package project import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "os" "" ) type Project struct { name string Disks []Disk Assemble []string Indent []string AssembleFlags string } type Disk struct { Name string File string Size string Files []File } type File struct { Input string Output string } type LocalConfig struct { Programs Programs `mapstructure:"programs"` } type Programs struct { Merlin32 string Cadius string Gsplus string } const Merlin32Path = "/usr/local/bin/merlin32" const CadiusPath = "/usr/local/bin/cadius" const GsplusPath = "gsplus" var AppyProj Project var LocalConf LocalConfig func SelfConfigure() { = "Default" AppyProj.AssembleFlags = "" LocalConf.Programs.Merlin32 = Merlin32Path LocalConf.Programs.Cadius = CadiusPath LocalConf.Programs.Gsplus = GsplusPath // first do main configuration err := viper.Unmarshal(&AppyProj) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to decode MAIN config into struct, %v", err) } handleLocalConfigs() } func handleLocalConfigs() { // @todo: also allow flag for filename localConfigFile := "appy.user.yaml" if exists(localConfigFile) { v := viper.New() v.SetConfigName(localConfigFile) v.SetConfigType("yaml") v.AddConfigPath(".") err := v.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file if err != nil { // Handle errors reading the config file log.Fatalf("unable to read LOCAL config, %v", err) } err = v.Unmarshal(&LocalConf) if err != nil { panic("Unable to unmarshal local") } fmt.Println("Loaded local conf") } } func exists(path string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(path) return !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) } func Id() { fmt.Println("HI FROM:", }