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<h2 style="COLOR: rgb(0,128,0)">Command line</h2>
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<p style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">AppleWin can be driven from the command line as
-conf <pathname><br>
Use an INI file for configuration instead of the Registry.<br><br>
-current-dir <path><br>
This is guaranteed to be processed after all the image loading switches (eg. -d1, -h1, etc).<br>
Use this switch if you have a mix of (eg) -d1 and -h1 loading images from different folders, and you want to guarantee the current dir.<br><br>
-d1 <pathname><br>
Start with a floppy disk in slot 6 drive-1 (and auto power-on the Apple II).<br>
NB. -s6d1 has the meaning same as -d1.<br><br>
-d2 <pathname><br>
Start with a floppy disk in slot 6 drive-2.<br>
NB. -s6d2 has the meaning same as -d2.<br><br>
-s5d1 <pathname><br>
Start with a floppy disk in slot 5 drive-1 (must be used with '-s5 diskii').<br><br>
-s5d2 <pathname><br>
Start with a floppy disk in slot 5 drive-2 (must be used with '-s5 diskii').<br><br>
-h1 <pathname><br>
Start with hard disk 1 plugged-in (and auto power-on the Apple II). NB. Hard disk controller card gets enabled.<br><br>
-h2 <pathname><br>
Start with hard disk 2 plugged-in. NB. Hard disk controller card gets enabled.<br><br>
-model <apple2|apple2p|apple2jp|apple2e|apple2ee><br>
Select the machine model: Apple II, Apple II+, Apple II J-Plus, Apple //e, Enhanced Apple //e.<br><br>
-clock-multiplier <value><br>
Where value is between 0.5 and 3.9, and is a base-clock multiplier, roughly mapping to 0.5MHz - 3.9MHz<br><br>
-s0 <saturn|saturn64|saturn128><br>
Insert a Saturn 64K or Saturn 128K card into slot 0 in the Apple II or II+ machines (or similar clone).<br>
Where -s0 saturn is an alias for -s0 saturn128.<br><br>
-s0 <languagecard|lc><br>
Insert an Apple 16K Language Card into slot 0 in the original Apple II and use the F8 auto-start ROM.<br>
NB. The Apple II+ already defaults to having a Language Card, so this switch is not required.<br><br>
-s1 empty<br>
Remove the printer card from slot 1.<br><br>
-s2 empty<br>
Remove the SSC card from slot 2.<br><br>
-s3 empty<br>
Remove the Uthernet card from slot 3.<br><br>
-s5 diskii<br>
Insert a 2nd Disk II controller card into slot 5.<br><br>
-s6 empty<br>
Remove the Disk II controller card from slot 6.<br><br>
-s7 empty<br>
Remove the hard disk controller card from slot 7.<br>
Useful to allow a floppy disk to boot from slot 6, drive 1. Use in combination with -d1.<br><br>
Remove the hard disk controller card from slot 7 on AppleWin exit.<br><br>
Remove the No-Slot clock (NSC).<br><br>
-r <number of pages><br>
Emulate a RamWorks III card with 1 to 127 pages (each page is 64K, giving a max of 8MB) in the auxiliary slot in an Apple //e machine.<br><br>
-load-state <savestate><br>
Load a save-state file (and auto power-on the Apple II).<br>
NB. This takes precedent over the -d1, -d2, -d#s#, -h1, -h2, s0-7, -model and -r switches.<br><br>
Start in full-screen mode<br><br>
Use to select a better resolution for full-screen mode.<br>
<li>best: picks the highest resolution where the height is an integer multiple of (192*2)</li>
<li>nnnn: select a specific resolution with height=nnnn pixels</li>
NB. This changes the display resolution (and restores on exit).<br><br>
-rom <file><br>
Use custom 12K ROM (at $D000) for Apple II machine, or 16K ROM (at $C000) for Apple //e machine.<br><br>
-f8rom <file><br>
Use custom 2K ROM for any Apple II machine at [$F800..$FFFF]. <file> must be 2048 bytes long.<br><br>
-videorom <file><br>
Use an alternate custom 2K video ROM for Apple II or II+ machines (but not clones).<br>
Use an alternate European or custom 4K, 8K or 16K (top 8K only) video ROM for the original or Enhanced //e (but not clones).<br><br>
Enable the dialog box to display the last file saved to<br><br>
Prevent the PrintScreen key from being registered<br><br>
Prevent certain system key combinations from being hooked (to prevent the emulator from trapping ALT+ESC, ALT+SPACE, ALT+TAB and CTRL+ESC). This means that the equivalent Open Apple+<key> combinations won't work within the emulator.<br>
NB. This switch takes precedence over -hook-alt-tab and -hook-altgr-control.<br><br>
Prevent the left and right ALT keys from being hooked (eg. to prevent emulation of Open/Solid Apple keys via the ALT keys).<br><br>
By default the emulator doesn't hook ALT+TAB. Use this to allow Open Apple+TAB to be readable by the emulated machine.<br><br>
By default the emulator doesn't suppress AltGr's (Right Alt's) fake LEFT CONTROL. Use this to suppress this fake LEFT CONTROL to allow Solid Apple+CTRL+<key> to be readable by the emulated machine.<br>
NB. Suppressing this fake LEFT CONTROL seems to prevent international keyboards from being able to type certain keys.<br><br>
Use this switch to allow Solid Apple (AltGr) to be used in combination with regular keys.<br>
When AltGr is pressed, Windows only sends a WM_CHAR message for (eg) international key codes; and so by default the emulator doesn't explicitly send a WM_CHAR message for regular keys when AltGr is being pressed.<br>
NB. Using this switch may prevent international keyboards from being able to type certain keys.<br><br>
Use Left Control & Left Alt for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys respectively.<br>
Caveat: Left Control + F2 will do the //e Ctrl+Open Apple+RESET (as Left Control is now both Ctrl and Open Apple!). A workaround is just to use the Right Control key.<br><br>
Use Right Alt (AltGr) & Right Control for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys respectively.<br>
Caveat: Right Control + F2 will do the //e self test (as Right Control is now both Ctrl and Solid Apple!). A workaround is just to use the Left Control key.<br><br>
Swap the Windows keys used for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys.<br><br>
Enables Advanced configuration control to allow dumping to a real printer<br><br>
Disable registration of file extensions (.do/.dsk/.nib/.po/.woz)<br><br>
-memclear <n><br>
Where n is [0..7]:
<li>0 Initialize memory to zero</li>
<li>1 Initialize memory to random values</li>
<li>2 Initialize memory to 4 byte pattern: FF FF 00 00</li>
<li>3 Initialize memory to even pages FF, odd pages 00</li>
<li>4 Initialize memory to first half page 00, last half page FF</li>
<li>5 Initialize memory to first half page FF, last half page 00</li>
<li>6 Initialize memory to byte offset of that page
(current memory address low byte)
i.e. 00:00 01 02 03 ... for page $20</li>
<li>7 Initialize memory to page address
(current memory address high byte)
i.e. 00:20 20 20 20 ... for page $20</li>
Shorthand for passing -dcd<br>
Use with GBBS Pro (or any other BBS package). See the <a href="http://www.callapple.org/documentation/books/gbbs-pro-2-2/">GBBS Pro 2.2</a> book from Call-A.P.P.L.E.
For the SSC's 6551's Status register's DCD bit, use this switch to force AppleWin to use the state of the MS_RLSD_ON bit from GetCommModemStatus().<br><br>
Define the behavior of Alt+Enter:
<li>Either: Toggle between windowed and full screen video modes (default).
<li>Or: Allow the emulated Apple II to read the Enter key state when Alt (Open Apple key) is pressed.
Force the RGB card (in "Color (RGB Monitor)" video mode) to invert bit7 in MIX mode. Enables the correct rendering for Dragon Wars.<br><br>
Support 50Hz(PAL) video refresh rate and PAL 1.016MHz base CPU clock.<br><br>
Support 60Hz(NTSC) video refresh rate and NTSC 1.020MHz base CPU clock (default).<br><br>
Force a power-on.<br>
Use to auto power-on when not using -d1, -h1 or -load-state.<br>
<P style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Debug arguments:
-l or -log<br>
Enable logging. Creates an AppleWin.log file.<br><br>
Disable DirectSound support.<br><br>
Suppress the warning message-box if AppleWin fails to capture the PrintScreen key.<br><br>
For testing. Use in combination with -load-state.<br><br>