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AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien
Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt
Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth
Copyright (C) 2006-2015, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski
AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* Description: Pravets - Apple II clone
* Author: Various
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Pravets.h"
#include "Core.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "Keyboard.h"
#include "Tape.h"
// Pravets 8A
g_CapsLockAllowed = false;
// Pravets 8A/8C
P8CAPS_ON = false;
P8Shift = false;
void Pravets::Reset(void)
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A)
P8CAPS_ON = false;
g_CapsLockAllowed = false;
GetFrame().FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_DISK_STATUS);
//In Pravets8A/C if SETMODE (8bit character encoding) is enabled, bit6 in $C060 is 0; Else it is 1
//If (CAPS lOCK of Pravets8A/C is on or Shift is pressed) and (MODE is enabled), bit7 in $C000 is 1; Else it is 0
//Writing into $C060 sets MODE on and off. If bit 0 is 0 the the MODE is set 0, if bit 0 is 1 then MODE is set to 1 (8-bit)
BYTE Pravets::GetKeycode(BYTE floatingBus) // Read $C060
const BYTE uCurrentKeystroke = KeybGetKeycode();
BYTE C060 = floatingBus;
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A && g_CapsLockAllowed) //8bit keyboard mode
if ((!P8CAPS_ON && !P8Shift) || (P8CAPS_ON && P8Shift)) //LowerCase
if ((uCurrentKeystroke<65) //|| ((uCurrentKeystroke>90) && (uCurrentKeystroke<96))
|| ((uCurrentKeystroke>126) && (uCurrentKeystroke<193)))
C060 |= 1 << 7; //Sets bit 7 to 1 for special keys (arrows, return, etc) and for control+ key combinations.
C060 &= 0x7F; //sets bit 7 to 0
else //UpperCase
C060 |= 1 << 7;
else //7bit keyboard mode
C060 &= 0xBF; //Sets bit 6 to 0; I am not sure if this shall be done, because its value is disregarded in this case.
C060 |= 1 << 7; //Sets bit 7 to 1
return C060;
BYTE Pravets::SetCapsLockAllowed(BYTE value) // Write $C060
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A)
//If bit0 of the input byte is 0, it will forbid 8-bit characters (Default)
//If bit0 of the input byte is 1, it will allow 8-bit characters
if (value & 1)
g_CapsLockAllowed = true;
g_CapsLockAllowed = false;
return 0;
BYTE Pravets::ConvertToKeycode(WPARAM key, BYTE keycode)
if (KeybGetCapsStatus() && (key >= 'a') && (key <='z'))
P8Shift = true;
P8Shift = false;
//The latter line should be applied for Pravtes 8A/C only, but not for Pravets 82/M !!!
if ((KeybGetCapsStatus() == false) && (key >= 'A') && (key <='Z'))
P8Shift = true;
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A)
keycode = key + 32;
//Remap some keys for Pravets82/M
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS82)
if (key == 64)
keycode = 96;
if (key == '^')
keycode = '~';
if (KeybGetCapsStatus() == false) //cyrillic letters
if (key == '`') keycode = '^';
if (key == 92) keycode = '@'; // \ to @
if (key == 124) keycode = 92;
else //(g_bCapsLock == true) //latin letters
if (key == 91) keycode = 123;
if (key == 93) keycode = 125;
if (key == 124) keycode = 92;
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M) //Pravets 8M charset is still uncertain
if (KeybGetCapsStatus() == false) //cyrillic letters
if (key == '[') keycode = '{';
if (key == ']') keycode = '}';
if (key == '`') keycode = '~'; //96= key `~
if (key == 92) keycode = 96;
else //latin letters
if (key == '`')
keycode = '^'; //96= key `~
//Remap some keys for Pravets8A/C, which has a different charset for Pravtes82/M, whose keys MUST NOT be remapped.
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A) //&& (g_bCapsLock == false))
if (KeybGetCapsStatus() == false) //i.e. cyrillic letters
if (key == '[') keycode = '{';
if (key == ']') keycode = '}';
if (key == '`') keycode = '~';
if (key == 92) keycode = 96;
if (g_CapsLockAllowed == true)
if ((key == 92) || (key == 124)) keycode = 96; //Ý to Þ
//This shall be rewriten, so that enabling CAPS_LOCK (i.e. F10) will not invert these keys values)
//The same for latin letters.
if ((key == '{') || (key == '}') || (key == '~') || (key == 124) || (key == '^') || (key == 95))
P8Shift = true;
else //i.e. latin letters
if (g_CapsLockAllowed == false)
if (key == '{') keycode = '[';
if (key == '}') keycode = ']';
if (key == 124)
keycode = 92;
/*if (key == 92)
keycode = 124;*/
//Characters ` and ~ cannot be generated in 7bit character mode, so they are replaced with
if (key == '{') keycode = 91;
if (key == '}') keycode = 93;
if (key == 124) keycode = 92;
if ((key == '[') || (key == ']') || (key == 92) || (key == '^') || (key == 95))
P8Shift = true;
if (key == 96) //This line shall generate sth. else i.e. ` In fact. this character is not generateable by the pravets keyboard.
keycode = '^';
P8Shift = true;
if (key == 126) keycode = '^';
return keycode;
BYTE Pravets::ConvertToPrinterChar(BYTE value)
char Lat8A[]= "abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc~{}yx`q|]";
char Lat82[]= "abwgdevzijklmnoprstufhc^[]yx@q{}~`";
char Kir8ALowerCase[]= "àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúüþÿý";
BYTE c = 0;
if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A) //This is print conversion for Pravets 8A/C. Print conversion for Pravets82/M is still to be done.
if ((value > 90) && (value < 128)) //This range shall be set more precisely
c = value;
int loop = 0;
while (loop < 31)
if (c == Lat8A[loop])
c = Kir8ALowerCase[loop];
else if ((value > 64) && (value < 91))
c = value + 32;
c = value & 0x7F;
int loop = 0;
while (loop < 31)
if (c == Lat8A[loop])
c = Kir8ACapital[loop];
else if (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS82 || GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M)
c = value & 0x7F;
int loop = 0;
while (loop < 34)
if (c == Lat82[loop])
c = Kir82[loop];
return c;