Andrea d6d76ae6bc Memory fix for struct ImageInfo (PR #715)
ImageInfo is not a POD and cannot simply be initialised with ZeroMemory()
. the std::string constructor must be called.
. ImageInfo: simplify code using new / delete vs VirtualAlloc
Also fixed mismatching new / delete [] reported by valgrind
2019-11-11 14:09:29 +00:00

383 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include "DiskDefs.h"
#include "zip.h"
#define GZ_SUFFIX ".gz"
#define GZ_SUFFIX_LEN (sizeof(GZ_SUFFIX)-1)
#define ZIP_SUFFIX ".zip"
#define ZIP_SUFFIX_LEN (sizeof(ZIP_SUFFIX)-1)
enum eImageType {eImageUNKNOWN, eImageDO, eImagePO, eImageNIB1, eImageNIB2, eImageHDV, eImageIIE, eImageAPL, eImagePRG, eImageWOZ1, eImageWOZ2};
enum eDetectResult {eMismatch, ePossibleMatch, eMatch};
class CImageBase;
class CImageHelperBase;
enum FileType_e {eFileNormal, eFileGZip, eFileZip};
struct ImageInfo
std::string szFilename;
CImageBase* pImageType;
CImageHelperBase* pImageHelper;
FileType_e FileType;
DWORD uOffset;
bool bWriteProtected;
UINT uImageSize;
std::string szFilenameInZip;
zip_fileinfo zipFileInfo;
UINT uNumEntriesInZip;
// Floppy only
UINT uNumTracks;
BYTE* pImageBuffer;
BYTE* pTrackMap; // WOZ only
BYTE optimalBitTiming; // WOZ only
#define HD_BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define UNIDISK35_800K_SIZE (800*1024) // UniDisk 3.5"
#define HARDDISK_32M_SIZE (HD_BLOCK_SIZE * 65536)
class CImageBase
CImageBase(void) : m_uNumTracksInImage(0), m_uVolumeNumber(DEFAULT_VOLUME_NUMBER) {}
virtual ~CImageBase(void) {}
virtual bool Boot(ImageInfo* pImageInfo) { return false; }
virtual eDetectResult Detect(const LPBYTE pImage, const DWORD dwImageSize, const TCHAR* pszExt) = 0;
virtual void Read(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const float phase, LPBYTE pTrackImageBuffer, int* pNibbles, UINT* pBitCount, bool enhanceDisk) { }
virtual bool Read(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, UINT nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer) { return false; }
virtual void Write(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const float phase, LPBYTE pTrackImageBuffer, int nNibbles) { }
virtual bool Write(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, UINT nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer) { return false; }
virtual bool AllowBoot(void) { return false; } // Only: APL and PRG
virtual bool AllowRW(void) { return true; } // All but: APL and PRG
virtual bool AllowCreate(void) { return false; } // WE CREATE ONLY DOS ORDER (DO) OR 6656-NIBBLE (NIB) FORMAT FILES
virtual UINT GetImageSizeForCreate(void) { _ASSERT(0); return (UINT)-1; }
virtual eImageType GetType(void) = 0;
virtual const char* GetCreateExtensions(void) = 0;
virtual const char* GetRejectExtensions(void) = 0;
void SetVolumeNumber(const BYTE uVolumeNumber) { m_uVolumeNumber = uVolumeNumber; }
bool IsValidImageSize(const DWORD uImageSize);
// To accurately convert a half phase (quarter track) back to a track (round half tracks down), use: ceil(phase)/2, eg:
// . phase=4,+1 half phase = phase 4.5 => ceil(4.5)/2 = track 2 (OK)
// . phase=4,-1 half phase = phase 3.5 => ceil(3.5)/2 = track 2 (OK)
UINT PhaseToTrack(const float phase) { return ((UINT)ceil(phase)) >> 1; }
enum SectorOrder_e {eProDOSOrder, eDOSOrder, eSIMSYSTEMOrder, NUM_SECTOR_ORDERS};
bool ReadTrack(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const int nTrack, LPBYTE pTrackBuffer, const UINT uTrackSize);
bool WriteTrack(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const int nTrack, LPBYTE pTrackBuffer, const UINT uTrackSize);
bool ReadBlock(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const int nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer);
bool WriteBlock(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const int nBlock, LPBYTE pBlockBuffer);
LPBYTE Code62(int sector);
void Decode62(LPBYTE imageptr);
void DenibblizeTrack (LPBYTE trackimage, SectorOrder_e SectorOrder, int nibbles);
DWORD NibblizeTrack (LPBYTE trackimagebuffer, SectorOrder_e SectorOrder, int track);
void SkewTrack (const int nTrack, const int nNumNibbles, const LPBYTE pTrackImageBuffer);
static LPBYTE ms_pWorkBuffer;
UINT m_uNumTracksInImage; // Init'd by CDiskImageHelper.Detect()/GetImageForCreation() & possibly updated by IsValidImageSize()
static BYTE ms_DiskByte[0x40];
BYTE m_uVolumeNumber;
class CHdrHelper
virtual eDetectResult DetectHdr(LPBYTE& pImage, DWORD& dwImageSize, DWORD& dwOffset) = 0;
virtual UINT GetMaxHdrSize(void) = 0;
CHdrHelper(void) {}
virtual ~CHdrHelper(void) {}
class CMacBinaryHelper : public CHdrHelper
CMacBinaryHelper(void) {}
virtual ~CMacBinaryHelper(void) {}
virtual eDetectResult DetectHdr(LPBYTE& pImage, DWORD& dwImageSize, DWORD& dwOffset);
virtual UINT GetMaxHdrSize(void) { return uMacBinHdrSize; }
static const UINT uMacBinHdrSize = 128;
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1) // Ensure Header2IMG & WOZ structs are packed
class C2IMGHelper : public CHdrHelper
C2IMGHelper(const bool bIsFloppy) : m_bIsFloppy(bIsFloppy) {}
virtual ~C2IMGHelper(void) {}
virtual eDetectResult DetectHdr(LPBYTE& pImage, DWORD& dwImageSize, DWORD& dwOffset);
virtual UINT GetMaxHdrSize(void) { return sizeof(Header2IMG); }
BYTE GetVolumeNumber(void);
bool IsLocked(void);
bool IsImageFormatDOS33(void) { return m_Hdr.ImageFormat == e2IMGFormatDOS33; }
bool IsImageFormatProDOS(void) { return m_Hdr.ImageFormat == e2IMGFormatProDOS; }
static const UINT32 FormatID_2IMG = 'GMI2'; // '2IMG'
static const UINT32 Creator_2IMG_AppleWin = '1vWA'; // 'AWv1'
static const USHORT Version_2IMG_AppleWin = 1;
enum ImageFormat2IMG_e { e2IMGFormatDOS33=0, e2IMGFormatProDOS, e2IMGFormatNIBData };
struct Flags2IMG
UINT32 VolumeNumber : 8; // bits7-0
UINT32 bDOS33VolumeNumberValid : 1;
UINT32 Pad : 22;
UINT32 bDiskImageLocked : 1; // bit31
struct Header2IMG
UINT32 FormatID; // "2IMG"
UINT32 CreatorID;
USHORT HeaderSize;
USHORT Version;
ImageFormat2IMG_e ImageFormat;
UINT32 ImageFormatRaw;
Flags2IMG Flags;
UINT32 FlagsRaw;
UINT32 NumBlocks; // The number of 512-byte blocks in the disk image
UINT32 DiskDataOffset;
UINT32 DiskDataLength;
UINT32 CommentOffset; // Optional
UINT32 CommentLength; // Optional
UINT32 CreatorOffset; // Optional
UINT32 CreatorLength; // Optional
BYTE Padding[16];
Header2IMG m_Hdr;
bool m_bIsFloppy;
class CWOZHelper : public CHdrHelper
CWOZHelper() :
virtual ~CWOZHelper(void) {}
virtual eDetectResult DetectHdr(LPBYTE& pImage, DWORD& dwImageSize, DWORD& dwOffset) { _ASSERT(0); return eMismatch; }
virtual UINT GetMaxHdrSize(void) { return sizeof(WOZHeader); }
eDetectResult ProcessChunks(const LPBYTE pImage, const DWORD dwImageSize, DWORD& dwOffset, BYTE*& pTrackMap);
bool IsWriteProtected(void) { return m_pInfo->v1.writeProtected == 1; }
BYTE GetOptimalBitTiming(void) { return (m_pInfo->v1.version == 1) ? CWOZHelper::InfoChunkv2::optimalBitTiming5_25 : m_pInfo->optimalBitTiming; }
static const UINT32 ID1_WOZ1 = '1ZOW'; // 'WOZ1'
static const UINT32 ID1_WOZ2 = '2ZOW'; // 'WOZ2'
static const UINT32 ID2 = 0x0A0D0AFF;
struct WOZHeader
UINT32 id1; // 'WOZ1' or 'WOZ2'
UINT32 id2;
UINT32 crc32;
static const UINT32 MAX_TRACKS_5_25 = 40;
static const UINT32 WOZ1_TRACK_SIZE = 6656; // 0x1A00
static const UINT32 WOZ1_TRK_OFFSET = 6646;
static const UINT32 EMPTY_TRACK_SIZE = 6400;
struct TRKv1
UINT16 bytesUsed;
UINT16 bitCount;
UINT16 splicePoint;
BYTE spliceNibble;
BYTE spliceBitCount;
UINT16 reserved;
struct TRKv2
UINT16 startBlock; // relative to start of file
UINT16 blockCount; // number of blocks for this BITS data
UINT32 bitCount;
static const UINT32 INFO_CHUNK_ID = 'OFNI'; // 'INFO'
static const UINT32 TMAP_CHUNK_ID = 'PAMT'; // 'TMAP'
static const UINT32 TRKS_CHUNK_ID = 'SKRT'; // 'TRKS'
static const UINT32 WRIT_CHUNK_ID = 'TIRW'; // 'WRIT' - WOZv2
static const UINT32 META_CHUNK_ID = 'ATEM'; // 'META'
struct InfoChunk
UINT32 id;
UINT32 size;
BYTE version;
BYTE diskType;
BYTE writeProtected; // 1 = Floppy is write protected
BYTE synchronized; // 1 = Cross track sync was used during imaging
BYTE cleaned; // 1 = MC3470 fake bits have been removed
BYTE creator[32]; // Name of software that created the WOZ file.
// String in UTF-8. No BOM. Padded to 32 bytes
// using space character (0x20).
static const BYTE maxSupportedVersion = 2;
static const BYTE diskType5_25 = 1;
static const BYTE diskType3_5 = 2;
struct InfoChunkv2
InfoChunk v1;
BYTE diskSides; // 5.25 will always be 1; 3.5 can be 1 or 2
BYTE bootSectorFormat;
BYTE optimalBitTiming; // in 125ns increments (And a standard bit rate for 5.25 disk would be 32 (4us))
UINT16 compatibleHardware;
UINT16 requiredRAM; // in K (1024 bytes)
UINT16 largestTrack; // in blocks (512 bytes)
static const BYTE bootUnknown = 0;
static const BYTE bootSector16 = 1;
static const BYTE bootSector13 = 2;
static const BYTE bootSectorBoth = 3;
static const BYTE optimalBitTiming5_25 = 32;
InfoChunkv2* m_pInfo;
#pragma pack(pop)
class CImageHelperBase
CImageHelperBase(const bool bIsFloppy) :
virtual ~CImageHelperBase(void)
for (UINT i=0; i<m_vecImageTypes.size(); i++)
delete m_vecImageTypes[i];
ImageError_e Open(LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const bool bCreateIfNecessary, std::string& strFilenameInZip);
void Close(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const bool bDeleteFile);
virtual CImageBase* Detect(LPBYTE pImage, DWORD dwSize, const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD& dwOffset, bool& writeProtected, BYTE*& pTrackMap, BYTE& optimalBitTiming) = 0;
virtual CImageBase* GetImageForCreation(const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD* pCreateImageSize) = 0;
virtual UINT GetMaxImageSize(void) = 0;
virtual UINT GetMinDetectSize(const UINT uImageSize, bool* pTempDetectBuffer) = 0;
ImageError_e CheckGZipFile(LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, ImageInfo* pImageInfo);
ImageError_e CheckZipFile(LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, ImageInfo* pImageInfo, std::string& strFilenameInZip);
ImageError_e CheckNormalFile(LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, ImageInfo* pImageInfo, const bool bCreateIfNecessary);
void GetCharLowerExt(TCHAR* pszExt, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const UINT uExtSize);
void GetCharLowerExt2(TCHAR* pszExt, LPCTSTR pszImageFilename, const UINT uExtSize);
void SetImageInfo(ImageInfo* pImageInfo, FileType_e eFileGZip, DWORD dwOffset, CImageBase* pImageType, DWORD dwSize);
UINT GetNumImages(void) { return m_vecImageTypes.size(); };
CImageBase* GetImage(UINT uIndex) { _ASSERT(uIndex<GetNumImages()); return m_vecImageTypes[uIndex]; }
CImageBase* GetImage(eImageType Type)
if (Type == eImageUNKNOWN)
return NULL;
for (UINT i=0; i<GetNumImages(); i++)
if (m_vecImageTypes[i]->GetType() == Type)
return m_vecImageTypes[i];
return NULL;
typedef std::vector<CImageBase*> VECIMAGETYPE;
VECIMAGETYPE m_vecImageTypes;
C2IMGHelper m_2IMGHelper;
eDetectResult m_Result2IMG;
CWOZHelper m_WOZHelper;
class CDiskImageHelper : public CImageHelperBase
virtual ~CDiskImageHelper(void) {}
virtual CImageBase* Detect(LPBYTE pImage, DWORD dwSize, const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD& dwOffset, bool& writeProtected, BYTE*& pTrackMap, BYTE& optimalBitTiming);
virtual CImageBase* GetImageForCreation(const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD* pCreateImageSize);
virtual UINT GetMaxImageSize(void);
virtual UINT GetMinDetectSize(const UINT uImageSize, bool* pTempDetectBuffer);
UINT GetNumTracksInImage(CImageBase* pImageType) { return pImageType->m_uNumTracksInImage; }
void SetNumTracksInImage(CImageBase* pImageType, UINT uNumTracks) { pImageType->m_uNumTracksInImage = uNumTracks; }
LPBYTE GetWorkBuffer(void) { return CImageBase::ms_pWorkBuffer; }
void SetWorkBuffer(LPBYTE pBuffer) { CImageBase::ms_pWorkBuffer = pBuffer; }
void SkipMacBinaryHdr(LPBYTE& pImage, DWORD& dwSize, DWORD& dwOffset);
CMacBinaryHelper m_MacBinaryHelper;
class CHardDiskImageHelper : public CImageHelperBase
virtual ~CHardDiskImageHelper(void) {}
virtual CImageBase* Detect(LPBYTE pImage, DWORD dwSize, const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD& dwOffset, bool& writeProtected, BYTE*& pTrackMap, BYTE& optimalBitTiming);
virtual CImageBase* GetImageForCreation(const TCHAR* pszExt, DWORD* pCreateImageSize);
virtual UINT GetMaxImageSize(void);
virtual UINT GetMinDetectSize(const UINT uImageSize, bool* pTempDetectBuffer);