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2006-10-17 22:05:05 +00:00
/* main.m
The application's global functions, including 'main'.
#import "Catakig-Cocoa.h"
struct CatakigGlobals G; // application-wide global variables
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
void BeepFor(BOOL success)
Optionally plays a sound, depending on user's preferences, to
indicate success or failure.
if (G.prefs.beepsOn)
[[NSSound soundNamed:(success? @"Glass" : @"Sosumi")] play];
void ErrorAlert(NSWindow* window, NSString* title, NSString* msg)
NSString* defaultButton = @"Okay"; //??
#if 0
if (errno != 0)
msg = [msg stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n\n(%d) %s",
errno, strerror(errno)]];
if (window != nil)
NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet(title, defaultButton, nil, nil,
window, nil, nil, nil, nil, msg);
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(title, msg, defaultButton, nil, nil);
void FatalErrorAlert(NSString* title, NSString* msg)
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(title, msg, nil, nil, nil);
[NSApp terminate:nil];
void SetMouseRange(void)
CGDirectDisplayID dpy = CGMainDisplayID();
union {
CGRect cg;
NSRect ns;
} bounds; = CGDisplayBounds(dpy);
if (NO)
NSLog(@"main display bounds: (%f %f) (%f %f)",
bounds.ns.origin.x, bounds.ns.origin.y,
bounds.ns.size.width, bounds.ns.size.height);
if (CGDisplayIsCaptured(dpy))
bounds.ns.origin.y =
[[NSScreen MenuBarScreen] frame].size.height -
[A2Computer SetMouseRangeTo:bounds.ns];
OSStatus AU_Open(AudioUnit* audioUnit)
Allocates and initializes a new output AudioUnit.
OSStatus sts;
UInt32 n;
Component comp;
ComponentDescription compDesc =
.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output,
.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput,
.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple,
.componentFlags = 0,
.componentFlagsMask = 0,
*audioUnit = 0;
if (NULL == (comp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &compDesc)))
return fnfErr;
if (noErr != (sts = OpenAComponent(comp, audioUnit)))
return sts;
#if 0
sts = AudioUnitSetProperty(*audioUnit,
kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global,
0, (n=364, &n), sizeof(n));
return AudioUnitInitialize(*audioUnit);
OSStatus AU_SetBufferFrameSize(AudioUnit audioUnit, UInt32 frameSize)
Sets the number of frames-per-buffer used by the given AudioUnit.
OSStatus sts;
UInt32 n;
AudioDeviceID device = 0;
sts = AudioUnitGetProperty(audioUnit,
kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Global,
0, &device, (n=sizeof(device), &n));
if (sts != noErr)
return sts;
sts = AudioDeviceSetProperty(device, NULL, 0, NO,
sizeof(frameSize), &frameSize);
#if 0
AudioDeviceGetProperty(device, 0, NO,
(n=sizeof(frameSize), &n), &frameSize);
NSLog(@"Device frame size is now %ld", frameSize);
Float64 rate;
AudioDeviceGetProperty(device, 0, NO,
(n=sizeof(rate), &n), &rate);
NSLog(@"Device nominal sample rate is %.2f", rate);
return sts;
void AU_Close(AudioUnit* audioUnit)
if (*audioUnit) // is open...
*audioUnit = 0;
BOOL GL_CheckExtension(const char* name)
Tests whether a given OpenGL extension is supported.
return gluCheckExtension((const GLubyte*)name,
void GL_ClearBothBuffers(void)
Clears both the front and back buffers of the current GL context.
NSOpenGLContext* context = [NSOpenGLContext currentContext];
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); [context flushBuffer];
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); [context flushBuffer];
void GL_PrepareViewport(int viewWidth, int viewHeight)
Sets up a centered, orthogonal projection for the current GL context.
int hMargin = (viewWidth - kA2ScreenWidth ) / 2,
vMargin = (viewHeight - kA2ScreenHeight) / 2;
glViewport(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);
glOrtho(-hMargin, viewWidth - hMargin,
viewHeight - vMargin, -vMargin,
0, 1);
void GL_PreparePalette(void)
for (int rgb = 3; --rgb >= 0;)
GLushort pal[4][64];
GLushort mono;
memset(pal, 0, sizeof(pal));
mono = 0x0101 * (G.prefs.monochromeHue >> (8*(2-rgb)) & 0xFF);
for (int i = 16; --i >= 0;)
pal[0][0x00|i] = pal[0][0x10|i] =
pal[0][0x20|i] = 0x1111 *
(A2G.standardColors[i]>>(4*(2-rgb)) & 15);
pal[2][0x10|i] = mono;
pal[2][0x20|i] = mono * ("0113123413243445"[i] & 7L) / 5;
memcpy(pal[1], pal[0], sizeof(pal[0]));
memcpy(pal[3], pal[2], sizeof(pal[2]));
pal[0][0x33] = pal[1][0x32] =
pal[0][0x31] = pal[1][0x31] = 0xFFFF;
pal[2][0x33] = pal[3][0x32] =
pal[2][0x31] = pal[3][0x31] = mono;
glPixelMapusv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R + rgb, 256, pal[0]);