // convention too since UTAIIe is the reference for most of the logic that we implement in the emulator. #define SW_80STORE (memmode & MF_80STORE) #define SW_ALTZP (memmode & MF_ALTZP) #define SW_AUXREAD (memmode & MF_AUXREAD) #define SW_AUXWRITE (memmode & MF_AUXWRITE) #define SW_BANK2 (memmode & MF_BANK2) #define SW_HIGHRAM (memmode & MF_HIGHRAM) #define SW_HIRES (memmode & MF_HIRES) #define SW_PAGE2 (memmode & MF_PAGE2) #define SW_SLOTC3ROM (memmode & MF_SLOTC3ROM) #define SW_INTCXROM (memmode & MF_INTCXROM) #define SW_WRITERAM (memmode & MF_WRITERAM) #define SW_IOUDIS (memmode & MF_IOUDIS) /* MEMORY MANAGEMENT SOFT SWITCHES $C000 W 80STOREOFF Allow page2 to switch video page1 page2 $C001 W 80STOREON Allow page2 to switch main & aux video memory $C002 W RAMRDOFF Read enable main memory from $0200-$BFFF $C003 W RAMRDON Read enable aux memory from $0200-$BFFF $C004 W RAMWRTOFF Write enable main memory from $0200-$BFFF $C005 W RAMWRTON Write enable aux memory from $0200-$BFFF $C006 W INTCXROMOFF Enable slot ROM from $C100-$C7FF (but $C800-$CFFF depends on INTC8ROM) $C007 W INTCXROMON Enable main ROM from $C100-$CFFF $C008 W ALTZPOFF Enable main memory from $0000-$01FF & avl BSR $C009 W ALTZPON Enable aux memory from $0000-$01FF & avl BSR $C00A W SLOTC3ROMOFF Enable main ROM from $C300-$C3FF $C00B W SLOTC3ROMON Enable slot ROM from $C300-$C3FF $C07E W IOUDIS [Enhanced //e] On: disable IOU access for addresses $C058 to $C05F; enable access to DHIRES switch $C07F W IOUDIS [Enhanced //e] Off: enable IOU access for addresses $C058 to $C05F; disable access to DHIRES switch VIDEO SOFT SWITCHES $C00C W 80COLOFF Turn off 80 column display $C00D W 80COLON Turn on 80 column display $C00E W ALTCHARSETOFF Turn off alternate characters $C00F W ALTCHARSETON Turn on alternate characters $C050 R/W TEXTOFF Select graphics mode $C051 R/W TEXTON Select text mode $C052 R/W MIXEDOFF Use full screen for graphics $C053 R/W MIXEDON Use graphics with 4 lines of text $C054 R/W PAGE2OFF Select panel display (or main video memory) $C055 R/W PAGE2ON Select page2 display (or aux video memory) $C056 R/W HIRESOFF Select low resolution graphics $C057 R/W HIRESON Select high resolution graphics $C05E R/W DHIRESON Select double (14M) resolution graphics $C05F R/W DHIRESOFF Select single (7M) resolution graphics SOFT SWITCH STATUS FLAGS $C010 R7 AKD 1=key pressed 0=keys free (clears strobe) $C011 R7 BSRBANK2 1=bank2 available 0=bank1 available $C012 R7 BSRREADRAM 1=BSR active for read 0=$D000-$FFFF active (BSR = Bank Switch RAM) $C013 R7 RAMRD 0=main $0200-$BFFF active reads 1=aux active $C014 R7 RAMWRT 0=main $0200-$BFFF active writes 1=aux writes $C015 R7 INTCXROM 1=main $C100-$CFFF ROM active 0=slot active $C016 R7 ALTZP 1=aux $0000-$1FF+auxBSR 0=main available $C017 R7 SLOTC3ROM 1=slot $C3 ROM active 0=main $C3 ROM active $C018 R7 80STORE 1=page2 switches main/aux 0=page2 video $C019 R7 VERTBLANK 1=vertical retrace on 0=vertical retrace off $C01A R7 TEXT 1=text mode is active 0=graphics mode active $C01B R7 MIXED 1=mixed graphics & text 0=full screen $C01C R7 PAGE2 1=video page2 selected or aux $C01D R7 HIRES 1=high resolution graphics 0=low resolution $C01E R7 ALTCHARSET 1=alt character set on 0=alt char set off $C01F R7 80COL 1=80 col display on 0=80 col display off $C07E R7 RDIOUDIS [Enhanced //e] 1=IOUDIS off 0=IOUDIS on $C07F R7 RDDHIRES [Enhanced //e] 1=DHIRES on 0=DHIRES off */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notes // ----- // // memimage // - 64KB // // mem // (a pointer to memimage 64KB) // - a 64KB r/w memory cache // - reflects the current readable memory in the 6502's 64K address space // . excludes $Cxxx I/O memory // . could be a mix of RAM/ROM, main/aux, etc // - may also reflect the current writeable memory (on a 256-page granularity) if the write page addr == read page addr // . for this case, the memdirty flag(s) are valid // . when writes instead occur to backing-store, then memdirty flag(s) can be ignored // // memmain, memaux // - physical contiguous 64KB "backing-store" for main & aux respectively // - NB. 4K bank1 BSR is at $C000-$CFFF // // memwrite // - 1 pointer entry per 256-byte page // - used to write to a page // - if RD & WR point to the same 256-byte RAM page, then memwrite will point to the page in 'mem' // . ie. when SW_AUXREAD==SW_AUXWRITE, or 4K-BSR is r/w, or 8K BSR is r/w, or SW_80STORE=1 // . So 'mem' remains correct for both r&w operations, but the physical 64K mem block becomes stale // - if RD & WR point to different 256-byte pages, then memwrite will point to the page in the physical 64K mem block // . writes will still set the dirty flag (but can be ignored) // . UpdatePaging() ignores this, as it only copies back to the physical 64K mem block when memshadow changes (for that 256-byte page) // // memdirty // - 1 byte entry per 256-byte page // - set when a write occurs to a 256-byte page // - indicates that 'mem' (ie. the cache) is out-of-sync with the "physical" 64K backing-store memory // - NB. a page's dirty flag is only useful(valid) when 'mem' is used for both read & write for the corresponding page // When they differ, then writes go directly to the backing-store. // . In this case, the dirty flag will just force a memcpy() to the same address in backing-store. // // memshadow // - 1 pointer entry per 256-byte page // - reflects how 'mem' is setup for read operations (at a 256-byte granularity) // . EG: if ALTZP=1, then: // . mem will have copies of memaux's ZP & stack // . memshadow[0] = &memaux[0x0000] // . memshadow[1] = &memaux[0x0100] // static LPBYTE memshadow[0x100]; LPBYTE memwrite[0x100]; iofunction IORead[256]; iofunction IOWrite[256]; static LPVOID SlotParameters[NUM_SLOTS]; LPBYTE mem = NULL; // static LPBYTE memaux = NULL; static LPBYTE memmain = NULL; LPBYTE memdirty = NULL; static LPBYTE memrom = NULL; static LPBYTE memimage = NULL; static LPBYTE pCxRomInternal = NULL; static LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral = NULL; static LPBYTE g_pMemMainLanguageCard = NULL; static DWORD memmode = LanguageCardUnit::kMemModeInitialState; static BOOL modechanging = 0; // An Optimisation: means delay calling UpdatePaging() for 1 instruction static CNoSlotClock g_NoSlotClock; static LanguageCardUnit* g_pLanguageCard = NULL; // For all Apple II, //e and above #ifdef RAMWORKS static UINT g_uMaxExPages = 1; // user requested ram pages (default to 1 aux bank: so total = 128KB) static UINT g_uActiveBank = 0; // 0 = aux 64K for: //e extended 80 Col card, or //c -- ALSO RAMWORKS static LPBYTE RWpages[kMaxExMemoryBanks]; // pointers to RW memory banks #endif static const UINT kNumAnnunciators = 4; static bool g_Annunciator[kNumAnnunciators] = {}; BYTE __stdcall IO_Annunciator(WORD programcounter, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG nCycles); //============================================================================= // Default memory types on a VM restart // - can be overwritten by cmd-line or loading a save-state static SS_CARDTYPE g_MemTypeAppleII = CT_Empty; static SS_CARDTYPE g_MemTypeAppleIIPlus = CT_LanguageCard; // Keep a copy so it's not lost if machine type changes, eg: A][ -> A//e -> A][ static SS_CARDTYPE g_MemTypeAppleIIe = CT_Extended80Col; // Keep a copy so it's not lost if machine type changes, eg: A//e -> A][ -> A//e static UINT g_uSaturnBanksFromCmdLine = 0; // Called from MemLoadSnapshot() static void ResetDefaultMachineMemTypes(void) { g_MemTypeAppleII = CT_Empty; g_MemTypeAppleIIPlus = CT_LanguageCard; g_MemTypeAppleIIe = CT_Extended80Col; } // Called from MemInitialize(), MemLoadSnapshot() static void SetExpansionMemTypeDefault(void) { SS_CARDTYPE defaultType = IsApple2Original(GetApple2Type()) ? g_MemTypeAppleII : IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type()) ? g_MemTypeAppleIIPlus : g_MemTypeAppleIIe; SetExpansionMemType(defaultType); } // Called from SetExpansionMemTypeDefault(), MemLoadSnapshotAux(), SaveState.cpp_ParseSlots(), cmd-line switch void SetExpansionMemType(const SS_CARDTYPE type) { SS_CARDTYPE newSlot0Card; SS_CARDTYPE newSlotAuxCard; // Set defaults: if (IsApple2Original(GetApple2Type())) { newSlot0Card = CT_Empty; newSlotAuxCard = CT_Empty; } else if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) { newSlot0Card = CT_LanguageCard; newSlotAuxCard = CT_Empty; } else // Apple //e or above { newSlot0Card = CT_Empty; // NB. No slot0 for //e newSlotAuxCard = CT_Extended80Col; } if (type == CT_LanguageCard || type == CT_Saturn128K) { g_MemTypeAppleII = type; g_MemTypeAppleIIPlus = type; if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) newSlot0Card = type; else newSlot0Card = CT_Empty; // NB. No slot0 for //e } else if (type == CT_RamWorksIII) { g_MemTypeAppleIIe = type; if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) newSlotAuxCard = CT_Empty; // NB. No aux slot for ][ or ][+ else newSlotAuxCard = type; } g_CardMgr.Insert(SLOT0, newSlot0Card); g_CardMgr.InsertAux(newSlotAuxCard); } void CreateLanguageCard(void) { delete g_pLanguageCard; g_pLanguageCard = NULL; if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) { if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT0) == CT_Saturn128K) g_pLanguageCard = new Saturn128K(g_uSaturnBanksFromCmdLine); else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT0) == CT_LanguageCard) g_pLanguageCard = new LanguageCardSlot0; else g_pLanguageCard = NULL; } else { g_pLanguageCard = new LanguageCardUnit; } } SS_CARDTYPE GetCurrentExpansionMemType(void) { if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) return g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT0); else return g_CardMgr.QueryAux(); } // void SetRamWorksMemorySize(UINT pages) { g_uMaxExPages = pages; } UINT GetRamWorksActiveBank(void) { return g_uActiveBank; } void SetSaturnMemorySize(UINT banks) { g_uSaturnBanksFromCmdLine = banks; } // static BOOL GetLastRamWrite(void) { if (g_pLanguageCard) return g_pLanguageCard->GetLastRamWrite(); return 0; } static void SetLastRamWrite(BOOL count) { if (g_pLanguageCard) g_pLanguageCard->SetLastRamWrite(count); } // void SetMemMainLanguageCard(LPBYTE ptr, bool bMemMain /*=false*/) { if (bMemMain) g_pMemMainLanguageCard = memmain+0xC000; else g_pMemMainLanguageCard = ptr; } LanguageCardUnit* GetLanguageCard(void) { _ASSERT(g_pLanguageCard); return g_pLanguageCard; } LPBYTE GetCxRomPeripheral(void) { return pCxRomPeripheral; // Can be NULL if at MODE_LOGO } //============================================================================= static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C00x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return KeybReadData(); } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C00x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { if ((addr & 0xf) <= 0xB) return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); else return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C01x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { if (IS_APPLE2) // Include Pravets machines too? return KeybReadFlag(); bool res = false; switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return KeybReadFlag(); case 0x1: res = SW_BANK2 ? true : false; break; case 0x2: res = SW_HIGHRAM ? true : false; break; case 0x3: res = SW_AUXREAD ? true : false; break; case 0x4: res = SW_AUXWRITE ? true : false; break; case 0x5: res = SW_INTCXROM ? true : false; break; case 0x6: res = SW_ALTZP ? true : false; break; case 0x7: res = SW_SLOTC3ROM ? true : false; break; case 0x8: res = SW_80STORE ? true : false; break; case 0x9: res = VideoGetVblBar(nExecutedCycles); break; case 0xA: res = VideoGetSWTEXT(); break; case 0xB: res = VideoGetSWMIXED(); break; case 0xC: res = SW_PAGE2 ? true : false; break; case 0xD: res = VideoGetSWHIRES(); break; case 0xE: res = VideoGetSWAltCharSet(); break; case 0xF: res = VideoGetSW80COL(); break; } return KeybGetKeycode() | (res ? 0x80 : 0); } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C01x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return KeybReadFlag(); } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C02x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C02x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); // $C020 TAPEOUT } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C03x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return SpkrToggle(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C03x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return SpkrToggle(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C04x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C04x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C05x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x1: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x2: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x3: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x4: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x5: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x6: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x7: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x8: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x9: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xA: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xB: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xC: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xD: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xE: // fall through... case 0xF: return (!SW_IOUDIS) ? VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles) : IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } return 0; } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C05x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x1: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x2: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x3: return VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x4: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x5: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x6: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x7: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x8: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x9: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xA: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xB: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xC: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xD: return IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xE: // fall through... case 0xF: return (!SW_IOUDIS) ? VideoSetMode(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles) : IO_Annunciator(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } return 0; } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C06x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { switch (addr & 0x7) // address bit 4 is ignored (UTAIIe:7-5) { //In Pravets8A/C if SETMODE (8bit character encoding) is enabled, bit6 in $C060 is 0; Else it is 1 //If (CAPS lOCK of Pravets8A/C is on or Shift is pressed) and (MODE is enabled), bit7 in $C000 is 1; Else it is 0 //Writing into $C060 sets MODE on and off. If bit 0 is 0 the the MODE is set 0, if bit 0 is 1 then MODE is set to 1 (8-bit) case 0x0: return TapeRead(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); // $C060 TAPEIN case 0x1: return JoyReadButton(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C061 Digital input 0 (If bit 7=1 then JoyButton 0 or OpenApple is pressed) case 0x2: return JoyReadButton(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C062 Digital input 1 (If bit 7=1 then JoyButton 1 or ClosedApple is pressed) case 0x3: return JoyReadButton(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C063 Digital input 2 case 0x4: return JoyReadPosition(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C064 Analog input 0 case 0x5: return JoyReadPosition(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C065 Analog input 1 case 0x6: return JoyReadPosition(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C066 Analog input 2 case 0x7: return JoyReadPosition(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //$C067 Analog input 3 } return 0; } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C06x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: if (g_Apple2Type == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A) return TapeWrite (pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); else return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //Apple2 value } return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); //Apple2 value } //------------------------------------- static BYTE __stdcall IORead_C07x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { // Apple//e TRM, pg-258: "Reading or writing any address in the range $C070-$C07F also triggers the paddle timer and resets the VBLINT(*)." (*) //c only! JoyResetPosition(nExecutedCycles); //$C07X Analog input reset switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x1: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x2: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x3: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x4: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x5: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x6: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x7: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x8: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x9: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xA: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xB: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xC: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xD: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xE: return IsEnhancedIIE() ? MemReadFloatingBus(SW_IOUDIS ? true : false, nExecutedCycles) // GH#636 : IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xF: return IsEnhancedIIEorIIC() ? MemReadFloatingBus(VideoGetSWDHIRES(), nExecutedCycles) // GH#636 : IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); } return 0; } static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite_C07x(WORD pc, WORD addr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE d, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { // Apple//e TRM, pg-258: "Reading or writing any address in the range $C070-$C07F also triggers the paddle timer and resets the VBLINT(*)." (*) //c only! JoyResetPosition(nExecutedCycles); //$C07X Analog input reset switch (addr & 0xf) { case 0x0: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); #ifdef RAMWORKS case 0x1: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); // extended memory card set page case 0x2: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x3: return MemSetPaging(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); // Ramworks III set page #else case 0x1: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x2: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x3: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); #endif case 0x4: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x5: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x6: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x7: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x8: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0x9: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xA: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xB: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xC: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xD: return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); case 0xE: if (IsEnhancedIIE()) SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_IOUDIS); // disable IOU access for addresses $C058 to $C05F; enable access to DHIRES switch else return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); break; case 0xF: if (IsEnhancedIIE()) SetMemMode(memmode | MF_IOUDIS); // enable IOU access for addresses $C058 to $C05F; disable access to DHIRES switch else return IO_Null(pc, addr, bWrite, d, nExecutedCycles); break; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static iofunction IORead_C0xx[8] = { IORead_C00x, // Keyboard IORead_C01x, // Memory/Video IORead_C02x, // Cassette IORead_C03x, // Speaker IORead_C04x, IORead_C05x, // Video IORead_C06x, // Joystick IORead_C07x, // Joystick/Video }; static iofunction IOWrite_C0xx[8] = { IOWrite_C00x, // Memory/Video IOWrite_C01x, // Keyboard IOWrite_C02x, // Cassette IOWrite_C03x, // Speaker IOWrite_C04x, IOWrite_C05x, // Video/Memory IOWrite_C06x, IOWrite_C07x, // Joystick/Ramworks }; static BYTE IO_SELECT = 0; static bool INTC8ROM = false; // UTAIIe:5-28 static BYTE* ExpansionRom[NUM_SLOTS]; enum eExpansionRomType {eExpRomNull=0, eExpRomInternal, eExpRomPeripheral}; static eExpansionRomType g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomNull; static UINT g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; //============================================================================= BYTE __stdcall IO_Null(WORD programcounter, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { if (!write) return MemReadFloatingBus(nExecutedCycles); else return 0; } BYTE __stdcall IO_Annunciator(WORD programcounter, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { // Apple//e ROM: // . $FA6F: LDA $C058 (SETAN0) ; AN0 = TTL LO // . $FA72: LDA $C05A (SETAN1) ; AN1 = TTL LO // . $C2B5: LDA $C05D (CLRAN2) ;SETUP // . $C2B8: LDA $C05F (CLRAN3) ; ANNUNCIATORS // NB. AN3: For //e & //c these locations are now used to enabled/disabled DHIRES g_Annunciator[(address>>1) & 3] = (address&1) ? true : false; if (address >= 0xC058 && address <= 0xC05B) { JoyportControl(address & 0x3); // AN0 and AN1 control } if (!write) return MemReadFloatingBus(nExecutedCycles); else return 0; } inline bool IsPotentialNoSlotClockAccess(const WORD address) { // UAIIe:5-28 const BYTE AddrHi = address >> 8; return ( ((SW_INTCXROM || !SW_SLOTC3ROM) && (AddrHi == 0xC3)) || // Internal ROM at [$C100-CFFF or $C300-C3FF] && AddrHi == $C3 (SW_INTCXROM && (AddrHi == 0xC8)) ); // Internal ROM at [$C100-CFFF] && AddrHi == $C8 } static bool IsCardInSlot(const UINT uSlot); // Enabling expansion ROM ($C800..$CFFF]: // . Enable if: Enable1 && Enable2 // . Enable1 = I/O SELECT' (6502 accesses $Csxx) // - Reset when 6502 accesses $CFFF // . Enable2 = I/O STROBE' (6502 accesses [$C800..$CFFF]) // TODO: // . IO_SELECT and INTC8ROM are sticky - they only getting reset by $CFFF and MemReset() // . Check Sather UAIIe, but I assume that a 6502 access to a non-$Csxx (and non-expansion ROM) location will clear IO_SELECT // NB. ProDOS boot sets IO_SELECT=0x04 (its scan for boot devices?), as slot2 contains a card (ie. SSC) with an expansion ROM. // // ----------- // UTAIIe:5-28 // $C100-C2FF // INTCXROM SLOTC3ROM $C400-CFFF $C300-C3FF // 0 0 slot internal // 0 1 slot slot // 1 0 internal internal // 1 1 internal internal // // NB. if (INTCXROM || INTC8ROM) == true then internal ROM // // ----------- // // INTC8ROM: Unreadable soft switch (UTAIIe:5-28) // . Set: On access to $C3XX with SLOTC3ROM reset // - "From this point, $C800-$CFFF will stay assigned to motherboard ROM until // an access is made to $CFFF or until the MMU detects a system reset." // . Reset: On access to $CFFF or an MMU reset // static BYTE __stdcall IO_Cxxx(WORD programcounter, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { if (address == 0xCFFF) { // Disable expansion ROM at [$C800..$CFFF] // . SSC will disable on an access to $CFxx - but ROM only accesses $CFFF, so it doesn't matter IO_SELECT = 0; INTC8ROM = false; g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; if (!SW_INTCXROM) { // NB. SW_INTCXROM==1 ensures that internal rom stays switched in memset(pCxRomPeripheral+0x800, 0, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); memset(mem+FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN, 0, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomNull; } // NB. IO_SELECT won't get set, so ROM won't be switched back in... } // BYTE IO_STROBE = 0; if (IS_APPLE2 || !SW_INTCXROM) { if ((address >= APPLE_SLOT_BEGIN) && (address <= APPLE_SLOT_END)) { const UINT uSlot = (address>>8)&0x7; if (uSlot != 3) { if (ExpansionRom[uSlot]) IO_SELECT |= 1<= FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN) && (address <= FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_END)) { if (!INTC8ROM) // [GH#423] UTAIIe:5-28: if INTCXROM or INTC8ROM is configured for internal response, // then access to $C800-$CFFF results in ROMEN1' low (active) and I/O STROBE' high (inactive) IO_STROBE = 1; } // if (IO_SELECT && IO_STROBE) { // Enable Peripheral Expansion ROM UINT uSlot=1; for (; uSlot= 0xC300) && (address <= 0xC3FF)) { if (!SW_SLOTC3ROM) // GH#423 INTC8ROM = true; } else if ((address >= FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN) && (address <= FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_END)) { if (!INTC8ROM) // GH#423 IO_STROBE = 1; } if (INTC8ROM && (g_eExpansionRomType != eExpRomInternal)) { // Enable Internal ROM memcpy(mem+FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN, pCxRomInternal+0x800, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomInternal; g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; } } if (address >= APPLE_SLOT_BEGIN && address <= APPLE_SLOT_END) { const UINT uSlot = (address>>8)&0x7; const bool bPeripheralSlotRomEnabled = IS_APPLE2 ? true // A][ : // A//e or above ( !SW_INTCXROM && // Peripheral (card) ROMs enabled in $C100..$C7FF !(!SW_SLOTC3ROM && uSlot == 3) ); // Internal C3 ROM disabled in $C300 when slot == 3 // Fix for GH#149 and GH#164 if (bPeripheralSlotRomEnabled && !IsCardInSlot(uSlot)) // Slot is empty { return IO_Null(programcounter, address, write, value, nExecutedCycles); } } if ((g_eExpansionRomType == eExpRomNull) && (address >= FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN)) return IO_Null(programcounter, address, write, value, nExecutedCycles); return mem[address]; } //=========================================================================== static struct SlotInfo { bool bHasCard; iofunction IOReadCx; iofunction IOWriteCx; } g_SlotInfo[NUM_SLOTS] = {0}; static void InitIoHandlers() { UINT i=0; for (; i<8; i++) // C00x..C07x { IORead[i] = IORead_C0xx[i]; IOWrite[i] = IOWrite_C0xx[i]; } for (; i<16; i++) // C08x..C0Fx { IORead[i] = IO_Null; IOWrite[i] = IO_Null; } // for (; i<256; i++) // C10x..CFFx { IORead[i] = IO_Cxxx; IOWrite[i] = IO_Cxxx; } // for (i=0; i> 8) & 0xF; return (memshadow[0xD0+bank1page] == pMemBase+(0xC0+bank1page)*256) ? mem+offset+0x1000 // Return ptr to $Dxxx address - 'mem' has (a potentially dirty) 4K RAM BANK1 mapped in at $D000 : pMemBase+offset; // Else return ptr to $Cxxx address } //------------------------------------- LPBYTE MemGetAuxPtr(const WORD offset) { LPBYTE lpMem = MemGetPtrBANK1(offset, memaux); if (lpMem) return lpMem; lpMem = (memshadow[(offset >> 8)] == (memaux+(offset & 0xFF00))) ? mem+offset // Return 'mem' copy if possible, as page could be dirty : memaux+offset; #ifdef RAMWORKS // Video scanner (for 14M video modes) always fetches from 1st 64K aux bank (UTAIIe ref?) if (((SW_PAGE2 && SW_80STORE) || VideoGetSW80COL()) && ( ( ((offset & 0xFF00)>=0x0400) && ((offset & 0xFF00)<=0x0700) ) || ( SW_HIRES && ((offset & 0xFF00)>=0x2000) && ((offset & 0xFF00)<=0x3F00) ) ) ) { lpMem = (memshadow[(offset >> 8)] == (RWpages[0]+(offset & 0xFF00))) ? mem+offset : RWpages[0]+offset; } #endif return lpMem; } //------------------------------------- // if memshadow == memmain // so RD memmain // case: RD == WR // so RD(mem),WR(mem) // so 64K memmain could be incorrect // *therefore mem is correct // case: RD != WR // so RD(mem),WR(memaux) // doesn't matter since RD != WR, then it's guaranteed that memaux is correct // *therefore either mem or memmain is correct // else ; memshadow != memmain // so RD memaux (or ROM) // case: RD == WR // so RD(mem),WR(mem) // so 64K memaux could be incorrect // *therefore memmain is correct // case: RD != WR // so RD(mem),WR(memmain) // doesn't matter since RD != WR, then it's guaranteed that memmain is correct // *therefore memmain is correct // // *OR* // // Is the mem(cache) setup to read (via memshadow) from memmain? // . if yes, then return the mem(cache) address as writes (via memwrite) may've made the mem(cache) dirty. // . if no, then return memmain, as the mem(cache) isn't involved in memmain (any writes will go directly to this backing-store). // LPBYTE MemGetMainPtr(const WORD offset) { LPBYTE lpMem = MemGetPtrBANK1(offset, memmain); if (lpMem) return lpMem; return (memshadow[(offset >> 8)] == (memmain+(offset & 0xFF00))) ? mem+offset // Return 'mem' copy if possible, as page could be dirty : memmain+offset; } //=========================================================================== // Used by: // . Savestate: MemSaveSnapshotMemory(), MemLoadSnapshotAux() // . Debugger : CmdMemorySave(), CmdMemoryLoad() LPBYTE MemGetBankPtr(const UINT nBank) { BackMainImage(); // Flush any dirty pages to back-buffer #ifdef RAMWORKS if (nBank > g_uMaxExPages) return NULL; if (nBank == 0) return memmain; return RWpages[nBank-1]; #else return (nBank == 0) ? memmain : (nBank == 1) ? memaux : NULL; #endif } //=========================================================================== LPBYTE MemGetCxRomPeripheral() { return pCxRomPeripheral; } //=========================================================================== // Post: // . true: code memory // . false: I/O memory or floating bus bool MemIsAddrCodeMemory(const USHORT addr) { if (addr < 0xC000 || addr > FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_END) // Assume all A][ types have at least 48K return true; if (addr < APPLE_SLOT_BEGIN) // [$C000..C0FF] return false; if (!IS_APPLE2 && SW_INTCXROM) // [$C100..C7FF] //e or Enhanced //e internal ROM return true; if (!IS_APPLE2 && !SW_SLOTC3ROM && (addr >> 8) == 0xC3) // [$C300..C3FF] //e or Enhanced //e internal ROM return true; if (addr <= APPLE_SLOT_END) // [$C100..C7FF] { const UINT uSlot = (addr >> 8) & 0x7; return IsCardInSlot(uSlot); } // [$C800..CFFF] if (g_eExpansionRomType == eExpRomNull) { if (IO_SELECT || INTC8ROM) // Was at $Csxx and now in [$C800..$CFFF] return true; return false; } return true; } //=========================================================================== const UINT CxRomSize = 4*1024; const UINT Apple2RomSize = 12*1024; const UINT Apple2eRomSize = Apple2RomSize+CxRomSize; //const UINT Pravets82RomSize = 12*1024; //const UINT Pravets8ARomSize = Pravets82RomSize+CxRomSize; void MemInitialize() { // ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR THE APPLE MEMORY IMAGE AND ASSOCIATED DATA STRUCTURES memaux = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,_6502_MEM_END+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); memmain = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,_6502_MEM_END+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); memdirty = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,0x100 ,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); memrom = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,0x5000 ,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); memimage = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,_6502_MEM_END+1,MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_NOACCESS); pCxRomInternal = (LPBYTE) VirtualAlloc(NULL, CxRomSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); pCxRomPeripheral = (LPBYTE) VirtualAlloc(NULL, CxRomSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!memaux || !memdirty || !memimage || !memmain || !memrom || !pCxRomInternal || !pCxRomPeripheral) { MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow(), TEXT("The emulator was unable to allocate the memory it ") TEXT("requires. Further execution is not possible."), g_pAppTitle.c_str(), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_SETFOREGROUND); ExitProcess(1); } LPVOID newloc = VirtualAlloc(memimage,_6502_MEM_END+1,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); if (newloc != memimage) MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow(), TEXT("The emulator has detected a bug in your operating ") TEXT("system. While changing the attributes of a memory ") TEXT("object, the operating system also changed its ") TEXT("location."), g_pAppTitle.c_str(), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); // memimage has been freed // if we have come here we should use newloc // // this happens when running under valgrind memimage = (LPBYTE)newloc; // RWpages[0] = memaux; SetExpansionMemTypeDefault(); #ifdef RAMWORKS if (g_CardMgr.QueryAux() == CT_RamWorksIII) { // allocate memory for RAMWorks III - up to 8MB g_uActiveBank = 0; UINT i = 1; while ((i < g_uMaxExPages) && (RWpages[i] = (LPBYTE) VirtualAlloc(NULL, _6502_MEM_END+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE))) i++; while (i < kMaxExMemoryBanks) RWpages[i++] = NULL; } #endif // CreateLanguageCard(); MemInitializeROM(); MemInitializeCustomROM(); MemInitializeCustomF8ROM(); MemInitializeIO(); MemReset(); } void MemInitializeROM(void) { // READ THE APPLE FIRMWARE ROMS INTO THE ROM IMAGE UINT ROM_SIZE = 0; HRSRC hResInfo = NULL; switch (g_Apple2Type) { case A2TYPE_APPLE2: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_APPLE2_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2RomSize ; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_APPLE2_PLUS_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2RomSize ; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_APPLE2E_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2eRomSize; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED:hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_APPLE2E_ENHANCED_ROM), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2eRomSize; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_PRAVETS_82_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2RomSize ; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_PRAVETS_8M_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2RomSize ; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_PRAVETS_8C_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2eRomSize; break; case A2TYPE_TK30002E: hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_TK3000_2E_ROM ), "ROM"); ROM_SIZE = Apple2eRomSize; break; } if (hResInfo == NULL) { TCHAR sRomFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; switch (g_Apple2Type) { case A2TYPE_APPLE2: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("APPLE2.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("APPLE2_PLUS.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("APPLE2E.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED:_tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("APPLE2E_ENHANCED.ROM")); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("PRAVETS82.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("PRAVETS8M.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("PRAVETS8C.ROM" )); break; case A2TYPE_TK30002E: _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("TK3000e.ROM" )); break; default: { _tcscpy(sRomFileName, TEXT("Unknown type!")); sg_PropertySheet.ConfigSaveApple2Type(A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED); } } TCHAR sText[MAX_PATH]; StringCbPrintf(sText, sizeof(sText), TEXT("Unable to open the required firmware ROM data file.\n\nFile: %s"), sRomFileName); LogFileOutput("%s\n", sText); MessageBox( GetDesktopWindow(), sText, g_pAppTitle.c_str(), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_SETFOREGROUND); ExitProcess(1); } DWORD dwResSize = SizeofResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(dwResSize != ROM_SIZE) return; HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(hResData == NULL) return; BYTE* pData = (BYTE*) LockResource(hResData); // NB. Don't need to unlock resource if (pData == NULL) return; memset(pCxRomInternal,0,CxRomSize); memset(pCxRomPeripheral,0,CxRomSize); if (ROM_SIZE == Apple2eRomSize) { memcpy(pCxRomInternal, pData, CxRomSize); pData += CxRomSize; ROM_SIZE -= CxRomSize; } _ASSERT(ROM_SIZE == Apple2RomSize); memcpy(memrom, pData, Apple2RomSize); // ROM at $D000...$FFFF } void MemInitializeCustomF8ROM(void) { const UINT F8RomSize = 0x800; const UINT F8RomOffset = Apple2RomSize-F8RomSize; if (IsApple2Original(GetApple2Type()) && g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT0) == CT_LanguageCard) { try { HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_APPLE2_PLUS_ROM), "ROM"); if (hResInfo == NULL) throw false; DWORD dwResSize = SizeofResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(dwResSize != Apple2RomSize) throw false; HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(hResData == NULL) throw false; BYTE* pData = (BYTE*) LockResource(hResData); // NB. Don't need to unlock resource if (pData == NULL) throw false; memcpy(memrom+F8RomOffset, pData+F8RomOffset, F8RomSize); } catch (bool) { MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Failed to read F8 (auto-start) ROM for language card in original Apple][", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK ); } } if (g_hCustomRomF8 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BYTE OldRom[Apple2RomSize]; // NB. 12KB on stack memcpy(OldRom, memrom, Apple2RomSize); SetFilePointer(g_hCustomRomF8, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD uNumBytesRead; BOOL bRes = ReadFile(g_hCustomRomF8, memrom+F8RomOffset, F8RomSize, &uNumBytesRead, NULL); if (uNumBytesRead != F8RomSize) { memcpy(memrom, OldRom, Apple2RomSize); // ROM at $D000...$FFFF bRes = FALSE; } // NB. If succeeded, then keep g_hCustomRomF8 handle open - so that any next restart can load it again if (!bRes) { MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Failed to read custom F8 rom", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK ); CloseHandle(g_hCustomRomF8); g_hCustomRomF8 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Failed, so use default rom... } } if (sg_PropertySheet.GetTheFreezesF8Rom() && IS_APPLE2) { HGLOBAL hResData = NULL; BYTE* pData = NULL; HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_FREEZES_F8_ROM), "ROM"); if (hResInfo && (SizeofResource(NULL, hResInfo) == 0x800) && (hResData = LoadResource(NULL, hResInfo)) && (pData = (BYTE*) LockResource(hResData))) { memcpy(memrom+Apple2RomSize-F8RomSize, pData, F8RomSize); } } } void MemInitializeCustomROM(void) { if (g_hCustomRom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; SetFilePointer(g_hCustomRom, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD uNumBytesRead; BOOL bRes = TRUE; if (GetFileSize(g_hCustomRom, NULL) == Apple2eRomSize) { std::vector oldRomC0(pCxRomInternal, pCxRomInternal+CxRomSize); // range ctor: [first,last) bRes = ReadFile(g_hCustomRom, pCxRomInternal, CxRomSize, &uNumBytesRead, NULL); if (uNumBytesRead != CxRomSize) { memcpy(pCxRomInternal, &oldRomC0[0], CxRomSize); // ROM at $C000...$CFFF bRes = FALSE; } } if (bRes) { std::vector oldRom(memrom, memrom+Apple2RomSize); // range ctor: [first,last) bRes = ReadFile(g_hCustomRom, memrom, Apple2RomSize, &uNumBytesRead, NULL); if (uNumBytesRead != Apple2RomSize) { memcpy(memrom, &oldRom[0], Apple2RomSize); // ROM at $D000...$FFFF bRes = FALSE; } } // NB. If succeeded, then keep g_hCustomRom handle open - so that any next restart can load it again if (!bRes) { MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Failed to read custom rom", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK ); CloseHandle(g_hCustomRom); g_hCustomRom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Failed, so use default rom... } } // Called by: // . MemInitialize() // . Snapshot_LoadState_v2() // // Since called by LoadState(), then this must not init any cards // - it should only init the card I/O hooks void MemInitializeIO(void) { InitIoHandlers(); if (g_pLanguageCard) g_pLanguageCard->InitializeIO(); else RegisterIoHandler(LanguageCardUnit::kSlot0, IO_Null, IO_Null, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT1) == CT_GenericPrinter) PrintLoadRom(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT1); // $C100 : Parallel printer f/w if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT2) == CT_SSC) dynamic_cast(g_CardMgr.GetRef(SLOT2)).CommInitialize(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT2); // $C200 : SSC if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT3) == CT_Uthernet) { // Slot 3 contains the Uthernet card (which can coexist with an 80-col+Ram card in AUX slot) // . Uthernet card has no ROM and only IO mapped at $C0Bx // NB. I/O handlers setup via tfe_init() & update_tfe_interface() } // Apple//e: Auxilary slot contains Extended 80 Column card or RamWorksIII card if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT4) == CT_MouseInterface) { dynamic_cast(g_CardMgr.GetRef(SLOT4)).Initialize(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT4); // $C400 : Mouse f/w } else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT4) == CT_MockingboardC || g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT4) == CT_Phasor) { MB_InitializeIO(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT4, SLOT5); } else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT4) == CT_Z80) { ConfigureSoftcard(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT4); // $C400 : Z80 card } // else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT4) == CT_GenericClock) // { // LoadRom_Clock_Generic(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT4); // } if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT5) == CT_Z80) { ConfigureSoftcard(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT5); // $C500 : Z80 card } else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT5) == CT_SAM) { ConfigureSAM(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT5); // $C500 : Z80 card } else if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT5) == CT_Disk2) { dynamic_cast(g_CardMgr.GetRef(SLOT5)).Initialize(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT5); // $C500 : Disk][ card } if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT6) == CT_Disk2) dynamic_cast(g_CardMgr.GetRef(SLOT6)).Initialize(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT6); // $C600 : Disk][ card if (g_CardMgr.QuerySlot(SLOT7) == CT_GenericHDD) HD_Load_Rom(pCxRomPeripheral, SLOT7); // $C700 : HDD f/w // // Finally remove the cards' ROMs at $Csnn if internal ROM is enabled // . required when restoring saved-state if (SW_INTCXROM) IoHandlerCardsOut(); } // Called by: // . Snapshot_LoadState_v2() void MemInitializeCardExpansionRomFromSnapshot(void) { const UINT uSlot = g_uPeripheralRomSlot; if (ExpansionRom[uSlot] == NULL) return; _ASSERT(g_eExpansionRomType == eExpRomPeripheral); memcpy(pCxRomPeripheral+0x800, ExpansionRom[uSlot], FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); // NB. Copied to /mem/ by UpdatePaging(TRUE) } inline DWORD getRandomTime() { return rand() ^ timeGetTime(); // We can't use g_nCumulativeCycles as it will be zero on a fresh execution. } //=========================================================================== // Called by: // . MemInitialize() // . ResetMachineState() eg. Power-cycle ('Apple-Go' button) // . Snapshot_LoadState_v2() void MemReset() { // INITIALIZE THE PAGING TABLES ZeroMemory(memshadow,256*sizeof(LPBYTE)); ZeroMemory(memwrite ,256*sizeof(LPBYTE)); // INITIALIZE THE RAM IMAGES ZeroMemory(memaux ,0x10000); ZeroMemory(memmain,0x10000); // Init the I/O ROM vars IO_SELECT = 0; INTC8ROM = false; g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomNull; g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; ZeroMemory(memdirty, 0x100); // int iByte; // Memory is pseudo-initialized across various models of Apple ][ //e //c // We chose a random one for nostalgia's sake // To inspect: // F2. Ctrl-F2. CALL-151, C050 C053 C057 // OR // F2, Ctrl-F2, F7, HGR DWORD clock = getRandomTime(); MemoryInitPattern_e eMemoryInitPattern = static_cast(g_nMemoryClearType); if (g_nMemoryClearType < 0) // random { eMemoryInitPattern = static_cast( clock % NUM_MIP ); // Don't use unless manually specified as a // few badly written programs will not work correctly // due to buffer overflows or not initializig memory before using. if( eMemoryInitPattern == MIP_PAGE_ADDRESS_LOW ) eMemoryInitPattern = MIP_FF_FF_00_00; } switch( eMemoryInitPattern ) { case MIP_FF_FF_00_00: for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 4 ) // NB. ODD 16-bit words are zero'd above... { memmain[ iByte+0 ] = 0xFF; memmain[ iByte+1 ] = 0xFF; } // Exceptions: xx28 xx29 xx68 xx69 Apple //e for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 512 ) { clock = getRandomTime(); memmain[ iByte + 0x28 ] = (clock >> 0) & 0xFF; memmain[ iByte + 0x29 ] = (clock >> 8) & 0xFF; clock = getRandomTime(); memmain[ iByte + 0x68 ] = (clock >> 0) & 0xFF; memmain[ iByte + 0x69 ] = (clock >> 8) & 0xFF; } break; case MIP_FF_00_FULL_PAGE: // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/225 // AppleWin 1.25 RC2 fails to boot Castle Wolfenstein #225 // This causes Castle Wolfenstein to not boot properly 100% with an error: // ?OVERFLOW ERROR IN 10 // http://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/games/action/wolfenstein/castle_wolfenstein-fixed.dsk for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 512 ) { memset( &memmain[ iByte ], 0xFF, 256 ); // Exceptions: xx28: 00 xx68:00 Apple //e Platinum NTSC memmain[ iByte + 0x28 ] = 0x00; memmain[ iByte + 0x68 ] = 0x00; } break; case MIP_00_FF_HALF_PAGE: for( iByte = 0x0080; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 256 ) // NB. start = 0x80, delta = 0x100 ! memset( &memmain[ iByte ], 0xFF, 128 ); break; case MIP_FF_00_HALF_PAGE: for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 256 ) memset( &memmain[ iByte ], 0xFF, 128 ); break; case MIP_RANDOM: unsigned char random[ 256 ]; for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 256 ) { for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { clock = getRandomTime(); random[ (i+0) & 0xFF ] = (clock >> 0) & 0xFF; random[ (i+1) & 0xFF ] = (clock >> 11) & 0xFF; } memcpy( &memmain[ iByte ], random, 256 ); } break; case MIP_PAGE_ADDRESS_LOW: for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte++ ) memmain[ iByte ] = iByte & 0xFF; break; case MIP_PAGE_ADDRESS_HIGH: for( iByte = 0x0000; iByte < 0xC000; iByte += 256 ) memset( &memmain[ iByte ], (iByte >> 8), 256 ); break; default: // MIP_ZERO -- nothing to do break; } // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/206 // Work-around for a cold-booting bug in "Pooyan" which expects RNDL and RNDH to be non-zero. clock = getRandomTime(); memmain[ 0x4E ] = 0x20 | (clock >> 0) & 0xFF; memmain[ 0x4F ] = 0x20 | (clock >> 8) & 0xFF; // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/222 // MIP_PAGE_ADDRESS_LOW breaks a few badly written programs! // "Beautiful Boot by Mini Appler" reads past $61FF into $6200 // - "BeachParty-PoacherWars-DaytonDinger-BombsAway.dsk" // - "Dung Beetles, Ms. PacMan, Pooyan, Star Cruiser, Star Thief, Invas. Force.dsk" memmain[ 0x620B ] = 0x0; // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/222 // MIP_PAGE_ADDRESS_LOW // "Copy II+ v5.0.dsk" // There is a strange memory checker from $1B03 .. $1C25 // Stuck in loop at $1BC2: JSR $F88E INSDS2 before crashing to $0: 00 BRK memmain[ 0xBFFD ] = 0; memmain[ 0xBFFE ] = 0; memmain[ 0xBFFF ] = 0; // SET UP THE MEMORY IMAGE mem = memimage; // INITIALIZE PAGING, FILLING IN THE 64K MEMORY IMAGE ResetPaging(1); // Initialize=1 // INITIALIZE & RESET THE CPU // . Do this after ROM has been copied back to mem[], so that PC is correctly init'ed from 6502's reset vector CpuInitialize(); //Sets Caps Lock = false (Pravets 8A/C only) z80_reset(); // NB. Also called above in CpuInitialize() } //=========================================================================== BYTE MemReadFloatingBus(const ULONG uExecutedCycles) { return mem[ NTSC_VideoGetScannerAddress(uExecutedCycles) ]; // OK: This does the 2-cycle adjust for ANSI STORY (End Credits) } //=========================================================================== BYTE MemReadFloatingBus(const BYTE highbit, const ULONG uExecutedCycles) { BYTE r = MemReadFloatingBus(uExecutedCycles); return (r & ~0x80) | (highbit ? 0x80 : 0); } //=========================================================================== //#define DEBUG_FLIP_TIMINGS #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_FLIP_TIMINGS) static void DebugFlip(WORD address, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { static unsigned __int64 uLastFlipCycle = 0; static unsigned int uLastPage = -1; if (address != 0x54 && address != 0x55) return; const unsigned int uNewPage = address & 1; if (uLastPage == uNewPage) return; uLastPage = uNewPage; CpuCalcCycles(nExecutedCycles); // Update g_nCumulativeCycles const unsigned int uCyclesBetweenFlips = (unsigned int) (uLastFlipCycle ? g_nCumulativeCycles - uLastFlipCycle : 0); uLastFlipCycle = g_nCumulativeCycles; if (!uCyclesBetweenFlips) return; // 1st time in func const double fFreq = CLK_6502 / (double)uCyclesBetweenFlips; char szStr[100]; sprintf(szStr, "Cycles between flips = %d (%f Hz)\n", uCyclesBetweenFlips, fFreq); OutputDebugString(szStr); } #endif BYTE __stdcall MemSetPaging(WORD programcounter, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG nExecutedCycles) { address &= 0xFF; DWORD lastmemmode = memmode; #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_FLIP_TIMINGS) DebugFlip(address, nExecutedCycles); #endif // DETERMINE THE NEW MEMORY PAGING MODE. if (!IS_APPLE2) { switch (address) { case 0x00: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_80STORE); break; case 0x01: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_80STORE); break; case 0x02: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_AUXREAD); break; case 0x03: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_AUXREAD); break; case 0x04: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_AUXWRITE); break; case 0x05: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_AUXWRITE); break; case 0x06: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_INTCXROM); break; case 0x07: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_INTCXROM); break; case 0x08: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_ALTZP); break; case 0x09: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_ALTZP); break; case 0x0A: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_SLOTC3ROM); break; case 0x0B: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_SLOTC3ROM); break; case 0x54: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_PAGE2); break; case 0x55: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_PAGE2); break; case 0x56: SetMemMode(memmode & ~MF_HIRES); break; case 0x57: SetMemMode(memmode | MF_HIRES); break; #ifdef RAMWORKS case 0x71: // extended memory aux page number case 0x73: // Ramworks III set aux page number if ((value < g_uMaxExPages) && RWpages[value]) { g_uActiveBank = value; memaux = RWpages[g_uActiveBank]; UpdatePaging(FALSE); // Initialize=FALSE } break; #endif } } if (MemOptimizeForModeChanging(programcounter, address)) return write ? 0 : MemReadFloatingBus(nExecutedCycles); // IF THE MEMORY PAGING MODE HAS CHANGED, UPDATE OUR MEMORY IMAGES AND // WRITE TABLES. if ((lastmemmode != memmode) || modechanging) { // NB. Must check MF_SLOTC3ROM too, as IoHandlerCardsIn() depends on both MF_INTCXROM|MF_SLOTC3ROM if ((lastmemmode & (MF_INTCXROM|MF_SLOTC3ROM)) != (memmode & (MF_INTCXROM|MF_SLOTC3ROM))) { if (!SW_INTCXROM) { if (!INTC8ROM) // GH#423 { // Disable Internal ROM // . Similar to $CFFF access // . None of the peripheral cards can be driving the bus - so use the null ROM memset(pCxRomPeripheral+0x800, 0, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); memset(mem+FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_BEGIN, 0, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomNull; g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; } IoHandlerCardsIn(); } else { // Enable Internal ROM memcpy(mem+0xC800, pCxRomInternal+0x800, FIRMWARE_EXPANSION_SIZE); g_eExpansionRomType = eExpRomInternal; g_uPeripheralRomSlot = 0; IoHandlerCardsOut(); } } UpdatePaging(0); // Initialize=0 } // Replicate 80STORE, PAGE2 and HIRES to video sub-system if ((address <= 1) || ((address >= 0x54) && (address <= 0x57))) return VideoSetMode(programcounter,address,write,value,nExecutedCycles); return write ? 0 : MemReadFloatingBus(nExecutedCycles); } //=========================================================================== bool MemOptimizeForModeChanging(WORD programcounter, WORD address) { if (IS_APPLE2E()) { // IF THE EMULATED PROGRAM HAS JUST UPDATED THE MEMORY WRITE MODE AND IS // ABOUT TO UPDATE THE MEMORY READ MODE, HOLD OFF ON ANY PROCESSING UNTIL // IT DOES SO. // // NB. A 6502 interrupt occurring between these memory write & read updates could lead to incorrect behaviour. // - although any data-race is probably a bug in the 6502 code too. if ((address >= 4) && (address <= 5) && // Now: RAMWRTOFF or RAMWRTON ((*(LPDWORD)(mem+programcounter) & 0x00FFFEFF) == 0x00C0028D)) // Next: STA $C002(RAMRDOFF) or STA $C003(RAMRDON) { modechanging = 1; return true; } if ((address >= 0x80) && (address <= 0x8F) && (programcounter < 0xC000) && // Now: LC (((*(LPDWORD)(mem+programcounter) & 0x00FFFEFF) == 0x00C0048D) || // Next: STA $C004(RAMWRTOFF) or STA $C005(RAMWRTON) ((*(LPDWORD)(mem+programcounter) & 0x00FFFEFF) == 0x00C0028D))) // or STA $C002(RAMRDOFF) or STA $C003(RAMRDON) { modechanging = 1; return true; } } return false; } //=========================================================================== LPVOID MemGetSlotParameters(UINT uSlot) { _ASSERT(uSlot < NUM_SLOTS); return SlotParameters[uSlot]; } //=========================================================================== bool MemGetAnnunciator(UINT annunciator) { return g_Annunciator[annunciator]; } //=========================================================================== // NB. Don't need to save 'modechanging', as this is just an optimisation to save calling UpdatePaging() twice. // . If we were to save the state when 'modechanging' is set, then on restoring the state, the 6502 code will immediately update the read memory mode. // . This will work correctly. #define SS_YAML_KEY_MEMORYMODE "Memory Mode" #define SS_YAML_KEY_LASTRAMWRITE "Last RAM Write" #define SS_YAML_KEY_IOSELECT "IO_SELECT" #define SS_YAML_KEY_IOSELECT_INT "IO_SELECT_InternalROM" // INTC8ROM #define SS_YAML_KEY_EXPANSIONROMTYPE "Expansion ROM Type" #define SS_YAML_KEY_PERIPHERALROMSLOT "Peripheral ROM Slot" #define SS_YAML_KEY_ANNUNCIATOR "Annunciator" // // Unit version history: // 2: Added version field to card's state static const UINT kUNIT_AUXSLOT_VER = 2; // Unit version history: // 2: Added: RGB card state // 3: Extended: RGB card state ('80COL changed') static const UINT kUNIT_CARD_VER = 3; #define SS_YAML_VALUE_CARD_80COL "80 Column" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_CARD_EXTENDED80COL "Extended 80 Column" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_CARD_RAMWORKSIII "RamWorksIII" #define SS_YAML_KEY_NUMAUXBANKS "Num Aux Banks" #define SS_YAML_KEY_ACTIVEAUXBANK "Active Aux Bank" static std::string MemGetSnapshotStructName(void) { static const std::string name("Memory"); return name; } std::string MemGetSnapshotUnitAuxSlotName(void) { static const std::string name("Auxiliary Slot"); return name; } static std::string MemGetSnapshotMainMemStructName(void) { static const std::string name("Main Memory"); return name; } static std::string MemGetSnapshotAuxMemStructName(void) { static const std::string name("Auxiliary Memory Bank"); return name; } static void MemSaveSnapshotMemory(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper, bool bIsMainMem, UINT bank=0, UINT size=64*1024) { LPBYTE pMemBase = MemGetBankPtr(bank); if (bIsMainMem) { YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", MemGetSnapshotMainMemStructName().c_str()); yamlSaveHelper.SaveMemory(pMemBase, size); } else { YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s%02X:\n", MemGetSnapshotAuxMemStructName().c_str(), bank-1); yamlSaveHelper.SaveMemory(pMemBase, size); } } void MemSaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper) { // Scope so that "Memory" & "Main Memory" are at same indent level { YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", MemGetSnapshotStructName().c_str()); DWORD saveMemMode = memmode; if (IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) saveMemMode &= ~MF_LANGCARD_MASK; // For II,II+: clear LC bits - set later by slot-0 LC or Saturn yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint32(SS_YAML_KEY_MEMORYMODE, saveMemMode); if (!IsApple2PlusOrClone(GetApple2Type())) // NB. This is set later for II,II+ by slot-0 LC or Saturn yamlSaveHelper.SaveUint(SS_YAML_KEY_LASTRAMWRITE, GetLastRamWrite() ? 1 : 0); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_IOSELECT, IO_SELECT); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_IOSELECT_INT, INTC8ROM ? 1 : 0); yamlSaveHelper.SaveUint(SS_YAML_KEY_EXPANSIONROMTYPE, (UINT) g_eExpansionRomType); yamlSaveHelper.SaveUint(SS_YAML_KEY_PERIPHERALROMSLOT, g_uPeripheralRomSlot); for (UINT i=0; i= 3) { for (UINT i=0; i 0x7F || (activeAuxBank+1) > numAuxBanks) throw std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": AuxSlot: Bad aux slot card state"); } else { // todo: support empty slot type = CT_Empty; throw std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": AuxSlot: Unknown card: " + card); } g_uMaxExPages = numAuxBanks; g_uActiveBank = activeAuxBank; // for(UINT uBank = 1; uBank <= g_uMaxExPages; uBank++) { LPBYTE pBank = MemGetBankPtr(uBank); if (!pBank) { pBank = RWpages[uBank-1] = (LPBYTE) VirtualAlloc(NULL, _6502_MEM_END+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!pBank) throw std::string("Card: mem alloc failed"); } // "Auxiliary Memory Bankxx" char szBank[3]; sprintf(szBank, "%02X", uBank-1); std::string auxMemName = MemGetSnapshotAuxMemStructName() + szBank; if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(auxMemName)) throw std::string("Memory: Missing map name: " + auxMemName); yamlLoadHelper.LoadMemory(pBank, _6502_MEM_END+1); yamlLoadHelper.PopMap(); } g_CardMgr.Remove(SLOT0); g_CardMgr.InsertAux(type); memaux = RWpages[g_uActiveBank]; // NB. MemUpdatePaging(TRUE) called at end of Snapshot_LoadState_v2() } static void MemLoadSnapshotAuxVer1(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper) { std::string card = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_CARD); MemLoadSnapshotAuxCommon(yamlLoadHelper, card); } static void MemLoadSnapshotAuxVer2(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper) { std::string card = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_CARD); UINT cardVersion = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION); if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_STATE))) throw std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Expected sub-map name: " SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); MemLoadSnapshotAuxCommon(yamlLoadHelper, card); RGB_LoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, cardVersion); } bool MemLoadSnapshotAux(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unitVersion) { if (unitVersion < 1 || unitVersion > kUNIT_AUXSLOT_VER) throw std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": AuxSlot: Version mismatch"); if (unitVersion == 1) MemLoadSnapshotAuxVer1(yamlLoadHelper); else MemLoadSnapshotAuxVer2(yamlLoadHelper); return true; }