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TomCh 3aa5750dcf
Make Video.cpp and WinVideo.cpp into a dependent class hierarchy (PR )
. class hierarchy: WinVideo IS_A Video (ie. WinVideo is a subclass of Video)
. GetVideo() singleton instance of WinVideo in AppleWin.cpp, exposed via Interface.h
2020-12-28 16:25:29 +00:00

833 lines
25 KiB

AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien
Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt
Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth
Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate
AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* Description: Emulation of video modes
* Author: Various
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Video.h"
#include "Core.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "Registry.h"
#include "NTSC.h"
#include "RGBMonitor.h"
#include "YamlHelper.h"
#define SW_80COL (g_uVideoMode & VF_80COL)
#define SW_DHIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_DHIRES)
#define SW_HIRES (g_uVideoMode & VF_HIRES)
#define SW_80STORE (g_uVideoMode & VF_80STORE)
#define SW_MIXED (g_uVideoMode & VF_MIXED)
#define SW_PAGE2 (g_uVideoMode & VF_PAGE2)
#define SW_TEXT (g_uVideoMode & VF_TEXT)
// NOTE: KEEP IN SYNC: VideoType_e g_aVideoChoices g_apVideoModeDesc
const char Video::g_aVideoChoices[] =
"Monochrome (Custom)\0"
"Color (Composite Idealized)\0"
"Color (RGB Card/Monitor)\0"
"Color (Composite Monitor)\0"
"Color TV\0"
"B&W TV\0"
"Monochrome (Amber)\0"
"Monochrome (Green)\0"
"Monochrome (White)\0"
// NOTE: KEEP IN SYNC: VideoType_e g_aVideoChoices g_apVideoModeDesc
// The window title will be set to this.
const char Video::m_szModeDesc0[] = "Monochrome (Custom)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc1[] = "Color (Composite Idealized)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc2[] = "Color (RGB Card/Monitor)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc3[] = "Color (Composite Monitor)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc4[] = "Color TV";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc5[] = "B&W TV";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc6[] = "Monochrome (Amber)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc7[] = "Monochrome (Green)";
const char Video::m_szModeDesc8[] = "Monochrome (White)";
const char* const Video::g_apVideoModeDesc[NUM_VIDEO_MODES] =
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth(void)
static const UINT uFrameBufferBorderlessW = 560; // 560 = Double Hi-Res
return uFrameBufferBorderlessW;
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight(void)
static const UINT uFrameBufferBorderlessH = 384; // 384 = Double Scan Line
return uFrameBufferBorderlessH;
// NB. These border areas are not visible (... and these border areas are unrelated to the 3D border below)
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferBorderWidth(void)
static const UINT uBorderW = 20;
return uBorderW;
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferBorderHeight(void)
static const UINT uBorderH = 18;
return uBorderH;
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferWidth(void)
return GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth() + 2 * GetFrameBufferBorderWidth();
UINT Video::GetFrameBufferHeight(void)
return GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight() + 2 * GetFrameBufferBorderHeight();
void Video::VideoReinitialize(bool bInitVideoScannerAddress /*= true*/)
NTSC_VideoReinitialize( g_dwCyclesThisFrame, bInitVideoScannerAddress );
NTSC_SetVideoTextMode( g_uVideoMode & VF_80COL ? 80 : 40 );
NTSC_SetVideoMode( g_uVideoMode ); // Pre-condition: g_nVideoClockHorz (derived from g_dwCyclesThisFrame)
VideoSwitchVideocardPalette(RGB_GetVideocard(), GetVideoType());
void Video::VideoResetState(void)
g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0;
g_uVideoMode = VF_TEXT;
NTSC_SetVideoTextMode( 40 );
NTSC_SetVideoMode( g_uVideoMode );
BYTE Video::VideoSetMode(WORD, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE, ULONG uExecutedCycles)
address &= 0xFF;
const uint32_t oldVideoMode = g_uVideoMode;
switch (address)
case 0x00: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x01: g_uVideoMode |= VF_80STORE; break;
case 0x0C: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(40);}; break;
case 0x0D: if (!IS_APPLE2){g_uVideoMode |= VF_80COL; NTSC_SetVideoTextMode(80);}; break;
case 0x0E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; break; // Alternate char set off
case 0x0F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 256; break; // Alternate char set on
case 0x50: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x51: g_uVideoMode |= VF_TEXT; break;
case 0x52: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x53: g_uVideoMode |= VF_MIXED; break;
case 0x54: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x55: g_uVideoMode |= VF_PAGE2; break;
case 0x56: g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x57: g_uVideoMode |= VF_HIRES; break;
case 0x5E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode |= VF_DHIRES; break;
case 0x5F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_uVideoMode &= ~VF_DHIRES; break;
if (!IS_APPLE2)
// Only 1-cycle delay for VF_TEXT & VF_MIXED mode changes (GH#656)
bool delay = false;
if ((oldVideoMode ^ g_uVideoMode) & (VF_TEXT|VF_MIXED))
delay = true;
NTSC_SetVideoMode( g_uVideoMode, delay );
return MemReadFloatingBus(uExecutedCycles);
bool Video::VideoGetSW80COL(void)
return SW_80COL ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWDHIRES(void)
return SW_DHIRES ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWHIRES(void)
return SW_HIRES ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSW80STORE(void)
return SW_80STORE ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWMIXED(void)
return SW_MIXED ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWPAGE2(void)
return SW_PAGE2 ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWTEXT(void)
return SW_TEXT ? true : false;
bool Video::VideoGetSWAltCharSet(void)
return g_nAltCharSetOffset != 0;
#define SS_YAML_KEY_ALT_CHARSET "Alt Char Set"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_MODE "Video Mode"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_CYCLES_THIS_FRAME "Cycles This Frame"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_REFRESH_RATE "Video Refresh Rate"
std::string Video::VideoGetSnapshotStructName(void)
static const std::string name("Video");
return name;
void Video::VideoSaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper)
YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", VideoGetSnapshotStructName().c_str());
yamlSaveHelper.SaveBool(SS_YAML_KEY_ALT_CHARSET, g_nAltCharSetOffset ? true : false);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint32(SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_MODE, g_uVideoMode);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveUint(SS_YAML_KEY_CYCLES_THIS_FRAME, g_dwCyclesThisFrame);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_REFRESH_RATE, (UINT)GetVideoRefreshRate());
void Video::VideoLoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT version)
if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(VideoGetSnapshotStructName()))
if (version >= 4)
VideoRefreshRate_e rate = (VideoRefreshRate_e)yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_REFRESH_RATE);
SetVideoRefreshRate(rate); // Trashes: g_dwCyclesThisFrame
g_nAltCharSetOffset = yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_ALT_CHARSET) ? 256 : 0;
g_uVideoMode = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VIDEO_MODE);
g_dwCyclesThisFrame = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_CYCLES_THIS_FRAME);
// References to Jim Sather's books are given as eg:
// UTAIIe:5-7,P3 (Understanding the Apple IIe, chapter 5, page 7, Paragraph 3)
WORD Video::VideoGetScannerAddress(DWORD nCycles, VideoScanner_e videoScannerAddr /*= VS_FullAddr*/)
const int kHBurstClock = 53; // clock when Color Burst starts
const int kHBurstClocks = 4; // clocks per Color Burst duration
const int kHClock0State = 0x18; // H[543210] = 011000
const int kHClocks = 65; // clocks per horizontal scan (including HBL)
const int kHPEClock = 40; // clock when HPE (horizontal preset enable) goes low
const int kHPresetClock = 41; // clock when H state presets
const int kHSyncClock = 49; // clock when HSync starts
const int kHSyncClocks = 4; // clocks per HSync duration
const int kNTSCScanLines = 262; // total scan lines including VBL (NTSC)
const int kNTSCVSyncLine = 224; // line when VSync starts (NTSC)
const int kPALScanLines = 312; // total scan lines including VBL (PAL)
const int kPALVSyncLine = 264; // line when VSync starts (PAL)
const int kVLine0State = 0x100; // V[543210CBA] = 100000000
const int kVPresetLine = 256; // line when V state presets
const int kVSyncLines = 4; // lines per VSync duration
// machine state switches
bool bHires = VideoGetSWHIRES() && !VideoGetSWTEXT();
bool bPage2 = VideoGetSWPAGE2();
bool b80Store = VideoGetSW80STORE();
// calculate video parameters according to display standard
const int kScanLines = g_bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCScanLines : kPALScanLines;
const int kScanCycles = kScanLines * kHClocks;
_ASSERT(nCycles < (UINT)kScanCycles);
nCycles %= kScanCycles;
// calculate horizontal scanning state
int nHClock = (nCycles + kHPEClock) % kHClocks; // which horizontal scanning clock
int nHState = kHClock0State + nHClock; // H state bits
if (nHClock >= kHPresetClock) // check for horizontal preset
nHState -= 1; // correct for state preset (two 0 states)
int h_0 = (nHState >> 0) & 1; // get horizontal state bits
int h_1 = (nHState >> 1) & 1;
int h_2 = (nHState >> 2) & 1;
int h_3 = (nHState >> 3) & 1;
int h_4 = (nHState >> 4) & 1;
int h_5 = (nHState >> 5) & 1;
// calculate vertical scanning state (UTAIIe:3-15,T3.2)
int nVLine = nCycles / kHClocks; // which vertical scanning line
int nVState = kVLine0State + nVLine; // V state bits
if (nVLine >= kVPresetLine) // check for previous vertical state preset
nVState -= kScanLines; // compensate for preset
int v_A = (nVState >> 0) & 1; // get vertical state bits
int v_B = (nVState >> 1) & 1;
int v_C = (nVState >> 2) & 1;
int v_0 = (nVState >> 3) & 1;
int v_1 = (nVState >> 4) & 1;
int v_2 = (nVState >> 5) & 1;
int v_3 = (nVState >> 6) & 1;
int v_4 = (nVState >> 7) & 1;
int v_5 = (nVState >> 8) & 1;
// calculate scanning memory address
if (bHires && SW_MIXED && v_4 && v_2) // HIRES TIME signal (UTAIIe:5-7,P3)
bHires = false; // address is in text memory for mixed hires
int nAddend0 = 0x0D; // 1 1 0 1
int nAddend1 = (h_5 << 2) | (h_4 << 1) | (h_3 << 0);
int nAddend2 = (v_4 << 3) | (v_3 << 2) | (v_4 << 1) | (v_3 << 0);
int nSum = (nAddend0 + nAddend1 + nAddend2) & 0x0F; // SUM (UTAIIe:5-9)
WORD nAddressH = 0; // build address from video scanner equations (UTAIIe:5-8,T5.1)
nAddressH |= h_0 << 0; // a0
nAddressH |= h_1 << 1; // a1
nAddressH |= h_2 << 2; // a2
nAddressH |= nSum << 3; // a3 - a6
if (!bHires)
// Apple ][ (not //e) and HBL?
if (IS_APPLE2 && // Apple II only (UTAIIe:I-4,#5)
!h_5 && (!h_4 || !h_3)) // HBL (UTAIIe:8-10,F8.5)
nAddressH |= 1 << 12; // Y: a12 (add $1000 to address!)
WORD nAddressV = 0;
nAddressV |= v_0 << 7; // a7
nAddressV |= v_1 << 8; // a8
nAddressV |= v_2 << 9; // a9
int p2a = !(bPage2 && !b80Store) ? 1 : 0;
int p2b = (bPage2 && !b80Store) ? 1 : 0;
WORD nAddressP = 0; // Page bits
if (bHires) // hires?
// Y: insert hires-only address bits
nAddressV |= v_A << 10; // a10
nAddressV |= v_B << 11; // a11
nAddressV |= v_C << 12; // a12
nAddressP |= p2a << 13; // a13
nAddressP |= p2b << 14; // a14
// N: insert text-only address bits
nAddressP |= p2a << 10; // a10
nAddressP |= p2b << 11; // a11
// VBL' = v_4' | v_3' = (v_4 & v_3)' (UTAIIe:5-10,#3), (UTAIIe:3-15,T3.2)
if (videoScannerAddr == VS_PartialAddrH)
return nAddressH;
if (videoScannerAddr == VS_PartialAddrV)
return nAddressV;
return nAddressP | nAddressV | nAddressH;
// Called when *outside* of CpuExecute()
bool Video::VideoGetVblBarEx(const DWORD dwCyclesThisFrame)
if (g_bFullSpeed)
// Ensure that NTSC video-scanner gets updated during full-speed, so video screen can be redrawn during Apple II VBL
return g_nVideoClockVert < kVDisplayableScanLines;
// Called when *inside* CpuExecute()
bool Video::VideoGetVblBar(const DWORD uExecutedCycles)
if (g_bFullSpeed)
// Ensure that NTSC video-scanner gets updated during full-speed, so video-dependent Apple II code doesn't hang
return g_nVideoClockVert < kVDisplayableScanLines;
void Video::Video_ResetScreenshotCounter(const std::string& pImageName)
g_nLastScreenShot = 0;
g_pLastDiskImageName = pImageName;
void Video::Util_MakeScreenShotFileName(TCHAR *pFinalFileName_, DWORD chars)
const std::string sPrefixScreenShotFileName = "AppleWin_ScreenShot";
// TODO: g_sScreenshotDir
const std::string pPrefixFileName = !g_pLastDiskImageName.empty() ? g_pLastDiskImageName : sPrefixScreenShotFileName;
StringCbPrintf( pFinalFileName_, chars, TEXT("%s_%09d.bmp"), pPrefixFileName.c_str(), g_nLastScreenShot );
// Returns TRUE if file exists, else FALSE
bool Video::Util_TestScreenShotFileName(const TCHAR *pFileName)
bool bFileExists = false;
FILE *pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rt" );
if (pFile)
fclose( pFile );
bFileExists = true;
return bFileExists;
void Video::Video_TakeScreenShot(const VideoScreenShot_e ScreenShotType)
TCHAR sScreenShotFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
// find last screenshot filename so we don't overwrite the existing user ones
bool bExists = true;
while( bExists )
if (g_nLastScreenShot > nMaxScreenShot) // Holy Crap! User has maxed the number of screenshots!?
TCHAR msg[512];
StringCbPrintf( msg, 512, "You have more then %d screenshot filenames! They will no longer be saved.\n\nEither move some of your screenshots or increase the maximum in video.cpp\n", nMaxScreenShot );
MessageBox( GetFrame().g_hFrameWindow, msg, "Warning", MB_OK );
g_nLastScreenShot = 0;
Util_MakeScreenShotFileName(sScreenShotFileName, MAX_PATH);
bExists = Util_TestScreenShotFileName(sScreenShotFileName);
if( !bExists )
Video_SaveScreenShot(ScreenShotType, sScreenShotFileName);
void Video::Video_SetBitmapHeader(WinBmpHeader_t *pBmp, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerPixel)
pBmp->nCookie[ 0 ] = 'B'; // 0x42
pBmp->nCookie[ 1 ] = 'M'; // 0x4d
pBmp->nSizeFile = 0;
pBmp->nReserved1 = 0;
pBmp->nReserved2 = 0;
pBmp->nOffsetData = sizeof(WinBmpHeader_t) + (256 * sizeof(bgra_t));
pBmp->nOffsetData = sizeof(WinBmpHeader_t);
pBmp->nStructSize = 0x28; // sizeof( WinBmpHeader_t );
pBmp->nWidthPixels = nWidth;
pBmp->nHeightPixels = nHeight;
pBmp->nPlanes = 1;
pBmp->nBitsPerPixel = 8;
pBmp->nBitsPerPixel = nBitsPerPixel;
pBmp->nCompression = BI_RGB; // none
pBmp->nSizeImage = 0;
pBmp->nXPelsPerMeter = 0;
pBmp->nYPelsPerMeter = 0;
pBmp->nPaletteColors = 256;
pBmp->nPaletteColors = 0;
pBmp->nImportantColors = 0;
void Video::Video_MakeScreenShot(FILE *pFile, const VideoScreenShot_e ScreenShotType)
WinBmpHeader_t *pBmp = &g_tBmpHeader;
ScreenShotType == SCREENSHOT_280x192 ? GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth()/2 : GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth(),
ScreenShotType == SCREENSHOT_280x192 ? GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight()/2 : GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight(),
char sIfSizeZeroOrUnknown_BadWinBmpHeaderPackingSize54[ sizeof( WinBmpHeader_t ) == (14 + 40) ];
/**/ sIfSizeZeroOrUnknown_BadWinBmpHeaderPackingSize54[0]=0;
// Write Header
fwrite( pBmp, sizeof( WinBmpHeader_t ), 1, pFile );
uint32_t *pSrc;
// Write Palette Data
pSrc = ((uint8_t*)g_pFramebufferinfo) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
int nLen = g_tBmpHeader.nPaletteColors * sizeof(bgra_t); // RGBQUAD
fwrite( pSrc, nLen, 1, pFile );
pSrc += nLen;
// Write Pixel Data
// No need to use GetDibBits() since we already have http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532334.aspx
// @reference: "Storing an Image" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532340(VS.85).aspx
pSrc = (uint32_t*) g_pFramebufferbits;
int xSrc = GetFrameBufferBorderWidth();
int ySrc = GetFrameBufferBorderHeight();
pSrc += xSrc; // Skip left border
pSrc += ySrc * GetFrameBufferWidth(); // Skip top border
if( ScreenShotType == SCREENSHOT_280x192 )
pSrc += GetFrameBufferWidth(); // Start on odd scanline (otherwise for 50% scanline mode get an all black image!)
uint32_t aScanLine[ 280 ];
uint32_t *pDst;
// 50% Half Scan Line clears every odd scanline.
// SHIFT+PrintScreen saves only the even rows.
// NOTE: Keep in sync with _Video_RedrawScreen() & Video_MakeScreenShot()
for( UINT y = 0; y < GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight()/2; y++ )
pDst = aScanLine;
for( UINT x = 0; x < GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth()/2; x++ )
*pDst++ = pSrc[1]; // correction for left edge loss of scaled scanline [Bill Buckel, B#18928]
pSrc += 2; // skip odd pixels
fwrite( aScanLine, sizeof(uint32_t), GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth()/2, pFile );
pSrc += GetFrameBufferWidth(); // scan lines doubled - skip odd ones
pSrc += GetFrameBufferBorderWidth()*2; // Skip right border & next line's left border
for( UINT y = 0; y < GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight(); y++ )
fwrite( pSrc, sizeof(uint32_t), GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth(), pFile );
pSrc += GetFrameBufferWidth();
void Video::Video_SaveScreenShot(const VideoScreenShot_e ScreenShotType, const TCHAR *pScreenShotFileName)
FILE *pFile = fopen( pScreenShotFileName, "wb" );
if( pFile )
Video_MakeScreenShot( pFile, ScreenShotType );
fclose( pFile );
if( g_bDisplayPrintScreenFileName )
MessageBox( GetFrame().g_hFrameWindow, pScreenShotFileName, "Screen Captured", MB_OK );
bool Video::ReadVideoRomFile(const TCHAR* pRomFile)
g_videoRomSize = 0;
return false;
const ULONG size = GetFileSize(h, NULL);
if (size == kVideoRomSize2K || size == kVideoRomSize4K || size == kVideoRomSize8K || size == kVideoRomSize16K)
DWORD bytesRead;
if (ReadFile(h, g_videoRom, size, &bytesRead, NULL) && bytesRead == size)
g_videoRomSize = size;
if (g_videoRomSize == kVideoRomSize16K)
// Use top 8K (assume bottom 8K is all 0xFF's)
memcpy(&g_videoRom[0], &g_videoRom[kVideoRomSize8K], kVideoRomSize8K);
g_videoRomSize = kVideoRomSize8K;
return g_videoRomSize != 0;
UINT Video::GetVideoRom(const BYTE*& pVideoRom)
pVideoRom = &g_videoRom[0];
return g_videoRomSize;
bool Video::GetVideoRomRockerSwitch(void)
return g_videoRomRockerSwitch;
void Video::SetVideoRomRockerSwitch(bool state)
g_videoRomRockerSwitch = state;
bool Video::IsVideoRom4K(void)
return g_videoRomSize <= kVideoRomSize4K;
void Video::Config_Load_Video()
enum VideoType127_e
DWORD dwTmp;
g_eVideoType = dwTmp;
g_eVideoStyle = (VideoStyle_e)dwTmp;
g_nMonochromeRGB = (COLORREF)dwTmp;
const UINT16* pOldVersion = GetOldAppleWinVersion();
if (pOldVersion[0] == 1 && pOldVersion[1] <= 28 && pOldVersion[2] <= 1)
DWORD dwHalfScanLines;
if (dwHalfScanLines)
g_eVideoStyle = (VideoStyle_e) ((DWORD)g_eVideoStyle | VS_HALF_SCANLINES);
g_eVideoStyle = (VideoStyle_e) ((DWORD)g_eVideoStyle & ~VS_HALF_SCANLINES);
if (pOldVersion[0] == 1 && pOldVersion[1] <= 27 && pOldVersion[2] <= 13)
switch (g_eVideoType)
case VT127_MONO_CUSTOM: g_eVideoType = VT_MONO_CUSTOM; break;
case VT127_MONO_TV: g_eVideoType = VT_MONO_TV; break;
case VT127_COLOR_TV: g_eVideoType = VT_COLOR_TV; break;
case VT127_MONO_AMBER: g_eVideoType = VT_MONO_AMBER; break;
case VT127_MONO_GREEN: g_eVideoType = VT_MONO_GREEN; break;
case VT127_MONO_WHITE: g_eVideoType = VT_MONO_WHITE; break;
default: g_eVideoType = VT_DEFAULT; break;
if (g_eVideoType >= NUM_VIDEO_MODES)
g_eVideoType = VT_DEFAULT;
void Video::Config_Save_Video()
uint32_t Video::GetVideoMode(void)
return g_uVideoMode;
void Video::SetVideoMode(uint32_t videoMode)
g_uVideoMode = videoMode;
VideoType_e Video::GetVideoType(void)
return (VideoType_e) g_eVideoType;
// TODO: Can only do this at start-up (mid-emulation requires a more heavy-weight video reinit)
void Video::SetVideoType(VideoType_e newVideoType)
g_eVideoType = newVideoType;
VideoStyle_e Video::GetVideoStyle(void)
return g_eVideoStyle;
void Video::IncVideoType(void)
if (g_eVideoType >= NUM_VIDEO_MODES)
g_eVideoType = 0;
void Video::DecVideoType(void)
if (g_eVideoType <= 0)
g_eVideoType = NUM_VIDEO_MODES;
void Video::SetVideoStyle(VideoStyle_e newVideoStyle)
g_eVideoStyle = newVideoStyle;
bool Video::IsVideoStyle(VideoStyle_e mask)
return (g_eVideoStyle & mask) != 0;
VideoRefreshRate_e Video::GetVideoRefreshRate(void)
return (g_bVideoScannerNTSC == false) ? VR_50HZ : VR_60HZ;
void Video::SetVideoRefreshRate(VideoRefreshRate_e rate)
if (rate != VR_50HZ)
rate = VR_60HZ;
g_bVideoScannerNTSC = (rate == VR_60HZ);
const char* Video::VideoGetAppWindowTitle(void)
static const char *apVideoMonitorModeDesc[ 2 ] =
"Color (NTSC Monitor)",
"Color (PAL Monitor)"
const VideoType_e videoType = GetVideoType();
if ( videoType != VT_COLOR_MONITOR_NTSC)
return g_apVideoModeDesc[ videoType ];
return apVideoMonitorModeDesc[ GetVideoRefreshRate() == VR_60HZ ? 0 : 1 ]; // NTSC or PAL