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synced 2025-02-27 12:29:37 +00:00
.20 Changed: Output of found symbol more table friendly. Symbol table name displayed first. Example: SYM HOME // <SymbolTable>: $<Address> <Symbol> .19 Changed: Unified format & colors for summary of symbol tables and symbol table names. A symbol table that has been disabled will display in purple / magenta. Example: SYM HOME // 'Main' shown in yellow Example: SYMBASIC OFF Example: SYM .13 Fixed: Can now enable/disable selected symbol table(s) ! Example: SYMMAIN OFF Example: SYMBASIC OFF Note: If you need to search for symbols ON, OFF, CLEAR, use SYM. i.e. SYM ON. .12 Fixed: Following symbol tables were all hard-coded to act on SYMMAIN SYMBASIC SYMASM SYMUSER SYMUSER2 SYMSRC SYMSRC2 Example: SYMBASIC CLEAR