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AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien
Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt
Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth
Copyright (C) 2006-2024, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate
AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* Description: SSI263 emulation
* Extra "spec" that's not obvious from the datasheet: (GH#175)
* . Writes to regs 0,1,2 (and reg3.CTL=1) all de-assert the IRQ (and writes to reg3.CTL=0 and regs 4..7 don't) (GH#1197)
* . A phoneme will continue playing back infinitely; unless the phoneme is changed or CTL=1.
* . NB. if silenced (Amplitude=0) it's still playing.
* . The IRQ is set at the end of the phoneme.
* . If IRQ is then cleared, a new IRQ will occur when the phoneme completes again (but need to clear IRQ with a write to reg0, 1 or 2, even for Mockingboard-C).
* . CTL=1 sets "PD" (Power Down / "standby") mode, also set at power-on.
* . Registers can still be changed in this mode.
* . IRQ de-asserted & D7=0.
* . CTL=0 brings device out of "PD" mode, the mode will be set to DR1,DR0 and the phoneme P5-P0 will play.
* . Setting mode to DR1:0 = %00 just disables A/!R (ie. disables interrupts), but otherwise retains the previous DR1:0 mode.
* . If an IRQ was previously asserted then to set DR1:0=%00, you must go via CTL=1, which de-asserts the IRQ.
* . Mockingboard-C: CTRL+RESET is not connected to !PD/!RST pin 18.
* . Phasor: TODO: check with a 'scope.
* . Phasor: with SSI263 ints disabled & reg0's DR1:0 != %00, then CTRL+RESET will cause SSI263 to enable ints & assert IRQ.
* . it's as if the SSI263 does a CTL H->L to pick-up the new DR1:0. (Bug in SSI263? Assume it should remain in PD mode.)
* . but if CTL=1, then CTRL+RESET has no effect.
* . Power-on: PD=1 (so D7=0), reg4 (Filter Freq)=0xFF (other regs are seemingly random?).
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "6522.h"
#include "CardManager.h"
#include "Mockingboard.h"
#include "Core.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "SoundCore.h"
#include "SSI263.h"
#include "SSI263Phonemes.h"
#include "YamlHelper.h"
#define LOG_SSI263 0
#define LOG_SSI263B 0 // Alternate SSI263 logging (use in conjunction with CPU.cpp's LOG_IRQ_TAKEN_AND_RTI)
#define LOG_SC01 0
// SSI263A registers:
#define SSI_DURPHON 0x00
#define SSI_INFLECT 0x01
#define SSI_RATEINF 0x02
#define SSI_CTTRAMP 0x03
#define SSI_FILFREQ 0x04
const DWORD SAMPLE_RATE_SSI263 = 22050;
#if LOG_SSI263B
static int ssiRegs[5]={-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
static int totalDuration_ms = 0;
void SSI_Output(void)
int ssi0 = ssiRegs[SSI_DURPHON];
int ssi2 = ssiRegs[SSI_RATEINF];
LogOutput("SSI: ");
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
std::string r = (ssiRegs[i] >= 0) ? ByteToHexStr(ssiRegs[i]) : "--";
LogOutput("%s ", r.c_str());
ssiRegs[i] = -1;
if (ssi0 != -1 && ssi2 != -1)
int phonemeDuration_ms = (((16-(ssi2>>4))*4096)/1023) * (4-(ssi0>>6));
totalDuration_ms += phonemeDuration_ms;
LogOutput("/ duration = %d (total = %d) ms", phonemeDuration_ms, totalDuration_ms);
UINT64 SSI263::GetLastCumulativeCycles(void)
return dynamic_cast<MockingboardCard&>(GetCardMgr().GetRef(m_slot)).GetLastCumulativeCycles();
void SSI263::UpdateIFR(BYTE nDevice, BYTE clr_mask, BYTE set_mask)
dynamic_cast<MockingboardCard&>(GetCardMgr().GetRef(m_slot)).UpdateIFR(nDevice, clr_mask, set_mask);
BYTE SSI263::GetPCR(BYTE nDevice)
return dynamic_cast<MockingboardCard&>(GetCardMgr().GetRef(m_slot)).GetPCR(nDevice);
BYTE SSI263::Read(ULONG nExecutedCycles)
// Regardless of register, just return inverted A/!R in bit7
// . inverted "A/!R" is high for REQ (ie. Request, as phoneme nearly complete)
// NB. this doesn't clear the IRQ
return MemReadFloatingBus(m_currentMode.D7, nExecutedCycles);
void SSI263::Write(BYTE nReg, BYTE nValue)
#if LOG_SSI263B
_ASSERT(nReg < 5);
if (nReg>4) nReg=4;
if (ssiRegs[nReg]>=0) SSI_Output(); // overwriting a reg
ssiRegs[nReg] = nValue;
// SSI263 datasheet is not clear, but a write to DURPHON de-asserts the IRQ and clears D7.
// . Empirically writes to regs 0,1,2 (and reg3.CTL=1) all de-assert the IRQ (and writes to reg3.CTL=0 and regs 4..7 don't) (GH#1197)
// NB. The same for Mockingboard as there's no automatic handshake from the 6522 (CA2 isn't connected to the SSI263). So writes to regs 0, 1 or 2 complete the "handshake".
if (nReg <= SSI_RATEINF)
m_currentMode.D7 = 0;
#if LOG_SSI263
if (g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "DUR = 0x%02X, PHON = 0x%02X\n\n", nValue>>6, nValue&PHONEME_MASK);
LogOutput("DUR = %d, PHON = 0x%02X\n", nValue>>6, nValue&PHONEME_MASK);
#if LOG_SSI263B
m_durationPhoneme = nValue;
m_isVotraxPhoneme = false;
if ((m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) == 0)
Play(m_durationPhoneme & PHONEME_MASK); // Play phoneme when *not* in power-down / standby mode
#if LOG_SSI263
if (g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "INF = 0x%02X\n", nValue);
m_inflection = nValue;
#if LOG_SSI263
if (g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "RATE = 0x%02X, INF = 0x%02X\n", nValue>>4, nValue&0x0F);
m_rateInflection = nValue;
#if LOG_SSI263
if (g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "CTRL = %d, ART = 0x%02X, AMP=0x%02X\n", nValue>>7, (nValue&ARTICULATION_MASK)>>4, nValue&LITUDE_MASK);
bool H2L = (m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) && !(nValue & CONTROL_MASK);
std::string newMode = StrFormat(" (new mode=%d)", m_durationPhoneme>>6);
LogOutput("CTRL = %d->%d, ART = 0x%02X, AMP=0x%02X%s\n", m_ctrlArtAmp>>7, nValue>>7, (nValue&ARTICULATION_MASK)>>4, nValue&LITUDE_MASK, H2L?newMode.c_str() : "");
#if LOG_SSI263B
if ( ((m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) && !(nValue & CONTROL_MASK)) || ((nValue&0xF) == 0x0) ) // H->L or amp=0
if ((m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) && !(nValue & CONTROL_MASK)) // H->L
// NB. Just changed from CTL=1 (power-down) - where IRQ was already de-asserted & D7=0
// . So CTL H->L never affects IRQ or D7
// Device out of power down / "standby" mode, so play phoneme
m_isVotraxPhoneme = false;
Play(m_durationPhoneme & PHONEME_MASK);
m_ctrlArtAmp = nValue;
// "Setting the Control bit (CTL) to a logic one puts the device into Power Down mode..." (SSI263 datasheet)
// . this silences the phoneme - actually "turns off the excitation sources and analog circuits"
if (m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK)
m_currentMode.D7 = 0;
case SSI_FILFREQ: // RegAddr.b2=1 (b1 & b0 are: don't care)
#if LOG_SSI263
if(g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "FFREQ = 0x%02X\n", nValue);
m_filterFreq = nValue;
void SSI263::SetDeviceModeAndInts(void)
if ((m_durationPhoneme & DURATION_MODE_MASK) != MODE_IRQ_DISABLED)
m_currentMode.function = (m_durationPhoneme & DURATION_MODE_MASK) >> DURATION_MODE_SHIFT;
m_currentMode.enableInts = 1;
// "Disables A/!R output only; does not change previous A/!R response" (SSI263 datasheet)
m_currentMode.enableInts = 0;
const BYTE SSI263::m_Votrax2SSI263[/*64*/] =
0x02, // 00: EH3 jackEt -> E1 bEnt
0x0A, // 01: EH2 Enlist -> EH nEst
0x0B, // 02: EH1 hEAvy -> EH1 bElt
0x00, // 03: PA0 no sound -> PA
0x28, // 04: DT buTTer -> T Tart
0x08, // 05: A2 mAde -> A mAde
0x08, // 06: A1 mAde -> A mAde
0x2F, // 07: ZH aZure -> Z Zero
0x0E, // 08: AH2 hOnest -> AH gOt
0x07, // 09: I3 inhibIt -> I sIx
0x07, // 0A: I2 Inhibit -> I sIx
0x07, // 0B: I1 inhIbit -> I sIx
0x37, // 0C: M Mat -> More
0x38, // 0D: N suN -> N NiNe
0x24, // 0E: B Bag -> B Bag
0x33, // 0F: V Van -> V Very
0x32, // 10: CH* CHip -> SCH SHip (!)
0x32, // 11: SH SHop -> SCH SHip
0x2F, // 12: Z Zoo -> Z Zero
0x10, // 13: AW1 lAWful -> AW Office
0x39, // 14: NG thiNG -> NG raNG
0x0F, // 15: AH1 fAther -> AH1 fAther
0x13, // 16: OO1 lOOking -> OO lOOk
0x13, // 17: OO bOOK -> OO lOOk
0x20, // 18: L Land -> L Lift
0x29, // 19: K triCK -> Kit
0x25, // 1A: J* juDGe -> D paiD (!)
0x2C, // 1B: H Hello -> HF Heart
0x26, // 1C: G Get -> KV taG
0x34, // 1D: F Fast -> F Four
0x25, // 1E: D paiD -> D paiD
0x30, // 1F: S paSS -> S Same
0x08, // 20: A dAY -> A mAde
0x09, // 21: AY dAY -> AI cAre
0x03, // 22: Y1 Yard -> YI Year
0x1B, // 23: UH3 missIOn -> UH3 nUt
0x0E, // 24: AH mOp -> AH gOt
0x27, // 25: P Past -> P Pen
0x11, // 26: O cOld -> O stOre
0x07, // 27: I pIn -> I sIx
0x16, // 28: U mOve -> U tUne
0x05, // 29: Y anY -> AY plEAse
0x28, // 2A: T Tap -> T Tart
0x1D, // 2B: R Red -> R Roof
0x01, // 2C: E mEEt -> E mEEt
0x23, // 2D: W Win -> W Water
0x0C, // 2E: AE dAd -> AE dAd
0x0D, // 2F: AE1 After -> AE1 After
0x10, // 30: AW2 sAlty -> AW Office
0x1A, // 31: UH2 About -> UH2 whAt
0x19, // 32: UH1 Uncle -> UH1 lOve
0x18, // 33: UH cUp -> UH wOnder
0x11, // 34: O2 fOr -> O stOre
0x11, // 35: O1 abOArd -> O stOre
0x14, // 36: IU yOU -> IU yOU
0x14, // 37: U1 yOU -> IU yOU
0x35, // 38: THV THe -> THV THere
0x36, // 39: TH THin -> TH wiTH
0x1C, // 3A: ER bIrd -> ER bIrd
0x0A, // 3B: EH gEt -> EH nEst
0x01, // 3C: E1 bE -> E mEEt
0x10, // 3D: AW cAll -> AW Office
0x00, // 3E: PA1 no sound -> PA
0x00, // 3F: STOP no sound -> PA
void SSI263::Votrax_Write(BYTE value)
#if LOG_SC01
LogOutput("SC01: %02X (= SSI263: %02X)\n", value, m_Votrax2SSI263[value & PHONEME_MASK]);
m_isVotraxPhoneme = true;
m_votraxPhoneme = value & PHONEME_MASK;
// !A/R: Acknowledge receipt of phoneme data (signal goes from high to low)
UpdateIFR(m_device, SY6522::IxR_VOTRAX, 0);
// NB. Don't set reg0.DUR, as SC01's phoneme duration doesn't change with pitch (empirically determined from MAME's SC01 emulation)
//m_durationPhoneme = value; // Set reg0.DUR = I1:0 (inflection or pitch)
m_durationPhoneme = 0;
void SSI263::Play(unsigned int nPhoneme)
if (!SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice)
if (!SSI263SingleVoice.bActive)
bool bRes = DSZeroVoiceBuffer(&SSI263SingleVoice, m_kDSBufferByteSize);
LogFileOutput("SSI263::Play: DSZeroVoiceBuffer(), res=%d\n", bRes ? 1 : 0);
if (!bRes)
if (m_dbgFirst)
m_dbgStartTime = g_nCumulativeCycles;
#if LOG_SSI263 || LOG_SSI263B || LOG_SC01
LogOutput("1st phoneme = 0x%02X\n", nPhoneme);
#if LOG_SSI263 || LOG_SSI263B || LOG_SC01
if (m_currentActivePhoneme != -1)
LogOutput("Overlapping phonemes: current=%02X, next=%02X\n", m_currentActivePhoneme&0xff, nPhoneme&0xff);
m_currentActivePhoneme = nPhoneme;
bool bPause = false;
if (nPhoneme == 1)
nPhoneme = 2; // Missing this sample, so map to phoneme-2
if (nPhoneme == 0)
bPause = true;
nPhoneme-=2; // Missing phoneme-1
m_phonemeLengthRemaining = g_nPhonemeInfo[nPhoneme].nLength;
m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining = m_phonemeLengthRemaining;
m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger = (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING || g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG);
m_phonemeCompleteByFullSpeed = false;
m_phonemeLeadoutLength = m_phonemeLengthRemaining / 10; // Arbitrary! (TODO: determine a more accurate factor)
if (bPause)
if (!m_pPhonemeData00)
// 'pause' length is length of 1st phoneme (arbitrary choice, since don't know real length)
m_pPhonemeData00 = new short [m_phonemeLengthRemaining];
memset(m_pPhonemeData00, 0x00, m_phonemeLengthRemaining*sizeof(short));
m_pPhonemeData = m_pPhonemeData00;
m_pPhonemeData = (const short*) &g_nPhonemeData[g_nPhonemeInfo[nPhoneme].nOffset];
m_currSampleSum = 0;
m_currNumSamples = 0;
m_currSampleMod4 = 0;
// Set m_lastUpdateCycle, otherwise UpdateAccurateLength() can immediately complete phoneme! (GH#1104)
m_lastUpdateCycle = GetLastCumulativeCycles();
void SSI263::Stop(void)
if (SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice && SSI263SingleVoice.bActive)
//#define DBG_SSI263_UPDATE // NB. This outputs for all active SSI263 ring-buffers (eg. for mb-audit this may be 2 or 4)
// Called by:
// . PeriodicUpdate()
void SSI263::Update(void)
if (!SSI263SingleVoice.bActive)
if (g_bFullSpeed) // ie. only true when IsPhonemeActive() is true
if (m_phonemeLengthRemaining)
// Willy Byte does SSI263 detection with drive motor on
m_phonemeLengthRemaining = 0;
#if LOG_SSI263 || LOG_SSI263B || LOG_SC01
if (m_dbgFirst) LogOutput("1st phoneme short-circuited by fullspeed\n");
if (m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining)
m_phonemeCompleteByFullSpeed = true; // Let UpdateAccurateLength() call UpdateIRQ()
m_updateWasFullSpeed = true;
const bool nowNormalSpeed = m_updateWasFullSpeed; // Just transitioned from full-speed to normal speed
m_updateWasFullSpeed = false;
// NB. next call to this function: nowNormalSpeed = false
if (nowNormalSpeed)
m_byteOffset = (DWORD)-1; // ...which resets m_numSamplesError below
DWORD dwCurrentPlayCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor;
HRESULT hr = SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice->GetCurrentPosition(&dwCurrentPlayCursor, &dwCurrentWriteCursor);
if (FAILED(hr))
bool prefillBufferOnInit = false;
if (m_byteOffset == (DWORD)-1)
// First time in this func (or transitioned from full-speed to normal speed, or a ring-buffer reset)
#ifdef DBG_SSI263_UPDATE
double fTicksSecs = (double)GetTickCount() / 1000.0;
LogOutput("%010.3f: [SSUpdtInit%1d]PC=%08X, WC=%08X, Diff=%08X, Off=%08X xxx\n", fTicksSecs, m_device, dwCurrentPlayCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor - dwCurrentPlayCursor, m_byteOffset);
m_byteOffset = dwCurrentWriteCursor;
m_numSamplesError = 0;
prefillBufferOnInit = true;
// Check that our offset isn't between Play & Write positions
if (dwCurrentWriteCursor > dwCurrentPlayCursor)
// |-----PxxxxxW-----|
if ((m_byteOffset > dwCurrentPlayCursor) && (m_byteOffset < dwCurrentWriteCursor))
#ifdef DBG_SSI263_UPDATE
double fTicksSecs = (double)GetTickCount() / 1000.0;
LogOutput("%010.3f: [SSUpdt%1d] PC=%08X, WC=%08X, Diff=%08X, Off=%08X xxx\n", fTicksSecs, m_device, dwCurrentPlayCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor - dwCurrentPlayCursor, m_byteOffset);
m_byteOffset = dwCurrentWriteCursor;
m_numSamplesError = 0;
// |xxW----------Pxxx|
if ((m_byteOffset > dwCurrentPlayCursor) || (m_byteOffset < dwCurrentWriteCursor))
#ifdef DBG_SSI263_UPDATE
double fTicksSecs = (double)GetTickCount() / 1000.0;
LogOutput("%010.3f: [SSUpdt%1d] PC=%08X, WC=%08X, Diff=%08X, Off=%08X XXX\n", fTicksSecs, m_device, dwCurrentPlayCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor - dwCurrentPlayCursor, m_byteOffset);
m_byteOffset = dwCurrentWriteCursor;
m_numSamplesError = 0;
const UINT kMinBytesInBuffer = m_kDSBufferByteSize / 4; // 25% full
int nNumSamples = 0;
double updateInterval = 0.0;
if (prefillBufferOnInit)
// Just prefill first 25% of buffer with zeros:
// . so we have a quarter buffer of silence/lag before the real sample data begins.
// . NB. this is fine, since it's the steady state; and it's likely that no actual data will ever occur during this initial time.
// This means that the '1st phoneme playback time' (in cycles) will be a bit longer for subsequent times.
m_lastUpdateCycle = GetLastCumulativeCycles();
nNumSamples = kMinBytesInBuffer / sizeof(short);
memset(&m_mixBufferSSI263[0], 0, nNumSamples);
// For small timer periods, wait for a period of 500cy before updating DirectSound ring-buffer.
// NB. A timer period of less than 24cy will yield nNumSamplesPerPeriod=0.
const double kMinimumUpdateInterval = 500.0; // Arbitary (500 cycles = 21 samples)
const double kMaximumUpdateInterval = (double)(0xFFFF + 2); // Max 6522 timer interval (1372 samples)
_ASSERT(GetLastCumulativeCycles() >= m_lastUpdateCycle);
updateInterval = (double)(GetLastCumulativeCycles() - m_lastUpdateCycle);
if (updateInterval < kMinimumUpdateInterval)
if (updateInterval > kMaximumUpdateInterval)
updateInterval = kMaximumUpdateInterval;
m_lastUpdateCycle = GetLastCumulativeCycles();
const double nIrqFreq = g_fCurrentCLK6502 / updateInterval + 0.5; // Round-up
const int nNumSamplesPerPeriod = (int)((double)(SAMPLE_RATE_SSI263) / nIrqFreq); // Eg. For 60Hz this is 367
nNumSamples = nNumSamplesPerPeriod + m_numSamplesError; // Apply correction
if (nNumSamples <= 0)
nNumSamples = 0;
if (nNumSamples > 2 * nNumSamplesPerPeriod)
nNumSamples = 2 * nNumSamplesPerPeriod;
if (nNumSamples > m_kDSBufferByteSize / sizeof(short))
nNumSamples = m_kDSBufferByteSize / sizeof(short); // Clamp to prevent buffer overflow
// if (nNumSamples)
// { /* Generate new sample data - ie. could merge from all the SSI263 sources */ }
int nBytesRemaining = m_byteOffset - dwCurrentPlayCursor;
if (nBytesRemaining < 0)
nBytesRemaining += m_kDSBufferByteSize;
// Calc correction factor so that play-buffer doesn't under/overflow
const int nErrorInc = SoundCore_GetErrorInc();
if (nBytesRemaining < kMinBytesInBuffer)
m_numSamplesError += nErrorInc; // < 0.25 of buffer remaining
else if (nBytesRemaining > m_kDSBufferByteSize / 2)
m_numSamplesError -= nErrorInc; // > 0.50 of buffer remaining
m_numSamplesError = 0; // Acceptable amount of data in buffer
#if defined(DBG_SSI263_UPDATE)
double fTicksSecs = (double)GetTickCount() / 1000.0;
LogOutput("%010.3f: [SSUpdt%1d] PC=%08X, WC=%08X, Diff=%08X, Off=%08X, NS=%08X, NSE=%08X, Interval=%f\n", fTicksSecs, m_device, dwCurrentPlayCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor, dwCurrentWriteCursor - dwCurrentPlayCursor, m_byteOffset, nNumSamples, m_numSamplesError, updateInterval);
if (nNumSamples == 0)
if (m_numSamplesError)
// Reset ring-buffer if we've had a major interruption, eg. F7 (enter debugger), F8 (configure), F11/12 (save-state), Pause, etc
// - this can cause Apple II SSI263 detection code to fail (when either timing one or a sequence of phonemes)
// When the AppleWin code restarts and reads the ring-buffer position it'll be at a random point, and maybe nearly full (>50% full)
// - so the code waits until it drains (nNumSamples=0 each time)
// - but it takes a large number of calls to this func to drain to an acceptable level
m_byteOffset = (DWORD)-1;
#if defined(DBG_SSI263_UPDATE)
double fTicksSecs = (double)GetTickCount() / 1000.0;
LogOutput("%010.3f: [SSUpdt%1d] Reset ring-buffer\n", fTicksSecs, m_device);
const double amplitude = m_isVotraxPhoneme ? 1.0
: m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK ? 0.0 // Power-down / standby
: m_filterFreq == FILTER_FREQ_SILENCE ? 0.0
: (double)(m_ctrlArtAmp & AMPLITUDE_MASK) / (double)AMPLITUDE_MASK;
bool bSpeechIRQ = false;
const BYTE DUR = (m_currentMode.function == (MODE_FRAME_IMMEDIATE_INFLECTION >> DURATION_MODE_SHIFT)) ? 3 // Frame timing mode
: m_durationPhoneme >> DURATION_MODE_SHIFT; // Phoneme timing mode
const BYTE numSamplesToAvg = (DUR <= 1) ? 1 :
(DUR == 2) ? 2 :
short* pMixBuffer = &m_mixBufferSSI263[0];
UINT zeroSize = nNumSamples;
if (m_phonemeLengthRemaining && !prefillBufferOnInit)
UINT samplesWritten = 0;
while (samplesWritten < (UINT)nNumSamples)
double sample = (double)*m_pPhonemeData * amplitude;
m_currSampleSum += (int)sample;
if (m_currNumSamples == numSamplesToAvg)
*pMixBuffer++ = (short)(m_currSampleSum / numSamplesToAvg);
m_currSampleSum = 0;
m_currNumSamples = 0;
m_currSampleMod4 = (m_currSampleMod4 + 1) & 3;
if (DUR == 1 && m_currSampleMod4 == 3 && m_phonemeLengthRemaining)
if (!m_phonemeLengthRemaining)
bSpeechIRQ = true;
zeroSize = nNumSamples - samplesWritten;
_ASSERT(zeroSize >= 0);
if (zeroSize)
memset(pMixBuffer, 0, zeroSize * sizeof(short));
if (!prefillBufferOnInit)
m_phonemeLeadoutLength -= (m_phonemeLeadoutLength > zeroSize) ? zeroSize : m_phonemeLeadoutLength;
DWORD dwDSLockedBufferSize0, dwDSLockedBufferSize1;
short *pDSLockedBuffer0, *pDSLockedBuffer1;
hr = DSGetLock(SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice,
m_byteOffset, (DWORD)nNumSamples * sizeof(short) * m_kNumChannels,
&pDSLockedBuffer0, &dwDSLockedBufferSize0,
&pDSLockedBuffer1, &dwDSLockedBufferSize1);
if (FAILED(hr))
memcpy(pDSLockedBuffer0, &m_mixBufferSSI263[0], dwDSLockedBufferSize0);
memcpy(pDSLockedBuffer1, &m_mixBufferSSI263[dwDSLockedBufferSize0/sizeof(short)], dwDSLockedBufferSize1);
// Commit sound buffer
hr = SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice->Unlock((void*)pDSLockedBuffer0, dwDSLockedBufferSize0,
(void*)pDSLockedBuffer1, dwDSLockedBufferSize1);
if (FAILED(hr))
m_byteOffset = (m_byteOffset + (DWORD)nNumSamples*sizeof(short)*m_kNumChannels) % m_kDSBufferByteSize;
if (bSpeechIRQ)
// NB. if m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger==true, then "m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining!=0" must be true.
// Since in UpdateAccurateLength(), (when m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger==true) then m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining decs to zero.
#if _DEBUG
if (m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger)
_ASSERT(m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining); // Check this!
if (!m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger /*|| m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining*/) // superfluous, so commented out (see above)
if (m_phonemeLeadoutLength == 0)
if (!m_isVotraxPhoneme)
Play(m_durationPhoneme & PHONEME_MASK); // Repeat this phoneme again
// else // GH#1318 - remove for now, as TR v5.1 can start with repeating phoneme in debugger 'g' mode!
// Play(m_Votrax2SSI263[m_votraxPhoneme]); // Votrax phoneme repeats too (tested in MAME 0.262)
// The primary way for phonemes to generate IRQ is via the ring-buffer in Update(),
// but when single-stepping (eg. timing-sensitive SSI263 detection code), then this secondary method is used.
void SSI263::UpdateAccurateLength(void)
if (!m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining)
_ASSERT(m_lastUpdateCycle); // Can't be 0, since set in Play()
if (m_lastUpdateCycle == 0)
double updateInterval = (double)(GetLastCumulativeCycles() - m_lastUpdateCycle);
const double nIrqFreq = g_fCurrentCLK6502 / updateInterval + 0.5; // Round-up
const int nNumSamplesPerPeriod = (int)((double)(SAMPLE_RATE_SSI263) / nIrqFreq); // Eg. For 60Hz this is 367
const BYTE DUR = m_durationPhoneme >> DURATION_MODE_SHIFT;
const UINT numSamples = nNumSamplesPerPeriod * (DUR+1);
if (m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining > numSamples)
m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining -= numSamples;
m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining = 0;
if (m_phonemePlaybackAndDebugger || m_phonemeCompleteByFullSpeed)
// Called by:
// . Update() when m_phonemeLengthRemaining -> 0
// . UpdateAccurateLength() when m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining -> 0
// . LoadSnapshot()
void SSI263::UpdateIRQ(void)
m_phonemeLengthRemaining = m_phonemeAccurateLengthRemaining = 0; // Prevent an IRQ from the other source
_ASSERT(m_currentActivePhoneme != -1);
m_currentActivePhoneme = -1;
if (m_dbgFirst && m_dbgStartTime)
#if LOG_SSI263 || LOG_SSI263B || LOG_SC01
UINT64 diff = g_nCumulativeCycles - m_dbgStartTime;
LogOutput("1st phoneme playback time = 0x%08X cy\n", (UINT32)diff);
m_dbgFirst = false;
// Phoneme complete, so generate IRQ if necessary
// Pre: m_isVotraxPhoneme, m_cardMode, m_device
void SSI263::SetSpeechIRQ(void)
if (!m_isVotraxPhoneme && (m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) == 0)
if (m_currentMode.enableInts)
if (m_cardMode == PH_Mockingboard)
if (m_currentMode.D7 == 0)
// 6522's PCR = 0x0C (all SSI263 speech routine use this value, but 0x00 will do equally as well!)
// . b3:1 CA2 Control = b#110 (Low output) - not connected
// . b0 CA1 Latch/Input = 0 (Negative active edge) - input from SSI263's A/!R
if ((GetPCR(m_device) & 1) == 0) // Level change from SSI263's A/!R, latch this as an interrupt
UpdateIFR(m_device, 0, SY6522::IxR_SSI263);
else if (m_cardMode == PH_Phasor)
// Phasor (in native mode): SSI263 IRQ (A/!R) pin is connected directly to the 6502's IRQ
// . And Mockingboard mode: A/!R is connected to the 6522's CA1
_ASSERT(m_cardMode == PH_EchoPlus);
// SSI263 not visible from Echo+ mode, but still continues to operate
// Always set SSI263's D7 pin regardless of SSI263 mode (DR1:0), including when SSI263 ints are disabled (via MODE_IRQ_DISABLED)
// NB. Don't set D7 when in power-down / standby mode.
m_currentMode.D7 = 1;
if (m_isVotraxPhoneme && GetPCR(m_device) == 0xB0)
// !A/R: Time-out of old phoneme (signal goes from low to high)
UpdateIFR(m_device, 0, SY6522::IxR_VOTRAX);
void SSI263::SetCardMode(PHASOR_MODE mode)
const PHASOR_MODE oldCardMode = m_cardMode;
m_cardMode = mode;
if (oldCardMode == m_cardMode)
// mode change
if (m_currentMode.D7 == 1)
m_currentMode.D7 = 0; // So that \PH_Mockingboard\ path sets IFR. Post: D7=1
if (m_cardMode != PH_Phasor)
bool SSI263::DSInit(void)
// Create single SSI263 voice
HRESULT hr = DSGetSoundBuffer(&SSI263SingleVoice, DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME, m_kDSBufferByteSize, SAMPLE_RATE_SSI263, m_kNumChannels, "SSI263");
LogFileOutput("SSI263::DSInit: DSGetSoundBuffer(), hr=0x%08X\n", hr);
if (FAILED(hr))
LogFileOutput("SSI263::DSInit: DSGetSoundBuffer failed (%08X)\n", hr);
return false;
// Don't DirectSoundBuffer::Play() via DSZeroVoiceBuffer() - instead wait until this SSI263 is actually first used
// . different to Speaker & Mockingboard ring buffers
// . NB. we have 2x SSI263 per MB card, and it's rare if 1 is used (and *extremely* rare if 2 are used!)
// Volume might've been setup from value in Registry
if (!SSI263SingleVoice.nVolume)
SSI263SingleVoice.nVolume = DSBVOLUME_MAX;
hr = SSI263SingleVoice.lpDSBvoice->SetVolume(SSI263SingleVoice.nVolume);
LogFileOutput("SSI263::DSInit: SetVolume(), hr=0x%08X\n", hr);
return true;
void SSI263::DSUninit(void)
// SSI263 phoneme continues to play after CTRL+RESET (tested on real h/w)
// Votrax phoneme continues to play after CTRL+RESET (tested on MAME 0.262)
void SSI263::Reset(const bool powerCycle, const bool isPhasorCard)
if (!powerCycle)
if (isPhasorCard)
// Empirically observed it does CTL H->L to enable ints (and set the device mode?) (GH#175)
// NB. CTRL+RESET doesn't clear m_ctrlArtAmp.CTL (ie. if the device is in power-down/standby mode then ignore RST)
// Speculate that there's a bug in the SSI263 and that RST should put the device into power-down/standby mode (ie. silence the device)
// TODO: Stick a 'scope on !PD/!RST pin 18 to see what the Phasor h/w does.
if ((m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) == 0)
void SSI263::Mute(void)
if (SSI263SingleVoice.bActive && !SSI263SingleVoice.bMute)
SSI263SingleVoice.bMute = true;
void SSI263::Unmute(void)
if (SSI263SingleVoice.bActive && SSI263SingleVoice.bMute)
SSI263SingleVoice.bMute = false;
void SSI263::SetVolume(DWORD dwVolume, DWORD dwVolumeMax)
SSI263SingleVoice.dwUserVolume = dwVolume;
SSI263SingleVoice.nVolume = NewVolume(dwVolume, dwVolumeMax);
if (SSI263SingleVoice.bActive && !SSI263SingleVoice.bMute)
void SSI263::PeriodicUpdate(UINT executedCycles)
const UINT kCyclesPerAudioFrame = 1000;
m_cyclesThisAudioFrame += executedCycles;
if (m_cyclesThisAudioFrame < kCyclesPerAudioFrame)
m_cyclesThisAudioFrame %= kCyclesPerAudioFrame;
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263 "SSI263"
// NB. No version - this is determined by the parent "Mockingboard C" or "Phasor" unit
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_DUR_PHON "Duration / Phoneme"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_INF "Inflection"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_RATE_INF "Rate / Inflection"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_CTRL_ART_AMP "Control / Articulation / Amplitude"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_FILTER_FREQ "Filter Frequency"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_CURRENT_MODE "Current Mode"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_ACTIVE_PHONEME "Active Phoneme"
void SSI263::SaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper)
YamlSaveHelper::Label label(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_DUR_PHON, m_durationPhoneme);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_INF, m_inflection);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_RATE_INF, m_rateInflection);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_CTRL_ART_AMP, m_ctrlArtAmp);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_FILTER_FREQ, m_filterFreq);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_CURRENT_MODE, m_currentMode.mode);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveBool(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_ACTIVE_PHONEME, IsPhonemeActive());
void SSI263::LoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, PHASOR_MODE mode, UINT version)
if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263))
throw std::runtime_error("Card: Expected key: " SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263);
m_durationPhoneme = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_DUR_PHON);
m_inflection = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_INF);
m_rateInflection = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_RATE_INF);
m_ctrlArtAmp = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_CTRL_ART_AMP);
m_filterFreq = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_REG_FILTER_FREQ);
m_currentMode.mode = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_CURRENT_MODE);
bool activePhoneme = (version >= 7) ? yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_SSI263_ACTIVE_PHONEME) : false;
m_currentActivePhoneme = !activePhoneme ? -1 : 0x00; // Not important which phoneme, since UpdateIRQ() resets this
if (version < 12)
if (m_currentMode.function == 0) // invalid function (but in older versions this was accepted)
m_currentMode.function = MODE_PHONEME_TRANSITIONED_INFLECTION >> DURATION_MODE_SHIFT; // Typically this is used
m_currentMode.enableInts = 0;
m_currentMode.enableInts = 1;
_ASSERT(m_device != BYTE(-1));
// Only need to directly assert IRQ for Phasor mode (for Mockingboard mode it's done via UpdateIFR() in parent)
if (m_cardMode == PH_Phasor && (m_ctrlArtAmp & CONTROL_MASK) == 0 && m_currentMode.enableInts && m_currentMode.D7 == 1)
if (IsPhonemeActive())
UpdateIRQ(); // Pre: m_device, m_cardMode
m_lastUpdateCycle = GetLastCumulativeCycles();
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SC01 "SC01"
// NB. No version - this is determined by the parent "Mockingboard C" or "Phasor" unit
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_PHONEME "SC01 Phoneme"
#define SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_ACTIVE_PHONEME "SC01 Active Phoneme"
void SSI263::SC01_SaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper)
YamlSaveHelper::Label label(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_SC01);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_PHONEME, m_votraxPhoneme);
yamlSaveHelper.SaveBool(SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_ACTIVE_PHONEME, m_isVotraxPhoneme);
void SSI263::SC01_LoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT version)
if (version < 12)
m_votraxPhoneme = 0;
// NB. m_isVotraxPhoneme already set by SetVotraxPhoneme() by parent
if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(SS_YAML_KEY_SC01))
throw std::runtime_error("Card: Expected key: " SS_YAML_KEY_SC01);
m_votraxPhoneme = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_PHONEME);
m_isVotraxPhoneme = yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_SC01_ACTIVE_PHONEME);